Request for Feedback about Mix quality of the track on Professional Gear, Please..!

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by Dee.P.Tree, Jan 19, 2016.

  1. Dee.P.Tree

    Dee.P.Tree Producer

    Jul 30, 2015
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    Hi.. Friends... Hope you are having a great start of musical new year of 2016..!

    I am again here sharing my track: this time an attempt for a remix after a long time.

    Most of last year, I spent on sound designing and learning audio plugins.

    Last year, I had made some original tracks using only one synth-without using samples and had shared the in this thread:

    But... This track is with samples and freeware / DAW in-built plugins.

    So... Here it is:

    Please share your views about it. As always... I am open for any kind of feedback. Harsh criticism is also OK to me, if you feel I deserve it.

    Thank you.
  3. Dee.P.Tree

    Dee.P.Tree Producer

    Jul 30, 2015
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    I have made this track on laptop with cheap earbuds came along with mobile phone.

    So... I kindly request musicians and sound engineers who has high quality monitors or headphones.. to spare 5 minutes from busy schedule and give feedback for the track.

    Since I am not seasoned artist, I enter in the competitions to learn about production processes.

    I am still in search for "best" workflow for me. Still I find difficulty in song arrnagment and flow other than mixing.

    So again... I humbly request for feedback.

    Many thanks and Regards,
    Dee.P.Tree :bow:

    P.S.: if it appeals you, you may vote here:
  4. Dee.P.Tree

    Dee.P.Tree Producer

    Jul 30, 2015
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    Is it too bad....?? I could not get a single comment, not even negative one.
  5. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    Hey man,

    I think your mix is perfectly fine.

    This is not my favorite style by any means, but the song itself is very weird (in the good sense) and creative.

    I can feel you're trying to express yourself instead of copying others, and that's a great thing. :)
  6. lexeed

    lexeed Platinum Record

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Not too bad, esp for what you used to produce it. I've heard worse that used better equipment/plugins.
  7. Dee.P.Tree

    Dee.P.Tree Producer

    Jul 30, 2015
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    @RMorgan @lexeed thanks a lot for spending some time to listen my music and commenting.

  8. Kapatron

    Kapatron Member

    Jan 27, 2016
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    your beat programming and scene changes / arrangement are great. Your tone selection (like the horn coming in after the first break) are holding you back... the bassline and melody tension release is where you would want to focus next. You might want to establish a harmonic center (maybe in a minor key next time based on your style) and build melodies around a chord phrase that is more harmonically interesting than just the major chord variations you are using on top of the single octave. You might get more drama out of your music if you do that.

    as far as the mix goes, you have a lot of clutter in the midrange frequencies with a lot of pitched percussion, lead instruments and general noise all fighting for space. You also have very inconsistent low-frequency representation (sometimes its HUGE and sometimes it isn't where you had put it earlier. You would benefit by learning how to side-chain certain elements against your drum production. It would help by allowing your track to REACT to itself. That's why it is such a powerful and arguable "overused" effect (synths side-chained against kicks). A great band does this naturally when they play with eachother and no one complains about that, but since it's just you... go for it.

    Normal everyday music fans love MELODY and they love dramatic track arrangement... like hey heres a small something.. and then HEYYY here's a big something. They love repeated motifs they can recognize and recall... that way you can play with the expectation. If you play them an idea once, twice in a row... they may EXPECT it the third or fourth time.. that's the opportunity to switch it up and give them an unexpected twist. That's why the AABA and AAAB song structures are so powerful and always have been. If melody and chord arrangement isn't your strength, then you might want to lift some great chord arrangements from other songs you love while you get the hang of it. Don't be afraid to imitate because chances are the same thing you love from someone else.. was lifted from something that came before them; it's how it works.

    I also like the fx and ambiance you are creating with some of the techincal wizardry going on. great job man. keep it up.
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  9. dr.evil

    dr.evil Kapellmeister

    Mar 12, 2013
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    Well done mate! Considering your equipments..
    If You have musical sense and ears, gears are secondary ..
    About the mix quality, it's not really that bad. Open up the mix/tighten the lows.. Maybe some EQ, volume automation and stereo manipulation would do the trick.
    p.s. i have seen tracks with worse mix getting undivided praise from our in house 'professionals' with 'years of experience'.. Just saying.. :rofl:
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2016
  10. Can't wait to get home to listen to it. Welcome back Dee!!
  11. Dee.P.Tree

    Dee.P.Tree Producer

    Jul 30, 2015
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    @Kapatron thanks a lot ... For listening and giving me a detailed feedback. I really appreciate your effort.

    I fully respect each and every word from you. I accept your feedback.

    Actually... If I had received such detailed feedback earlier, I would have corrected immediately and re-posted. It is my remix entry for which due date has already passed.

    Anyway, I'll try to correct the song again for learning purpose.

    Again, Thanks a lot. :bow:
  12. Dee.P.Tree

    Dee.P.Tree Producer

    Jul 30, 2015
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    Thanks @dr.evil ...for listening, commenting and appreciation. I am revisiting this track again as an attempt to make better mix than now. Let me can I make it make better.

    I am always ready to listen facts about the music I create.

    As said earlier... I am also OK with the words like.. "Trash mix"... etc. Such harsh criticism (only if I deserve it) encourages me for hard work.

    Lack of high end gear should be considered for relaxation to any less quality music. Good music quality remains any case. Same for bad quality.

    In my learning period, I would respect all honest feedback.

    Thanks again. :bow: @dr.evil
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2016
  13. Dee.P.Tree

    Dee.P.Tree Producer

    Jul 30, 2015
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    Waiting for your feedback..too. :) @superliquidsunshine
  14. Dee.P.Tree

    Dee.P.Tree Producer

    Jul 30, 2015
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    OK... So.. Now... I will share news to my AudioSEX family about this remix.

    It has reached in top 50 for all genre talent pool chart of spinin' records.

    It has reached in top 10 for house genre talent pool chart of spinning' records

    This is first time...for me to get such recognition.

    I am not sure of winning the contest. In fact, I did not aim for that, if I frankly admit. But it was like an exercise for me to make track/remixes like PROs.


    Today... It got down by 3 position due to lack of fan base and their votes.

    Here is link for the track:
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2016
  15. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    Sorry, I had voted for you if I didn't need to create an account with spinning records...
  16. Dee.P.Tree

    Dee.P.Tree Producer

    Jul 30, 2015
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    That's OK my dear friend, @fraifikmushi

    Your INTENTION TO VOTE, is like VOTE for me.

    The idea of sharing this news is because AudioSEX community is like my extended family where I get opportunity to learn and share feelings.

    So.. It is my moral responsibility to share anything good happens with me regarding my music.

    Again, Thanks a lot for showing interest. :bow:
  17. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    saw this contest when it was open, interesting direction u took there!