Noisebud releases: Chokidar EQ

Discussion in 'Software News' started by theDingus, Jan 18, 2016.

  1. theDingus

    theDingus Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2014
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    Chokidar EQ is intended for balancing mixes in mastering. Chokidar is build from an ingenious analogue concept that would have knocked your socks of if it wasn’t for the amount of added noise. When we went through the blue prints for the analogue circuits we realized that it would be fairly easy to make a digital version that would be completely noise free (digital “cabling” is good that way) so we went ahead and created the Hi-Shelf filter at first and got stunned how good it was.

    The principle seemed to migrate really well into the digital world so we decided to build the whole damn thing. You can almost guess what it does by just listen to it and you might as well do that because we’re going to keep the concept a secret, at least for now.

    A FREE 3-band stereo version is available, while the paid version features additional hi-pass & lo-pass filters and mid-side settings for $11.99, with both versions also featuring a dry/wet knob and post-EQ gain setting.

    Until the end of January, the Chokidar EQ is available for 30% OFF using discount code chokidar, while the same 30% discount applies on Noisebud's All Plugins Bundle using code chokchok.

    Also, previous donors for the "All Plugins Bundle" can upgrade their bundle to the latest "All Plugins Bundle 2016 Q1-2" (which includes the new Chokidar, Burt 2.0 and v1.61 of Listen) for $3.99.

    As usual with Noisebud, both the free and paid versions are 32-bit VST only.

    More INFO: Noisebud | Chokidar EQ
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  3. stefodis

    stefodis Producer

    Feb 8, 2015
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    i just demoed it, it actually sounds good, very smooth... shame it's only 32bits :(
  4. Enoch007

    Enoch007 Kapellmeister

    Jun 16, 2011
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    32bit LEL
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