Why don't more producers use Twitch?

Discussion in 'Education' started by Bunford, Jan 17, 2016.

  1. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    I have recently been getting into Twitch a lot and watch a regular live stream from a film composer called Daniel James. They are excellent, interactive and he tends to go on for 4-8 hours and I feel like I get a lout out of it in terms of learning about his methods, how I can improve mine and building up relationships with other like minded people through the chat feature.

    I am just wondering why there isn't more music production streams on there? I mean, for one it can make good business sense. Daniel James does his for free, but you could be charging a $4.99 per month subscription fee and making money from it. I would happily pay that for regular, good quality streams. It is also much cheaper that other subscription models like Udemy, BassGorilla, Sonic Academy etc but much more interactive and, arguably, better quality due to having real people teaching and sharing tricks and techniques.

    Was just curious as it seems like a glaring omission from Twitch even though it could be quite a lucrative opportunity for a side project for some producers with a natural way for teaching.
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  2. SyNtH.

    SyNtH. Platinum Record

    Nov 27, 2013
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    You need pretty high upload speed to get a consistent framerate at a high quality (3000kbps - 6000bkps), off the gate most people dont have that. On top of this theres extra processing power required to actually broadcast your screen + latency if you use voicemeeter or some form of alternative for your streaming software to pick up both your mic and the audio from your DAW. The combination of all these things mean people cant stream. + people dont make songs on a reoccuring basis like those people do that stream, so they cant really schedule when they are making tunes as its spontaneous. Also some people dont want to reveal their mixing chain for whatever reason so they dont tell any information like that, which i think is unfortunate and to a degree understandable.
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  3. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    For me it's lack of time and opportunity. Whenever I get a break from producing and the rest of life's nitty-gritty stuff, I come here to Audiosex to kick the ball around with you guys, take a sanity break and maybe pick up some fresh ideas. It's a work:life balance thing.
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  4. kouros

    kouros Platinum Record

    Nov 7, 2014
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    That doesn't seem like a reason not to stream. There's a reason why we have buffers.

    Why would we need zero latency twitch streams? Daniel James once tested the roundtrip while streaming and it was around 17 seconds... which would be really bad in a DAW but in a streaming context, doesn't really matter.

    edit: not full roundtrip (obviously). Roundtrip as in him making a hand gesture, someone seeing it, writing on the chat and him reading it.
  5. Tim

    Tim Member

    Dec 31, 2015
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    HAHAHA lucrative HAHAHA then your efforts gets shared for free on here and elsewhere. Bang goes your bucks LMAO. The days of making money on the internet are gone gone gone. Suck it up amigo :)
    PS Popularity is your fee ;)
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    HETISFRANK Producer

    Dec 1, 2012
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    You seem very unaware about how big Twitch really is nowadays. It's obviously not this way for everyone, but the biggest streamers within popular games like League of Legends, Counter-Strike: GO and Hearthstone (among others) regularly pull in 5-6 figure earnings each month. This streaming platform has made quite a few adolescents multi-millionaires just by sitting on their ass all day and play their favorite video games while having a webcam pointed at their face and talking to whoever may be watching them. Not a bad way of going about making your money if you ask me.

    Personally, I think this avenue will grow from where it is right now for sure. But it will never become as big as streaming video games because it's a lot less relatable and your target audience is already a lot smaller. I mean, gaming is the largest entertainment industry in the World nowadays so your possible audience is gigantic. Making music on computers has become more mainstream and accessible due to the computer nowadays and platforms like our sister site letting anyone try (or just use) stuff like FL Studio or Ableton for free. But it still isn't and never will be as big as just playing plain-old video games for the simple fact that it actually takes skill, time and a lot of persistence. While the majority of video games require a lot less of any and all of that.

    I think the medium is pretty great and there are a few very solid music related streamers on there. It just takes some time to weed through them and make sure you have somebody knowledgeable on your screen. Personally, I only watch 4 streamers on there whenever I get the chance to do so. Those guys are Deadmau5, Xilent (who streams every Wednesday so I catch him the most since I can try and come online whenever he should be there, other music streamers don't really have a schedule so it's harder to catch them on), SeamlessR and the Daniel James guy you mentioned earlier. There are a bunch of other streamers active on the site, some even with legit professional music careers. But that doesn't mean they are made for this streaming thing which has some educational flavor to it. But the guys I mentioned earlier (except for Deadmau5, but he is just too inspirational to watch at times) usually explain whatever they are doing and quite often even answer questions from their chat if something interesting comes up.
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  7. Tim

    Tim Member

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Im drunk now so I have to say "f***up"! This is not related to music no matter how you try to force it. Where are the useless MODS!?
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  8. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Location Location
    If you have nothing useful or can't stay on a certain topic...please do not post

    Useless Mods??? Time for you to take a break from audiosex or become a mod and show us how its done. Where's the respect????
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  9. MrRobRancor

    MrRobRancor Ultrasonic

    Sep 20, 2014
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    I use my machine for game streaming and music prodution. I have a gtx 980 ti so I can get a consistent 60 fps while streaming.. It never really dawned on me to stream my music productions, I would imagine it would be a copyrights nightmare if you accidentally play a riff or something that isnt yours.
  10. SyNtH.

    SyNtH. Platinum Record

    Nov 27, 2013
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    The roundtrip thing doesnt bother me at all, thats not my concern, its unavoidable with the current net infrastructure. If you have to set your audio interface's buffer too high it makes it hard to do any sort of live performance, record midi events, and it makes the process of creation a lot slower just in order to get a reliable performance from my DAW, which would be too irritable for me. Plus like i previously mentioned my main point was that it's peoples lack of upload speed thats the biggest killer. For most people in the UK the upload speed is horrible, mine is 50Mbps which equates to roughly 5MB down and 400kbps up, where you need like 1800kbps to stream at 480p, so even if i set my audio interface buffer high and used voicemeeter its just not possible. I know all this because ive tried a bunch of different combinations of all of this stuff for a lot of time, then eventually resorted to just creating videos using youtube instead. For example if you look at SeamlessR's setup he uses two huge audio interfaces hooked up to each other just so he can reduce his cpu load by avoiding using voicemeeter so he doesnt have to increase his buffer settings. Even then people can go as far as to use another computer just for stream encoding too, which i doubt most people have the funds/space to do.
  11. Jazz-N-Stuff

    Jazz-N-Stuff Platinum Record

    Nov 25, 2015
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    you guys know, that DeadMau5 was streaming his producing sessions on Twitch ? You can see the casts on YT, here a link:

    I agree , it would be a nice opportunity to share. I come from a complete other music genre and deadmau5 was an eyeopener abt EDM (or whatever u call it) music producing. I watched some Twitch/music casters and had nice realtime discussions with them. As a Hobbyist i am just curious abt "how is it done". Any Information source is welcome. And it was better than most "udemy" tutorials i watched.

    BTW, i know a lot abt casting, because of the encoding/transcoding process u need a multicore CPU and a high resolution of 1920x1080, but NOT a high framerate FPS, because there is no permanent movement, like in gaming.The only problem is, OBS doesnt recognize a ASIO audio driver, u need a workaround with VAC i assume.
    A 1920x1080 at 15fps with OBS will do the job and use the "faster"x264 CPU preset in advanced settings. The bandwidth would be abt. 3 Mbits upload then( and more than that for download= the viewers). HD resolution would be u must for the GUI of DAWs or VST Synths.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2016
  12. davea

    davea Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2012
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    may let you re-think the way of "how to learn". Have you tried to be in touch with musicians, bands, studios ?
    Best way to learn things, is to be physically with engineers, musicians in situation, and not always virtually front of your screen.
    I know, sometimes it's hard, a pain to find a solution being in a studio etc… But please try. Try to find a "lil' job" in a studio beside working at home and learn something from the web.
    Music is an art, a science, an hobby. Obviously, ev' is finding is own way with this. But learning close to someone in real life is the basement of a discipline like music, producing , whatever … Since a while, when I met young fellas, and ask them:
    -"what are you doing?"
    -"I'm a drummer."
    -"Ho! Cool! And are you playing with someone ? Which band(s)"
    -"Nope. I play drum at my house, bedroom"

    Ok no real prob with that, but since the web has became a fantastic jam of everything, I 've found in this, a real gap, hole.
    Less real connections between people. I mean by this physically connections. Not by forums, or different virtual platform.
    Simply meet, share, learn from/with/to someone. The young generation, next generation needs to keep this in mind.

    Haha! I hope, I'm not another old daddy sayin' BS. But believe me, these arts needs real connections.
    Real, "in situation" and not only tutos from the web.
    Knok at a studio, say: "Hey! I want to learn, and in exchange I can help you for something at the studio."
    Knok at a rehearsal studio (or a jam session), say :"Hey! I want to play with someone."

    You can't even imagine how many things you can learn in situation of playing with someone else, work in a studio etc…
    It's damn fun and very educative too. And you won't post questions. You will do things.

    Last edited: Jan 18, 2016
  13. Adrianus Antonius

    Adrianus Antonius Producer

    Nov 27, 2015
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    First: they have a life
    Second: they don't care about you, when they decided to produce music, they didn't sigh up for teaching someone over a webcam. Usually only a person having cabin fever or jobless lazy person would want to sit and have a big brother watching what he does on his computer...

    Sounds mean? how about realistic? Why don't more producers use Twitch? why should they? only 1% out of everyone watching them will probably come to their shows... because on the other end of the spectrum people have life too, they don't have time to watch someone for 3 hours straight mumbling in front of his computer, doing what they can do themselves.

    One thing is gaming, another thing is someone for 3 hours straight drawing notes in... does amphetamine come with twitch subscription, so that a person could pull off only one such "session"?
  14. Jazz-N-Stuff

    Jazz-N-Stuff Platinum Record

    Nov 25, 2015
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    to have your own impression, here is a direct link to the music twitch site


    Just go there and watch some guys/girls... Its not abt, i want deadmau5 to explain me , how producing works.
    I have tech background and i just watch them and have the impression: look, they have similar problems, how to use this or that Synth. It is like visiting other musicians and communicate , cuz dont forget the live chat!!!
    I think my example of Joel running REAKTOR 6 BLOCKS first time show exactly, what i mean.
    Unfortunately u cant see his chatwindow which gives a wrong impression.
    For anyone, who is interested into the subject, i would join and explain everybody how to setup a channel and OBS
    The content is your turn, and a regular schedule would be very important for this Forum.
    make channels like Audio6_USERNAME (to recognize : he is one of "us") and use legit stuff...:winker:
    its not abt making money , nor abt gettin famous... its just sharing and fun.
    And it would be an "extra" for this great Forum.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2016
  15. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    well usually in order to be someone that can stream you need a following.

    I mean, you can stream if you want to but if you actually don't have an audience that appreciates what you do and your ideas as an artist then no one would really care. So actually getting yourself out there first is the main goal before you can think about streaming for fans...

    As for streaming itself, It's interesting how it kicked off and now it's being utilized as a way for artists to connect with their audience and be able to earn something through a paid subscription model or even doing it for free is just a good way to connect with your following and keep them up to date.

    It's basically using the typical business model of providing your users with the updates and information they want and in that way they will continue supporting you rather than forgetting about you and you end up no longer becoming relevant in some sort. Every business uses this model so artist use in the form of social networking and streaming.

    I reckon streaming and watching streams is fun because watching stuff is just for some reason a really easy pastime entertainment... with the internet now anyone has the opportunity to create their own broadcast content through youtube, twitch and so on...

    I'm all for it and people who do have a following should do this if they want to maintain themselves as artists with a supportive audience... people like seeing what others can do and achieve...


    fck i think this is like the first almost essay i wrote on here...
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  16. dokx1

    dokx1 Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    I envy kids who can waste their time watching 2-4 hour streams of others producing (and chatting, or smoking, drinking, playing wiht studio cat). For me unedited streams are a waste of time.

    I like archived streams on YT though because I can download them and flip through the interesting parts skipping the boring stuff.
  17. 3typen

    3typen Ultrasonic

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Hi pplz

    - for orchestral stuff -

    - edmproducer stuff -

    - sound design related stuff -

    Resistance is futile
    sincerely yours,


  18. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    For those jumping on their high horses about them having a life, not being able to do it cos of bandwidth, being boring watching someone produce, not worth it for producers etc etc. Here is the channel I was on about:

    You can see some of his videos there, and you will see that if you were into films score type production, it would be great to learn from. Not only that, but through contacts made on social media and Twitch, in recent history Daniel James has worked on the Terminator Genysis film and won a Game Award for the Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain soundtrack. Therefore, there are clear perks for producers, even if you do not count subscription income.

    More than that though, I was clearly aiming the question at producers who make courses for other rip-ff subscription tutorial sites. It tends to be the same people like SeamlessR (who I didn;t realise had one until linked above), Ryan Enzed etc etc.

    And cheers for the link @3typen I will check them out! :)
  19. Tim

    Tim Member

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Stream if your already famous :)
  20. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    I'm really going to do this soon
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