Omnisphere 2 and Reaper?

Discussion in 'Reaper' started by Kid Anthem, Jan 14, 2016.

  1. Kid Anthem

    Kid Anthem Guest

    Just exploring reaper. I can add midi outs, get audio etc. But, how to I utilize Multi Out with Omnisphere in Reaper? I can do it in FL Studio easily but I can't seem to get it done in reaper. Anyone that might know I thank you if you can tell me how.
  3. artcrime

    artcrime Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    If you look in the reaper stash, you will find it under resources on the reaper site.there are some omnisphere multi channel track templates there. That should fix you up
  4. Eucalyptus

    Eucalyptus Member

    Sep 30, 2015
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    You can use a template, but it's always good to understand what is going on: You put Omnisphere on one track. You set the outputs of Omnisphere to A through H. You make 8 tracks and route the Omnisphere track from midi-all to midi 1 through 8. (You can also automatically set these up by choosing "build 8 tracks of MIDI routing to this track" from the Omnisphere track FX window in Reaper, options menu). You make 8 more tracks. You route channels 1-2 of the Omnisphere track to channels 1-2,3-4,5-6,7-8,9-10,11-12,13-14,15-16 for each of those 8 tracks respectively (these too can be automatically set up through the FX window in Reaper - "build multichannel routing for output of selected FX"). You then have a dedicated midi track and an associated audio track for each of the 8 parts in Omnisphere. So if you want to play, say, part 3, you arm midi track #3 and you will see the output on "Omnisphere C", the track with the routing from 1-2 to 5-6.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2016
  5. tater_one

    tater_one Kapellmeister

    May 15, 2013
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    Daytona Beach, FL
    What about when you load omni doesn't it ask you to build the multi outs? Just click yes!

    Not sure if that is the same thing you are talking about. But, when you load a multi out vst reaper ask if you want to build the extra tracks.
  6. Kid Anthem

    Kid Anthem Guest

    I have done this. My issue is no matter how I set it up there is always audio coming through one channel. In FL Studio it is real easy but FL Studio has become kinda buggy atm and un productive. I have routed things accordingly. I watched 3 tutorials for routing omnisphere and reaper. Wonder if it is my midi controller?
  7. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Is that one channel that you always see audio coming through first stereo pair, e.g. channel 1-2? In Reaper, it always routes first stereo channel as if it is a kind of "master channel" so you have to mute it. Many plugins use first stereo channel like that, but some don't.

    And I've been pointing that, what some say is a bug and some say is a feature, on Reaper forums for years - that Reaper always route first stereo pair of outputs as if it's a master stereo channel [a mix of all channels] but my plea always fell on deaf ears.

    I have a problem with D16 rhythm machines which have up to 12 mono outputs and no "master output" pair. It kinda troublesome to make it use the first stereo pair. I have to simply ignore it, mute it [mute the first track's output in the routing window - turn off "master parent send"], and use channels 3-x for separate processing. As I said, there is a workaround of sorts but if you're new to Reaper I wouldn't tinker with it just yet until you get more familiar with Reaper. If you want to use the first 2 channels you have to build the whole routing for the plugins manually and save it as a template.

  8. Kid Anthem

    Kid Anthem Guest

    I have tried that as well. SineWave. It seems no matter what I do my controller seems to go to only 1 midi channel regardless. This is why I bought FL Studio years ago but as of version 12 it is just retarded with little bugs that are annoying. This does not happen in FL Studio. I do understand the 1\2 stereo and such. I just can't seem to solo each sound. It is always sending to channel one and output A. Even when I setup the outputs a-h. Doesn't make sense. Most DAW's make something almost simple so darn hard like they don't want you to do multi outs lol.
  9. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I'll try to explain it differently. It might be confusing you, my previous post.

    Some plugins use first stereo pair as a "mix channel" for all separate outputs, and in that case Reaper routing works as intended.

    However, some plugins [your case!] can use first stereo pair as separate output [or outputs in case of mono channels], and then we have a problem in Reaper as you always hear something coming out of first stereo output, so you have to route the plugin differently than what default "build multichannel routing" command does, and due to Reaper's routing being hard-coded the other way you can just forget about using first 2 outputs - first stereo pair. You just have to mute it. :(

    reaper has wonderful and flexible routing but that's one huge bug there they keep ignoring, and it's been there forever. I've been using Reaper since v0.97...

    I don't get these kind of problems with NI Battery and Kontakt, though, as they do always use first stereo pair as a mix/master output, what Reaper expects. If you use these, try experimenting a little and you'll see what I mean. e.g. when you route a kick to the second pair of outputs, you will hear it on both first stereo pair [mix] and the second pair of outputs.

    I would explain it to you better if I used Omnisphere, but I don't. Someone who uses Omnisphere could explain it better probably. :winker:
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2016
  10. Kid Anthem

    Kid Anthem Guest

    So what you are saying. I can't perform with omnisphere in reaper? The way you explained it... That is what I am thinking. I don't know any other way to route anything in reaper. Wish I could solo an audio track ( or midi ) and just hear that sound but seems it is impossible without being a rocket scientist in reaper lol.
  11. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    No, I'm just saying that if you want to use only separate outputs, for additional processing with plugins I presume, you shouldn't use the first stereo output for that, that's all. :wink: Hopefully Omnisphere gives you enough outputs for your needs so you won't miss one stereo output, eh? :winker:

    I do the same with D16 "808" and "909". Just mute the first stereo pair of outputs [turn off "master parent send" in the FX routing window of the first stereo channel]. I've lost enough nerve tissue trying to somehow use them, and/or persuading developers that Reaper doesn't behave properly with routing the first stereo output, with some plugins that don't use it as a mix/master output. They just ignore the problem as if it doesn't exist. So I stopped bothering them, even though many people encounter this problem. :(

    Yeah, so Reaper is not so perfect after all. But I love it anyway. This is just a niggle that you have to learn how to ignore. :sad:
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2016