i need feedback for my demo track!

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by argyrisk, Jan 10, 2016.

  1. argyrisk

    argyrisk Noisemaker

    Jun 14, 2013
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    Athens Greece
    Hello guys,i want a feedback for my new track, for my mixing, arrangement, sounds, etc... i temporalily done my own mastering on this
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  3. aww167

    aww167 Noisemaker

    Jun 24, 2014
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    Seeing as you asked and because I happened to see this, - I listened to your piece and - I don't usually go for this style of music but why not listen to something new...I like what I hear, the production sounds good to me (I'm not an audio professional, just a music lover) and you've worked a fair amount of changes into it but what it really needs imo is more development to give it interest. The chord progressions would sound better underpinned by bass lines and enhanced with additional instrumental/textural development where appropriate, to give the piece more depth. It has a good feel to my ears but with more work it could sound really exciting. Keep at it - it has some nice ideas in there...
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  4. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    agree with @aww167 there is some room for you to work more in sonically, but this is listenable and enjoyable as is...
    Some of the random note sequences your threw in, sounded a bit out of place , but as for all the other sounds elements you put in, they were fine for me and fit well in the musicality.

    Some places the bass lines were a little plodding or lacking in .. mm crispness or presence ? if i can say that...
    don't get me wrong.. I like it .. and will give it another listen to see if I come up with any other impressions..
    I think it just needs to tighten up and get a little more cohesive.

    cheers !
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2016
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  5. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    I'll be more blunt... it's just not that good.....


    Sounds like you talking over some Vengeance packs quickly glued together in ur DAW...and you thinking DAMN.. this is GREAT!!!

    Then u join a forum and ur first post is.. How great am I???

    It's not good my man.

    My advice... ask ur friends... ur girlfriend... ur girlfriends friends... ur girlfriends friends friends.. grandma, relatives... before you ask for opinions from... the planet.

    Its really grade level music and production...If you want to make a single dollar doing this...

    It's not looking good.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2016
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  6. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @One Reason pretty harsh...

    he's no "skrillex" or any other producer I don't give a rat's ass about already...

    he's an amateur or a beginner ..just like most of us ! didn't get the "how great am I ? " tone either...
    just asking for feedback
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2016
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  7. argyrisk

    argyrisk Noisemaker

    Jun 14, 2013
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    Athens Greece
    @One Reason i don't understand your irony about me. If you don't like my track is respected!
    I sent the post here because there are enough people more experienced than me and good, to tell me their opinion... The reason i dont post very often its about i dont speak English very well... I am not a great producer, but i want to learn every day more things to improve myself.
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  8. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    Cmon.. Again jump on someone that speaks his mind and are truly honest about this piece..

    One Reason is critical for a good reason, Its not good. And he asks for help and some input. And if everyone just say its okej, just do this or that well then he will spend hours working with something that really isnt up there. No matter on what level OP is. So Argyrisk, He did tell he opinion and respect that as you said you did. I would say pretty much the same thing. You need to work with pretty much all the aspects on that track and not even that would make it a good track. Start to work on a new piece, create and create, listen back to what you did earlier and you will see and improve hopefully..

    So now you tehre is another one to down vote ;)

    Hug each other guys..
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  9. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    honestly, and this is just my opinion. It's not really too horrible. Yes it's not a professional quality sound, but it is something interesting I reckon. I hear some experimental melodies and vocal sounds going here and there. At least there is some cleanliness in the sound and there is actually some interesting play with the melodies...

    Of course, it does sound like a basic experiment with making music on a DAW , which is usually how beginners start. But not bad for a beginner... kind of reminds me of the way I used to make music when I started. Didn't really know what I was doing but I tried to just put some sounds together and tried to mix and master and see what happens.

    Basically, from what I hear in this track, he's till in beginner mode where he is discovering how all this works and putting it together to see what happens. Eventually, he will figure it out and start making more intentional and purposeful use of what he's doing...

    I guess at that level there is nothing wrong with asking for feedback, it helps keep the individual motivated to continue to practice with all of this and understand it. We all need a little push while doing these things anyway cuz when you are just starting you feel overwhelmed with what you see in the DAW and are just straight away thrown in the deep end. So a little push and encouragement from someone more experienced and who has found their way always helps... you never know, one day this guy might end up making the groundbreaking track some of us want to hear...

    Keep it going :)
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  10. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    I'm normally on board with One Reason's bluntness but this was a little over the top. He did nothing to deserve being beaten down like that and he wasn't even THAT bad, especially for someone just starting out.

    @argyrisk - you have lots of learning to do. Not to worry, so does almost everyone. You will repeatedly jump a plateau and think "I get it now!" and three months later you will make another revelation and think "boy I didn't know shit the last time I thought I got it"

    Making music is fun. The tools you will use are awe inspiring, and if you stick with it, you'll learn things about yourself. Enjoy
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  11. abletonmax

    abletonmax Ultrasonic

    Jan 10, 2015
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  12. manducator

    manducator Member

    Jun 11, 2011
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    I think this song needs a better melody, something that keeps the listener excited. Mixing isn't too bad.
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  13. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    OTT? Maybe.. but if i look back at my own progressions in life, in my work, my music.. What really made me dig deeper, be more critical of myself, made me more resilient, tougher, stronger better... were the more harsh criticisms.

    I'm not always harsh, I just say what I am thinking.. and i think anyone who goes out of their way to put their work out there should be ready for the good the bad and the ugly.

    Additionally, I know everyone has the right to make their own music and these days its easier than ever, To me, just seems like an endless flow of underwhelming tracks and IMO a lot of people putting stuff out there should probably be working on their craft a LOT longer before putting it out there.

    After reading back what I wrote last night... and listening to the track again... I pretty much stand by what I said.

    I'll take back the how great am I part, that was just more frustration on my part than anything

    That said.. Ive heard worse and encourage the OP to continue trying to improve.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2016
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  14. argyrisk

    argyrisk Noisemaker

    Jun 14, 2013
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    Athens Greece
    I thank all of you for your opinion and criticism. I gave a lot of effort into this track as it may sound to some ugly and underwhelming. @One Reason yes i asked my girlfriend and my friends and they liked it, so I put it here because they are not experts, and i do not care to make money from this track even if worth more than one dollar as you said.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2016
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  15. Sohill

    Sohill Noisemaker

    Nov 17, 2013
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    you need lots of hard work to make it better level! don't give up keep trying and one day you will see big difference in yourself :winker:
  16. megablox

    megablox Ultrasonic

    Jan 9, 2016
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    ...um i know the style you're going for but jesus christ man, this is no good my friend. Im sorry but this is INCREDIBLY boring to listen to, timings are quite off and the sound is just bland. Are you trying to make this a laid back track or what? Ifeel like htis track doesnt know what its trying to be. Man this is really boring, just being honest.

    the instruments you decided to use in the way you use them is really bland. I wouldnt use this in anything or give someone this to listen to at all.

    seriously, what kind of track is it supposed to be? it keeps switching up, it builds and then dies again. it doesnt have an identity to it at all. its a bad track. start over i say.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2016
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  17. argyrisk

    argyrisk Noisemaker

    Jun 14, 2013
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    Athens Greece
    okay you believe that the arrangement and my track in general is bad I understood, but I think that there should be no rules, the rules are to be for broken because they limit the creativity of music and any art... I never said that I made something great, a creative and useful opinion asked!
  18. megablox

    megablox Ultrasonic

    Jan 9, 2016
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    sometimes there needs to be rules for bad music though, in which this case the rule is heavily enforced. You can't make the "no rules" thing as an excuse. THeres just bad music and good music. thats it, and this one was no good, no excuses allowed. that's the honest truth. everyones thinking it, but theyre not saying it. someone has to be the bad guy and tell you, start over. If youre serious, then thats the truth because no one out there in the real world is nice theyll stomp the shit over you. So start over and try again

    sorry guys, dislike and dumb vote this all you want but I KNOW you guys are thinking it, you're just afraid to say it, and ive done it for you
  19. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    I suggest that u spend a couple of years learning, banging out tracks, putting in the hard work, watching tutorials, classes, youtube vids, reading, learning and putting all of that into practice.

  20. oldskoolproductions

    oldskoolproductions Producer

    Sep 8, 2013
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    Pretty harsh thread.... This style of music is not my Cup of Tea... But.. it does sound very flat. The Arrangement is all over the map, which makes it difficult for me to work with. Everyone's opinion of music will always be different. All my Tracks always end up with a Top 40/commercial Radio type sound, regardless of the genre i'm writing. That's my style. Probably, because I'm an educated professional working guitarist for the last 21 years.

    I'm not going to completely bash this track, but it just needs some direction. There are some moments where the the track has clashing frequencies and it sounds "Outside" or "Out of tune". I don't know if that is what you where going for, but I'd make a note of that. There is no re-occurring melody or hook, this makes it difficult for the average listeners to want to continue listening. I'll usually give a song 20-30 seconds off the top before I decide to continue listening or skip to the next track.

    This song I would "Skip". I am saying this as constructive criticism.. not to be a Dick.
    This is a demo track. I'd think hard about your melodies.

    When I went to school for music my composition teach always said... "Don't bore us... Give us the Chorus".
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  21. Slider

    Slider Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    I guess the key is to have thick skin if you're going to put something out there requesting feedback, especially if you're a relative newbie. One should be prepared for & expect brutally honest criticisms, some folks will be more coddling & some will not...nothing personal. As a guitar player, that would be akin to me recording a song with rudimentary progressions & lead licks based on simplistic scales, and putting it on a guitar forum asking for feedback, I should expect to be hammered by some because even I know my ability is sub-par to anything but a beginner. What you take away from the exchange depends in part on how thick your skin is, as long as the criticisms are related to the music & don't get personal.

    There is a tendency however in many reoccurring threads of this type, for some folks to just throw out generic statements that do little to steer the OP in any direction that may help them improve. Pointing out for example, they need "lots of hard work, blah, blah, blah, etc" without offering any specific guidance may be truthful, but is in fact a pointless statement!
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2016
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