This mix was only made by slate plugins

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by powellhaat, Jan 7, 2016.

  1. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    I like the original in a way... It feels like it would be great when mastered and finalised. Feels like it has a lot of potential. Like the transients and depth. I think you should take note of the instrument panning and the transients/noises. Here I find they enhance the performance at parts, so I wouldn't necessarily consider them a problem. Bass cutting seems a bit excessive.

    Nao mix is ok... Maybe better than the original, dunno. Didn't try editing them all. Bass is uncontrolled but not really boomy for me. EQ on low mids/mids or around there seems a bit overdone and probably with a wide Q 'cause they sound flattened. Think it needs some harder/wider instrument panning. I wouldn't say it's bad though. Sounds kinda tighter/cleaner and I like the vocal placement more. I'd push the bass back and control it more.

    Evorax edit I think would sound bad if mastered but, to be fair, he just re-processed it to make a point. But it probably shows/enhances the problems of the original nao mix...

    Anyway, here's a quick edit highlighting the areas in which I'd work/focus on...!VFQDmSRC!ZZN0jDev0-disO_1HgOqo2iKXaXY_G9QMhTY192sTkE

    The main focus for me is: Don't forget to bring out the performance, not just frequencies.

    Of course you may not like it... But I guess it also goes to show that this is a very personal thing.

    Anyway, hopefully this helps somehow and you get something out of it.

    (I also am not really sure why you'd say it was done only with this and that plug-in. It doesn't matter. Focus more on how you use it. If it works, it works.)
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