"Is America (USA) Turning into a Fascist Nation?"

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Kookaboo, Feb 11, 2012.

  1. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.

    "Is America (USA) Turning into a Fascist Nation?"

    In the text it says: "Corporatocracy" and "America is being totally and absolutely run by corporations, ....America IS a CORPORATION".
    The actual facts concerning the www and also some in the past clearly show that the U.S.A want to impose their rules, values, systems,
    convictions etc. to the whole world suppressing minorities, small countries, differences and different thinking people.

    BUT: Remember CUBA that has resisted to the big aggressor with success - without having a high-techno army!
    Even if i do not full agree with Fidel Castro's "vision".....It's the people that rules the world.
    But people have to be very watchful to the smallest events and changes. *yes*
  3. lampwiikk

    lampwiikk Member

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Cuba... lol. But in response to your post title, ummm, is the Pope Catholic?
  4. Rico88

    Rico88 Newbie

    Jun 21, 2011
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    On 9/12/2001 Bush-Cheney laid out the blueprint for an America where fascism would be justified by the events of a day earlier. The U.S. isn't "turning into a fascist nation"'. It already is. The "occupy" movement, the so-called "arab spring" will only lead to the finalizing of the police state that has been lurking in the shadows for some time now. The rich in Amerika are scared stiff by those movements. They will now do all they can to stifle thought and communication. I see a U.S. where things end very, very badly. And its not far off. This is why the Dept. of Homeland Security now monitors Twitter, Facebook, the whole freakin' internet -- because people that think like me are no longer engaging in free speech and thought; we've become the threat.
  5. djlight78

    djlight78 Member

    Feb 11, 2012
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    We are in trouble. :-(
  6. Dr Kean

    Dr Kean Newbie

    Oct 31, 2011
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    Ha!!! i love the picture of the storm troopers!!! totally true but there still hope :wink:
  7. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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    It's called Plutocracy or a Plutonomy. It's been at work for quite awhile. Money buys power which tells you what "freedom" is. I worry about my daughters life in this decaying paradise of religious nonsense.
  8. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    Note: Imageshack (USA) has censored the image i uploaded. So where is the freedom???
  9. Technetic

    Technetic Noisemaker

    Nov 24, 2011
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    You (good americans) should get out of that country and leave alone all that assholes fuckin crap
  10. Lord Gaga

    Lord Gaga Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Let's hope one day we will hear a US president who declare : "Since there is no god, in people we must believe".
    That day will see the rise of a new era.
  11. audiomees33

    audiomees33 Noisemaker

    Nov 16, 2011
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  12. manducator

    manducator Member

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Doesn't that say it all?
  13. klocuch

    klocuch Newbie

    Feb 6, 2012
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    OMG! :rofl:
  14. light59

    light59 Member

    Nov 7, 2011
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    Yes, Kookaboo, right on! :wink: *yes* The US, however, has been a corporate fascist dictatorship since the international bankers (Rothschild-Rockefeller dynasties) introduced the Federal Reserve back in 1913. Our money is created in the form of a debt that the government owes to them, plus interest. They Print it for Nothing, We Borrow It, and Pay Them Interest! Can you see the picture? The Federal Reserve prints government currency for the price of the paper (imagine printing a 100 dollar bill for pennies) and then lends it to the government to be repaid with interest. Control over the U.S. Fed is basically control over the world’s money: "Most Americans have no real understanding of the operation of the international money lenders. The accounts of the Federal Reserve System have never been audited. It operates outside the control of Congress and manipulates the credit of the United States” (Senator Barry Goldwater, AZ).

    No matter whom you vote for (and this is not only in the US, but also in Europe as well, which is the original place of the Illuminati), the outcome is already thoroughly outlined and predicted; not by the politicians themselves, but by the real powers, the "Shadow Government", invisible to the general public. The political decisions they make are not to our benefit, but to theirs only. The tax money you are paying to your government, which should be used to accomplishing our common goals, actually go towards accomplishing the Illuminati goals (such as wars, funding puppets governments etc), which is different from ours. The "delusion of democracy" is a ploy for the benefit of what the controllers consider "the ignorant masses," so regardless of whether the Republicans or Democrats are in the White House, they will inevitably carry out the Illuminati dictates leading to the incoming New World Order. They control both, Republican and Democratic Parties, and have marginalized all Libertarians, Independents and Third Parties like Ron Paul etc. The Illuminati gives the voters the chance to "throw the rascals (like Obama) out at any election, while in reality, when "the new rascals take office" there won’t be any shifts in the policy dictated by the controllers." Remember, the New World Order motto is, “Regardless of whom you vote for, you always vote for us!”

    People just didn't know about it until recently with the coming of the Internet (the underground press). The Illuminati controlled media, both press and broadcast, helps the government story along and runs with it, so it can be morphed and obfuscated, knowing that the average American "Joe" would look no further than the evening news for the answer. Wars are big money makers for the New world Order moguls. These wars are why we are where we are financially now (and not because of piracy as the FBI [which they control] would have us to believe). You keep defending all these false wars, having NDAA to watch over you and paying taxes through your teeth by voting for Obama again, or Romney, or Gingrich, or Santorum. It doesn't matter who wins because these guys (regardles of whether they're Republicans or Democrats) are all serving the same masters. These phoney "wars on terror" began ten years ago when Boy George Bush (Skull and Bones Mason) was in office. Now with 32nd degree Freemason Obama (read O'Bomba) in charge, we're heading rapidly into a military (martial law) dictatorship and possibly to a major catastrophic war with Iran, Russia and China. Unless someone like Congressman Ron Paul wins the elections and brings back the Constitution and the Gold standart, which was lost in 1971 during the Nixon administration, we will continue to die a slow, painful death of enslavement.

    After reading a few articles on the Illuminati and their plot to establish a one world government and to abolish all sovereignties and religions, one could be led to pessimism as well as cynicism, and think that these people are too powerful, and that there is nothing one can do to stop them. Thinking that way would be a serious mistake! It is estimated that the Illuminati does not even amount to 10000 people. Ten thousand againt 7 billion? People wake up and fight back. At the end, justice and truth will prevail! :rofl:
  15. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Here and there.
    Yes, my friend wise thoughts - thanks for your contribution. :wink:
    I don't see the USA as enemy, because thanks to their intervention Europe was liberated from the Nazi and Fascist dictatorships. Indeed those "corporations" started as secret masonries, associations or clubs like the "Illuminati" of today. Of course people have the power, we have to unveil their structures first and then limit their influences so that at the end they will have to resign.
  16. Lord Gaga

    Lord Gaga Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Obviously you ignore the relation between "In God We Trust" (or "God Bless America") and recent Irak/Afganistan wars - and more generally the US's quest of world domination -, but anyway I'm pleased to make you laugh.

    EDIT : To my US friends : I'm not anti-US, and I respect all religions. But as it is the law here in France/Belgium, I think the government MUST be laic. There is no place for religion in a government, even in a referential way.