What is your favourite compressor?

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by lpu2n, Dec 26, 2015.

  1. The Iceman

    The Iceman Kapellmeister

    Jan 11, 2013
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    Awesome thread guys! We need more like this one!
  2. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle

    My favourite ones (and expensive as hell ) are the ones in the right screen. Although i can't lie, i use some algos along with them as well such as Pro-C2, MJUC & TheGlue.

    I'm planning on buying Ultramarine next (300E! :( ), which has M/S capabilites and in combo with Acustica tech that's great!

    Some other plugins on my "next" list are some EQs as well: Ivory-IAE2 , Scarlet, and maybe Honey and Emerald too.

    ...man, you can't beat the depth, weight and 3dness of Acustica plugs and i kinda feel the prices justified. It's just above UAD and Slate plugs, you'll see these kind of opinions on not just this forum but most of them lately.
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  3. returnal

    returnal Rock Star

    Jun 2, 2014
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    I couldn't agree more about Compassion. Once you start to delve in it's all there. The MOD section is like the starting point for every variety of classic/vintage compression-type, but still a blank slate awaiting your input. It takes some learning (both about the plugin itself and compression types/theory in general), but there's no doubt that this would be my desert island comp plugin if I could only take one.
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  4. lpu2n

    lpu2n Producer

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Ohhh boy, Acustica plugins are on my wish list for sure. Nebula is an incredible piece of software, but I hate the CPU usage and interfaces. Crappy metering, workflow killer. Unfortunately they're way out of my budget constraints, maybe in 5 years once I have a stable job and have finished my studies. Would you say the acqua series is worth the money? I was thinking about grabbing the Magenta EQ and Ultramarine comp in the near future. I might have to live on the street for a month, but hey... it's all in the name of music (gear lust, more likely :no:)
  5. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    I've heard some people still prefer Murano instead of Ultramarine for its sound. It seems to be different beasts. For now i like Murano but you have to experiment and practice a few time with it until you learn how it works best. None of these come with presets (like the real hardware) but the sound is really unrivalled, it chews Slate & UAD away. Due to its 3Dness it makes me feel like not only the mix gets improved.. but it also gets WIDER at the same time with no need for stereo-enhancers which is pretty amazing. When you bypass them you feel the mix getting narrower :woot:. I invite anyone who wanna say something against the quality of these plugis to test them out and compare them themselves against other algo plugins out there.

    Magenta (Manley MassivePassive) is nice for Highs and Mids mastering wise and not only. I like Amber (Avalon AD2055) for the low-end/low-mids. Navy(Neve 1073 & 1081) for vocals (and not only) along with Titanium Multiband Compressor. Man... this comp is pure gold, it makes everything you run through it sounds warmer and better even with no reduction going on (like the pleasant 'bypass sound" in the hardware domain). Murano on the master-bus used very subtly but still imparts some sort of character.

    So my advice to you would be to get Murano instead of Ultramarine because you'll still get a nice sound and you'd save up to 100E (Murano = 200E, UltraMarine 300E). The extra thing that Ultramarine has is the M/S capability and the sound is different.. not better! but you can use some racking plugins anyway which helps you use any plugin in M/S mode. ( i summon @Gramofon *whistling sound* to throw in some recommendations in this regard, thanks. )

    EQing wise.. if you can't afford 2 of them then yeah.. Magenta would be a good choice. Although it's a "mastering EQ" it still can be used on separate tracks and busses as well.

    - Evo
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2016
  6. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    nebula 3 didn't played well with compressors, and with the low frequencies

    I'm looking forward to trial navy but I'm waiting for right mixing session.
    or a 'mysterious' endless trial:cool:

    at this point I'm addicted on Henry Olonga NV Vintage PRE on vocals.
    but that emulates a preamp not an eq
  7. jjohnsonof

    jjohnsonof Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    Nebula isnt 64 Bit on mac, so useless. SKNote SDC does the Shadow Hills Job for me, Disto the Distressor. Other favourite Comps atm.:
    UAD 1176 Collection, UAD Fairchild Collection, UAD La2a Collection, UAD Fatso, SSL Duende BusComp, Audified U73b, Vertigo VSC-2, Elysia M-Pressor, Slate VBC, Softube CL1B. So im quite happy with that,its enough. Maybe 1-2 outboard comps one day. Noneed nebula.
  8. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    In the plugins formats they optimized the behavior of the compression a lot. They've put lots of work in it, that's why compared to the EQs there's only 3 models available: Murano (former Aquamarine), Ultramarine and Titanium. You should really check them out! The tightness is real now and the warmth, depth and 3Dness it's there.

    Nebula is kinda obsolete since the arrival of Acustica plugins which all of them are 64bit and also great looking. Once you try the plugs you'll not be tempted to go back to Nebula anymore and you basically rock an even better sound quality due to the improved sonic behavior in the new plugin forms. If you try Acustica's Titanium against any algorithmic plugin you just mentioned, you'll see for yourself the depth and the quality difference. I agree "no need nebula" but the Acustica's plugins formats are the real deal if you crave for the highest quality possible in the virtual realm.
  9. jjohnsonof

    jjohnsonof Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    Ok, have to try that acustica stuff. What about the "Tim" Plugins, are they really THAT great? Tim is still Nebula/Algo isnt it?
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2016
  10. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Which Tim? Petterick? The one that does Nebula libraries? I don't know honestly.

    But i would personally wouldn't include Nebula in the same yard with the latest Acustica Plugins even though they share the Volterra technology.
  11. jjohnsonof

    jjohnsonof Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    Y i think Petterick and also Cupwise. Would be nice to have this + the AlexB stuff as Aqua Plugins.
  12. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    1) abletons compressor
    2) abletons compressor
    3) abletons compressor
    4) abletons compressor
    5) abletons glue compressor

    it hasnt changed as the ilok shit came around.
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  13. Sibyl

    Sibyl Member

    Jan 13, 2016
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    best compression for your kicks :bleh:

    My favorite is the internal silver compressor plugin of Logic Pro X.
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  14. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
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  15. focusrite

    focusrite Platinum Record

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Mjuc and alexb fenix behind it to impart that creamy tone. The opto and tube comp from the Positive grid bundle too
  16. Death Thash Doom

    Death Thash Doom Platinum Record

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Gone Postal
    MDA and GVST plugin packs/collections I still use also, Someone whom I know and is a really decent guy did a set of skins for the most recent (as far I am aware) version of GVST plugins, grymmjack. Hell there are so many great people that I do not get chance to keep up/catch up with since a certain audio forum went from great to down the toilet where I spent alot of time. It is so frustrating when places get swamped with arsehole's that just ruin good communities/drive people away. Lukily AudioSEX is not like that and has from the little I do know/have experienced, A warm, friendly and inviting atmosphere, It is extremely refreshing :)

    I think if I had to pick just one compressor plugin out of all what is available I couldn't, I'll just do a quick list of the one's that get the most use in my sessions/projects not including outboard;

    Kotelnikov GE, Before it was released I used Feedback Compressor II and the sorely underatted Polysquasher by Voxengo. Fabien and Vlad are both superb individuals and human beings.
    Sonalksis SV-315Mk2 compressor & DMG Audio COMPassion, Dave Gamble is a master of the dark arts/black magic!
    Sonnox Sony Oxford R3 Dynamics, It's a classic easily be now, Can handle anything plus it is difficult to make it sound bad.
    Klanghelm DC8C2, Covers alot of ground, The MJUC I've not explored that much yet.
    Cytomic The Glue (Original one and the one which in built-in to Ableton Live 9).
    AVID Digidesign Digirack Dynamics III, Digidesign SMACK!, Bomb Factory BF76, AVID EUCON System 5 Channel Strip & Bomb Factory Classic Compressors bundle.
    Focusrite LiquidMix & Focusrite/Digidesign d2/d3 bundle, The d3 dynamics is based upon their Red range.
    Unique Recording Software URS Classic Console Compressors & Channel Strip Pro 2.
    Variety Of Sound/Herbert.L.Goldberg aka Bootsie's whole range & Vladg/Sounds' PlugIns both are top notch as I've mentioned Vlad already, Herbert is exactly the same, A stand up gentleman and just a really great human being.
    LVC-Audio all dynamics related plugins, Matthew is a fantastic guy and his visions turned into plugins done extremely well. A one man army of quality.
    Waves, most of their dynamics but especially the API2500, JJP Fairchild, CLA 1176's & LA's.
    Special mentions: Boz Digital Labs Plus Ten db Compressor & Manic Compressor, eaReckon Analog87 CM-Comp, Cockos REAplugs 2 ReaComp, ReaXComp and ReaJS PlugIn, Sonalksis TBK3 Uber Compressor, BetaBugs Audio KVRDC DucklingCompressor and Buzzroom's compressors.

    There are some mentioned that I use purely because I am just extremely used to and have become part of my workflow, Not that they're the latest component modelled, million times over sampled and whatever is the new must have as alot of the time it's just marketing BS, I've definately forgotten a few and some I don't even have in my any of my plugin directory's but again it isn't the point and at some point they've been important in some way. It took me quite a while to make the switch to tracking straight ITB, I still use hardware/outboard dynamics processors when tracking and mixing for many reasons but heck editing and organizing is so much easier that I do not remotely miss anything to do maintaining or tracking to tape nor splicing and so on. It was the way the old way of doing things had only a pretty narrow sweet spot so gain-staging for getting the best from digital admittedly took me a while and alot of unlearning almost what was learn and distinctive behaviour/practice was what I personally struggled with, The quality we've had now for awhile is just immense

    Nice one and as always all the best to everyone here :wink:



    Completely forgot to mention Softube's Valley People Dyna-mite, I have one in my small humble collection of rack processors and effects. Dyna-mite is or can be as much as an 'effect' as it can be a dynamics processor. It was the dynamics processor which got me using what is now available as seperate tools/devices known as transient design or envelope shaping, The Dyna-mite along with the ever dependable/solid DBX 160. I still use them both alot and Softube did a really great job of nailing the extreme behaviours which the Dyna-mite is capable of. I'm very embarressd that I forgot to mention it but You all know how it is and I've got shit for blood and piss for brains! :deep_facepalm:
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2016
  17. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    hasnt changed, still the fast and best compressor for me.
  18. bergamot

    bergamot Member

    Oct 20, 2014
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    endless flight valley
    Hello! someone has a demo version Acústica audio Aquamarine or Ultramarine? Thanks in advance
  19. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    nothing beats presonus' built in compressor on tracks
  20. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    A pro will get by even with the basic tools that come with a DAW and get a pro mix,a better mix than a fool with 30 installed compressors wasting time with useless shit instead of getting it done.
    Always be closing.

    But for me personally Pro-C 2,MJUC,softube,slate stuff and inbuilt Cubase compressor.
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