impression on ilok2 cracked plug-ins so far

Discussion in 'Software News' started by ShadowOfTheZ, Dec 31, 2015.

  1. ericdared

    ericdared Ultrasonic

    Apr 6, 2015
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    The tagline of this forum is : Professional Audio Lovers, either this title is misleading or YOU got misled by your assumptions. Maybe a moderator can help and state if this is a warez discussion forum like you said.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2015
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  2. sideshowbob

    sideshowbob Producer

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Brave New World
    Dear @thantrax, wish you a good & thriving new year!
    I love your contributions to this forum and hope you have the time to keep going with it.
    Reading the term "iLok2" is somewhat boring, but ... is´s a legit topic ...
    These conversations belong to AS, make it what it is, what I love it for: the one and only audio forum!
    I do agree, it´s about making music, getting something rendered ... and if you can´t make it sound good with "Stock Plugs" it won`t be good at all, anyway. Everything one could ask for is available, already! True!
    A title like "impressions on the latest bundles" would`ve been more sensitive ... but, no reason to be over sensitive ...
    Let us keep up the "good vibe" and express our understanding about the privilege the AS membership actually is.

    I installed AirEQ and Eventide Bundle so far. Despite the fact that the customer is paying for the protection I think this "stuff" is worth its money. So, I´m really happy that I could give it a shot ... and make it of use ...
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2015
  3. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Well, KvR and Gearslutz are also warez forums... it's just that nobody admits to using warez. :shrug: :wink:

    Having said that, I am also not really impressed with the majority of newly cracked stuff, but Soundtoys, Eventide, SSL, and Lexicon plugins are really great. Everything else is just overhyped, expensive stuff , not worth the money they ask for them. It's what I expected, actually, because people easily hear "pink elephants" when a plugin is expensive and not so easily obtainable. It's the "unobtainium factor" + expensiveness + placebo that make them think some plugin is better than other more accessible and cheaper ones! :wink:

    Happy New Year everybody! Get pissed nicely! :P :) :wink: :headbang:
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2015
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  4. audiowolf

    audiowolf Producer

    Aug 6, 2015
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  5. rosko

    rosko Ultrasonic

    Aug 27, 2011
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    I've not had chance to try all the non ilock stuff yet let alone recent ilock2. but all the stuff that was good b4, softube, soundtoys, lexicon. that's all quality software but imo no better than non ilock. eventide space is impressive not dug into the others. We have too many quality plugins to choose from I feel i now have more options in reverb & soundtoys is such a great package of effects. what i would maybe like to see more of is less mastering eqs & compressors and maybe more synth releases or something like soundfire(not a request btw) looking at try b4 buy im not convinced to spend. d16 psp u-he cytomic d16 valhalla etc seem better options.
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  6. Yuri

    Yuri Rock Star

    Apr 14, 2014
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    Downloaded less than half a dozen things, and of those I'll probably only use Eventide Blackhole and AirEQ. I'm pretty happy with the stuff I already have.
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  7. justthankyah

    justthankyah Kapellmeister

    Dec 22, 2015
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    a plugin still a plugin no matter the cp ... to be honest i whish hardware was more afordable and that everyone could have access to this awesome tools...

    is incredible to see the man hours involved on the process of the creation of hardware stuff... (even plugins) , the guys really used their brains... to a greatter good...

    i wish i could have access to this awesome stuff just like in the earlier days.. when a neve console could cost 75.000 dollars ... today things are very expensive , rare and to be able to use it you need to spend a lot on maintenance...

    but back to plugins.. they still tools... and i enjoy the ease of use... and the totall recall of them...

    by the way that eventide stereo room... man can give some nice ambience for all the sources... it works with all types of sounds...

    im happy to try stuff out... HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!
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  8. Adrianus Antonius

    Adrianus Antonius Producer

    Nov 27, 2015
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    Softube heartbeat is a really great drum machine for me, I expected it to be useless.
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  9. justthankyah

    justthankyah Kapellmeister

    Dec 22, 2015
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    [​IMG] Love softube console just amazing the drive is great
  10. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    You are wrong on so many levels, it hurts.
    Everything your saying is based on an assumption which is incorrect, what part of this site is warez related? There's is no: links, requests, uploaders, downloader, leechers (Trojans)....etc
    You may talk about warez but that's all that's there and can be said on any other site beside their heavy moderation, at least over here you have your freedom to express anything on your and not be used against you, unless ofcourse you don't respect our rules.

    Please do not give false information and this forum is for anybody.
    Thank you

    Galaxy's aways from a Warez Site, for future note, if you see such actions please feel free to hit the report button and leave a short notice of the problem. Thank you.
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  11. sexyman

    sexyman Ultrasonic

    Apr 4, 2015
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    now you have all the best plugs in the world, that won't help much as you will need to learn how to use them, blend them.
    most don't even have good room and monitors to hear the frequencies.
    mixing is an art form so is beat making. more don't mean a hit
  12. fleschdnb

    fleschdnb Kapellmeister

    Jan 31, 2014
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    And do what? You think you're going to ban me from this forum for such responses? Let me tell you the answer to that. You're not. YOu seem to be wanting to go the same direction as Cat. LOL. Ive been on AUdioz for over 10 years. This forum was created in essence by AudioZ. Know YOUR facts before you get too high and mighty, Mr. Moderator.

    (Or you can moderate, and get this thread back on topic, lol)
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2016
  13. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Why would i want to ban you? that not option we Mods jump on, again with the assumptions!!!

    I respect that you have been a proud member of Audioz & Audiosex:wink:, but where is the respect to me from just doing my part for the community, you guys are starting to think that because Catalyst is gone, that the other Mods are soft and hiding in the shadows.

    Saint has said numerous times that both sites are different projects, which part of that cant you understand.

    Just because you see me doing my part, doesn't mean i'm a bully of some kind, as a mod anywhere your gonna need tough skin as members as yourself fall out of place, and need to be corrected.

    This is just a friendly reminder, next time it will be a warning/suspension, but as a vet here you knew that already.

    Thank you & Happy New years
  14. Hardlock

    Hardlock Ultrasonic

    May 5, 2015
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    Back to The topic , leave the childish rants @ the door :wink:
  15. ShadowOfTheZ

    ShadowOfTheZ Ultrasonic

    May 30, 2014
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    yes please

    I have been able to get what I wanted with Revoice after running their APT ten times with different flexibilities and parameters. Each of the 10 results contains some bytes that are free of robotic sounds and aliases. By merging the 10 results, I was finally able to transfer a good performance to a better recording but inferior performance.
  16. real

    real Producer

    Apr 2, 2013
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    As a member of this forum, I have learned to simply ignore all you guys' bickering. I don't care. I simply respond to the people who stay on topic or say something interesting, and ignore all the people who don't like a post for whatever reason. A lot of times I feel like some of you create problems in this forum that don't exist, and give voice to rabble-rousers and trolls by wasting so much time responding to them. Knowledge of internet culture does much to help you bypass a lot of that mess...I've actually passed on giving responses like this in the past mostly because I didn't care enough. I probably won't again.

    Back to the topic...Softube Grand Channel and the Pultec emulations, Eiosis AirEQ, and all the soundtoys stuff rocked imo.
    Most disappointing of the bunch to me was the Eventide stuff. All but a few of those were either not all that mindblowng to me or too convoluted for me to get into. Still have yet to test out the Kush Audio stuff that I hear so much great things about.
  17. sexyman

    sexyman Ultrasonic

    Apr 4, 2015
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    the eventide Eq use with air eq gives a nice umf on male vocals
  18. rico888

    rico888 Producer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    I had run into most of these plugins on session work before they were released cracked. One impression I can offer is that AudioUTOPIA did an amazing job of it. Though I haven't checked out each and every one yet top to bottom, so far I don't really see or hear any differences on these recently released versions from legit versions that I've previously run into. So, based on personal observation, nothing has been lost in translation.

    I suspect many people that have hoped to try these plugs, and hadn't used them at all previously, will probably have some level of disappointment with them. Part of it is wanting what you can't have, and the psychology of what happens once you finally get it. There's always a bit of a letdown. The other part though, is that I doubt any of these new plugs will really be a game changer for anyone's music work. It's not that they're not good, it's that there's already so much quality stuff around that's been available to us, I doubt any of these releases will serve to re-invent your music, or composing, or recording. I think the last time there was a release I really felt was a complete game changer goes all the back to Melodyne. Fact is, as much fun as it is to get a hold of this stuff, most of us already have as much as we need to make great music if the creativity required is inside of you.
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  19. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Hello man! long time no see You glad to see You back :cheers:

    about the thread:
    - I am surprised with the Slate stuff ... from an amateur perspective, I find the plugs to be very visually appealing, easy to use (intuitive) and they do the job for me... would have never tried them if it were not for AudioUTOPIA.

    - Pro Tools... IMO a grat daw, but it uses too much resouces (but not a problem if You have a recent PC). Anyway, much better than the old version I own.

    - Lexicon... not much to say here; a phenomenal bundle of reverbs and time based effects

    - Blue Cat was a nice surprise too... it goes on the top of the list of plugins to buy for me

    It has been a great Year end ... thanks to AudioUTOPIA for the opportunity to try all these "toys"

    A Happy New Year to everyone!
    may You all enjoy making music in good health with no financial problems :wink:
  20. justthankyah

    justthankyah Kapellmeister

    Dec 22, 2015
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    i know is not a iloL2 related release but ...

    even if im not a synth guy... man the possibilities of "creation" with this one is just A.M.A.Z.I.N.G ... is something like infinity possibilities and endless ways ..i mean ENDLESS ...

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