pro tool m-powered 8 / m-audio profire 2626

Discussion in 'Studio' started by k-chuco14, Feb 9, 2012.

  1. k-chuco14

    k-chuco14 Newbie

    Dec 9, 2011
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    Hay back again I'm having trouble again I just got a m-audio profire 2626 and i installed the drivers and it says no m-audio profire 2626 could be found I just got this today and cant get it to work i'm using a i mac 10.6.8 3.06 GHz intel core i3 4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 an pro tool m-powered 8.0.5 pleace if anyone can help i would be gratefull thanks guys
  3. Davey Jones

    Davey Jones Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    You have to go to website and download the lastest drivers for it.
  4. k-chuco14

    k-chuco14 Newbie

    Dec 9, 2011
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    went an got it but still don't work
  5. light59

    light59 Member

    Nov 7, 2011
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    Technically speaking, you shouldn't have compatibility problems between the Pro-Fire 2626 and the M-Audio Powered 8. It seems like there's a connection problem. Make sure that the Firewire port in your Mac is sending signal to your Profire. If by any chance you have a PCI Firewire card hanging around install it and then route the ProFire through it and see if it works. In addition, check that in the M-Powered 8 the Profire driver is properly selected, check also your firewire cable (try a different cable if you have one available) is working. Last but not least, you can also call M-Audio technical support (West Coast-California) and the'll try to figure out what's the problem. I own a FIrewire 1814 and they always offer great help! Hey bud, don't worry, you'll get this problem solved. Cheers! :hug:
  6. Muze

    Muze Newbie

    Jun 9, 2011
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    U,re using a Hackintosh?
  7. crumpy

    crumpy Newbie

    Nov 16, 2011
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    thats what you get for buying a product from a company with absolutely zero credibility other than a remarkable marketing strategy.
    kind of like how all the n00bs think OMG protools/cubase! when these are two of the least compatible and feature lacking DAWs on the market.
    however, marketing and the effects of marketing on word of mouth has people emptying their wallets asap!

    in a similar matter to your issue, m-audio still doesnt have working/stable 410 windows 7 drivers even (that goes for 99% of their entire product line too!),
    and the ones they do have, are modified from a beta vista driver from over 4 years ago with serious hardware compatibility issues.
    the same signed files are inside.
    those devs' got roasted so hard.
    that was last year.
    within a week of their roast, they stepped up driver development and dumped out some bullshit betas to shut people up.
    well its been a year, and they havent produced a single thing yet.
    other than some 'final' osx drivers that are frying peoples equipment.
    dead in the water, like all the other product development.

    the profire 610 is a re-branded 410 with 2 more ports, uses the same exact drivers as the 410.
    so people are buying a product post windows 7 with non working drivers.
    its ridiculous.
    i honestly don't know how they are still in business.
    Seems most other companies have long bit the dust in the past 4 years.

    mac support is just the same, and the issue you are describing is more than plagued over at m-audio.
    go read the m-audio forums, this is not the place.

    avid/m-audio does not give a shit about their products, nor hardware, nor supporting the customer.
    i have a 410 thats brand new from 2006, that essentially cant be used except on XP or Vista x86.
    nonetheless, its in the closet, and I bought a cakewalk/roland fa-66 instead.
    Something that has stable x64 drivers.
  8. psyfactor

    psyfactor Newbie

    Oct 13, 2011
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    I don't want to derail the thread, but Crumpy.... seriously?
    The info about m-audio is correct, but calling Cubase one of the least compatible and feature lacking daw's on the market is incorrect on so many levels i actually lol'd
    I just have to assume you don't use alot of midi attached hardware or midi in general, because if there is a daw with more midi features/more compatibility i would like to know about it!
    For midi stuff, i don't think anything can touch Cubase....
  9. light59

    light59 Member

    Nov 7, 2011
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    I agree with Psyfactory about Cubase! Crumpy, I know there have been some problems with M-Audio, but 99% is taken it way out of proportion. It seems to me like like you have personally experienced some issues with your M-410 (maybe there is something wrong with it). As far as M-Audio not having stable Win 7 drivers for the 410 - that is not true! The 410 and the 1814 are basically the same card, the 1814 having more imputs (8). I've purchased my M-Audio Firewire 1814 in 2007 (Guitar Center) and never had any issues with it. Presently, I'm using it in three different computers (32/64bit). I run all my midi-synth hardware through it with no problems. Very stable with XP SP3 - clear crystal sound with zero latency. Now, I'm using it with Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit in a Quad Core (I downloaded the latest drivers from M-Audio) and it works better than ever. Can't say anything about Vista (I imagine anybody will have problems with this crap), but I know a lot people that are quite satisfied with these cards using XP and Windows 7. Cheers!
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