Softube Console 1 without the "hardware"

Discussion in 'Software' started by justthankyah, Dec 22, 2015.

  1. justthankyah

    justthankyah Kapellmeister

    Dec 22, 2015
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    i still think people are confused about why im asking for help...

    let's say you have 2 tracks...

    track 1 vocal

    track 2 acoustic guitar

    when i have the console 1 display Console1_OnScreenDisplay.png

    in this picture you can see many tracks... but stick with me.... if i select track 1 the software displays all the info on that vocal track... eq that i've applied volume changes and all the other info just like in that picture... but if i change some stuff on track 2 my acoustic guitar... i can't see the same info about my signal audio inside this main display screen... and im forced to click on the plugin inside my daw on track 2 make all the changes by ear... without the help of the visuals that the display from "on screen software" can give...

    this is what i hope to see a help... a way to change the tracks and be able to see the audio info of that track inside the visual software... that way you can mix very fast and in a more precise way... hope things are more clear now...
  2. Marianus

    Marianus Ultrasonic

    Dec 19, 2015
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    I did tried it, and it seems that the track switching ability is a hardware exclusivity. You do can change parameters without the real hardware and even without midi assignment. Actually, the only assignment you need is the On/Off automation. For some reason all the FXs were bypassed and i couldn't activate them by click but the midi assignment worked. I also searched any Track-switching value in the midi list and there's none which further proves that the switching ability is through hardware. Also i can see all the 20 track buttons on the hardware but you can't see it in the graphic interface (the minimal one) which that further means you won't switch tracks without the hardware. Also track switching thing probably was designed with the "Live Performance" in mind or just to facilitate the ease of use of the device. That's why they don't sell this product as a "plugin-only".
  3. justthankyah

    justthankyah Kapellmeister

    Dec 22, 2015
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    that's the "truth" that i don't want to believe... i hope to see some escape key... who knows?? some time ago even ilok2 was "impossible or extremly hard to break" ... who knows...

    but we share the same line of thinking... that maybe and probably is a hardware exclusive option... what really gets me thinking why?

    if someone paid the big bucks and uses ilok2 ..they are customers... why not let the "user" have the abilty to use the product the best way possible..for hat reason? a folks that paid for this controller would going crazy to try to use it with a customized midi controller? if i already paid...why not full function ? why don't allow full midi map? this is strange and without a reason...not just because i want to use the lpugin this way, but if i was a customer and the controller suffer a mal-function why not be able to midi map the full controls?

    since they even stated that to be able to use the plugin without the harware is a must for laptop folks..or people that want to do some tweaks outside the studio without the hasle and "wheight free" i can tweak but i can't see?

    so why not let the paying customer use the software at full? why not let the customer see what they need to see?

    this is just a though line... im still think it is possible.. we just don't have that answer yet...

    Last edited: Dec 23, 2015
  4. Marianus

    Marianus Ultrasonic

    Dec 19, 2015
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    A copy protection/licensing have nothing to do with the functional concept of the plugin. Is not the cracker that designed that plugin, it's the Softube team. That graphical interface looks like a live-updating animation to me. It's like a movie in front of your eyes which updates itself based on what you touch on either the original hardware or knobs movement of the minimal interface. You can't mod the plugin in order to get functional paths between the parameters and that nice GUI. Also, what can't you see?
    Consider it a parametric plugin, not a graphical one. There's so many parametric devices/plugins out there, including even the original SSL hardware that this plugin is supposed to emulate.The lack of that nice guy (i admit it's really nice) it won't affect much, actually would push you to rely more on your ears. Take in consideration that this plugin have state-of-the-art processing and sonically that's all you need, at least before Softube plans a major update which would make the plugin hardware-independent.
  5. focusrite

    focusrite Platinum Record

    Dec 28, 2013
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    There is a compromise.

    Load a hybrid mix of softube and ssl into nyrv agent. Set macro controls to suit your workflow & controller.

    As an example I would say softube transient shaper, saturation knob, tilt eq, valley people gate. SSL eq & comp/s

    To use pages requires a hot key midi learn from your daw to flick back and forth on your controller. OK so it's not the real thing but it will come close.

    Alternatively load the console1 plugin to nyrv and map functions to macros. At least you can have a bigger interface than the tiny one you get on the insert of your daw.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2015
  6. Adrianus Antonius

    Adrianus Antonius Producer

    Nov 27, 2015
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    mmm, I guess it's because a paying costumer got that software by buying the hardware console in the first place, you know, it doesn't come without a hardware, why a paying costumer would buy a hardware console and then insist on assigning his midi keyboard instead, that's just getting full on "funny".
    Nevertheless, yes there must be a way to make it happen, all you need is just figure out the protocol it uses to communicate... But a buying costumer definitely doesn't need it, unless a person is a messed up midi controllers junkie obsessed with ableton push and others, otherwise why on earth one would not use faders on console and instead his mouse with push's buttons to change a track.

    Give a reasonable reason why, then speak about paying costumers.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2015
  7. floond

    floond Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2013
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    Console 1 hardware owners are complaining on GS about the lack of track follow / selection / no sync between selecting a track in your daw and what's being controlled on the console. I'm not convinced there is any hidden parameter to be found for triggering the hardware track select buttons. Maybe in a future update..
  8. Adrianus Antonius

    Adrianus Antonius Producer

    Nov 27, 2015
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    From what I saw, it doesn't have a "follow DAW track selection", either you do it from a Console 1 or you don't lol....... unless an update has been issued to it in recent 3-4 months or so.
  9. justthankyah

    justthankyah Kapellmeister

    Dec 22, 2015
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    fine by me.. the reason why i started this tread is simple... just to see if someone knows how to use the visual track chnages... if that's possible fine if not.. fine to.. since the program already is amazing and i repeat myself im not complain ...

    it was a ie my friend... see this picture... i bought this console 1 hardware ... ok... i will use it with the -+ U$1.000 controller... and if we can use the paid product with both hardware and software alone... why there is a limitation ?
    if im already paid for the ilok2 dongle, and my license of this product why they "hide" the possible full map of the product... and it is not completly hardware independent ... you need to be plugged to see other tracks inside that nice gui...:woot:
    is just a line of not trying to justify anything... thing about that...

    to use this with a external midi controller it is not the normal way for a paying customer it was just IE ...

    i believe in that... but to my knowledge this is a hidden feature whitout a reason.. again if i pay for all off that.. why i have some hidden midi map parameters? and why not just let a simple switch inside that little gui to change tracks?

    the above "examples" are the main reason why i have this question...but this is not end of the world is just talking and knowledge.

    i would complain if i had the hardware too... if im on the fly just like they said... why the software alone is limited? the track switch visualization is a important feature... to my knowledge helps a lot the quick mix overview and proccess...

    guys again im do not complain! this is an already amazing product... the processing power inside this plugin is amazing and easily became a goo to for that DRIVE CHARACTER TRANSIENT SUSTAIN AND PUNCH alone...

    i just need help... nothing else... if there is a way we can find it.. if not? well let's move on.. no problem no complaints at all..:no: just curiosity and knowledge...:yes:

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  10. Jaycee3000

    Jaycee3000 Member

    Dec 22, 2015
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    UK / France
    ive had a little play with this for the first time tonight in cubase 8.5 & the only workaround ive found is to copy console 1 plugin settings for the channel i want to switch to & reload the plugin & paste settings back in still being able to keep my settings & continue editing from where i left off, not prefect but it works without to much hassle, that the only way i can find to switch to a channel i want & keep settings ! hope that makes sence?

    or create a empty track in the mixer where you can drag the plugin drop it on that empty track then drag it back to its orignal track & then the console 1 changes to that track, thats quicker & you dont have to paste setting. it takes a second to drag it off drop it drag it straight back done!
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2015
  11. justthankyah

    justthankyah Kapellmeister

    Dec 22, 2015
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    hey Jaycee3000 ... tks for the input.. and by the way i've found out that this visualization for multiple tracks and to be able to change from track to track and be able to see that is a only hardware feature...

    only if you maybe know how to "break " a pluginand see what parameters or global midi bindings are porgramed and "hide" ..and after that unlock and be able to map the full consoloe 1 midi comunications....

    i still love this plugin the drive knob and character are worthy the use .... people think that harmonic content don't affect the sound that much..but guess what it makes a world of difference on a multi track mix...

    set drive to 5 is the desk normal behaviour... but i like to drive to something like 6.8 .... it really adds a nice "movement" to the sound... in a good way...

    tks all the guys for the help !!! keep doing some good music and new year grettings!!!
  12. Jaycee3000

    Jaycee3000 Member

    Dec 22, 2015
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    UK / France
    anyone know how to load the presets or is that hardware only aswell ?

    Thx guys its nice to know theres still some people in this forum trying to help instead of starting fights!
  13. justthankyah

    justthankyah Kapellmeister

    Dec 22, 2015
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    im all in for that spirit my friend! allways!

    by the way you have two eqs inside the console 1 .. the 4000e and the xl9000 ... but i think the only way to change the presets and the consloes is by using the hardware...

    i've pointed ou my opinon or doubts on "why" the developers decide to do that "hardware " only feature... since when you pay for the console 1 you should access the full feature of the software...IMO ...

    but if they decide to do that ..i can only do one thing..and that is "don't understand"
  14. sexyman

    sexyman Ultrasonic

    Apr 4, 2015
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  15. Snill

    Snill Kapellmeister

    Aug 26, 2015
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    Wow this thing sound amazing.
    But changing it is pain in the ass.
    I just pined it to win task bar and when I want to switch to other track just quit the console 1 then open the plugin in that track and run console 1 again.
    Is there other way?
  16. bergamot

    bergamot Member

    Oct 20, 2014
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    endless flight valley
  17. focusrite

    focusrite Platinum Record

    Dec 28, 2013
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    There has been an announcement on GS that they will be looking hard at being able to do more direct from the Daw channel. So it'll take a while longer yet.
  18. justthankyah

    justthankyah Kapellmeister

    Dec 22, 2015
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    tks for the help

    check the video from bergamot... reply #36

    hey bergamot.. so you can make it change the reading of the display if you change the plugin chain order? sort of reset the behaviour of the display and obligate the plugin to do the reading ... smart move... i'll try that ou! tks because is a solution!:disco:

    :winker: tks for the heads up would be nice to have that "full" control of the visuals inside the daw ...if youre not using the hardware... it helps...

    by the way after experimenting a while with this all in for purchase and have the full function with hardware....

    if you think about the sound quality... and the versatility of this tool... is amazing... i enjoy the fact that you have a extremly well tought layout... you have soo many stuff going on sinde just one single plugin...

    you have the transient shapper, gate,filters and eq, compressor, parallel compression option sidechain filters for the comp, phase switch,distortion, character shape modelling of the distortion.... and you can even change the order of the process...

    a lot of stuff going on on a single plugin with the capability to control up to as much tracks as you want with quick access to all of them... and paired with a controller with faders.. man imo this is sort of a compact real console... or at least the closest that you can get...

    if you thinking serious about "recreating a fast and analog -like workflow" ... maybe this console 1 is the ticket..

    you can get fast results with less tweaking and without thinking too much about what plugin to choose? what eq? what compressor... etc...

    great tool:yes:
  19. focusrite

    focusrite Platinum Record

    Dec 28, 2013
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    It's a shame it doesn't have included chips in the hardware for processing power but I guess " $illy amounts" on top.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2016
  20. bergamot

    bergamot Member

    Oct 20, 2014
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    endless flight valley
    I accidentally discovered this but it works
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