Some thing big is coming to mac users soon

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by dzoff, Dec 27, 2015.

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  1. dzoff

    dzoff Newbie

    Dec 26, 2015
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    Looks like i-lok 2 stories have not finish yet
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2015
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  3. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    woo.... i can barely contain myself :mates:
  4. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    Patience hopefully pays off please fellow Mac users don't start asking and requesting all kinds of stuff if anything does get released it will be their decision and I'm sure they will take care of everyone
  5. vladdrac

    vladdrac Kapellmeister

    Dec 20, 2015
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    Your poor attempt of reverse psychology won't work :dont:
  6. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    Please read the whole thing carefully...

    With all due my Respect to AudioSex & AudioZ & all Members and Saint and everyone visit those Sites,

    just saying that in case someone feels offended...

    didn't say a word about this whole thing but i think i can't hold it anymore...

    The Forum is full of Kids, yeah Kids, maybe some of are 40 50 60 70 don't care but kids, wanna know why ? because each time something happens they make a topic about it, oh where is mac version ? oh where is Win version ? oh god mate SHUUT THE HELL UP!!! Oh my GOSHH!!!

    First of all, let me clear this out,

    - if you want to request something there is a whole section dedicated for that... please don't flood the forum or releases with your requested.
    - i can assure 100% that groups are doing their best, their Maximum to bring you all those releases that put happiness on our faces...
    - R2R specialise in Win Releases as a main platform, but they do releases Mac's so often, HEXWARS specialise in Mac but once they released something for Win Synthmaster if my memory is still good, each one specialise in platforum because each group has their reasons or whatever we should respect that, Maybe Utopia Group are specialized in Windows only ? even if that's the case, i can assure you that they are trying to Collaborate with some groups or even our Beloved Hexwars to bring you their love ? you never know ? all i really know by heart is that they are trying... so please please please be patient and wait, and don't cry like a kid...
    - too all those Fuckers that starts a topic separate this from that seperate that from this ban because of this or because of that... please tell me who the F*** are you ? totally against that, but i'm with more strict rules and strict rules for registration with 3 days to post, or moderator have to approve a new registred member or anything ? the most annoying think is seeing people write about all this, we do not care and we don't give a F*** PLEASE understand that, and don't make dumb Topics, and those kids who are fighting ? What the actual F*** Since when AudioSex became a battleground ? if you have some problems, solve them in private you can invite more than one party to the conversation, so Talk there solve your problems There, because we DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU!!! we have enough problems to deal with ! our own problems are enough, this forum is for sharing and giving and getting learning new techniques sharing our music getting some feedbacks, give & get brother give and get, even a good word is enough if you don't have other to offer, so please, let's work together and make this place a better place, there is some good people that i respect, because they are giving their time their help, passing days and night awake so you can make your music so that you can ask for help when you have a problem or anything.

    - banning because talking about Warez ? cmon mate stop this bullsh*t this is a very Dumb idea if you ask me! there is a rule that says "talking about Warez is ok sharing it is not" so follow if for god's sake follow it, and stop imposing your won thoughts on us...

    anyway, i hope that i wrote everything i have inside me, and if you feel offended don't bother insulting me, because i won't give a damn about you.

    and by the way, for Cata's haters, the man gave a lot, did a lot for this, and i respect that man for what he did, maybe we don't have the same thoughts about this world, maybe we didn't share that, or we had our differences... by Cata if you're there and reading this Thumbs up and thank you for what you did, we know what he did wasn't the right call, but i believe people deserve a second chances... my self included

    Long life to our Members, Long life to our Saint, long live to our Beloved GROUPS R2R HEXWARES, AudioUTOPiA, SYNTHiC4TE and all Hard working Groups, sorry if i didn't mention you, i'm just tired and i don't recall your names, but i know you're their trying to bring us the best Releases SO THANK YOU FOR THAT!

    please excuse my bad language and my bad words, sometimes i have to get out! and sometimes people won't understand talking to them nicely!

    ps : i just didn't want to star a useless topic to say this, but i had to say it.

    Keep UP Guys & Thumbs UP !

    LOVE YOU & Peace!
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  7. GiantFudge

    GiantFudge Noisemaker

    Oct 21, 2015
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    Attached Files:

  8. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    WHAT!!!, why not for pc? they ALWAYS get the good stuff! :snuffy:

    @MrLyannMusic sadly your reply is totally unintelligible to a lot of peeps, but a very good try though :thumbsup:
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2015
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  9. MaxSxB

    MaxSxB Platinum Record

    Dec 26, 2014
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    But... what if... dzoff is a group member coming here preaching the Good Word ? :beg::beg::beg::beg::beg:
  10. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    you got me for a second there, but well i really can't hold it anymore watching these kids playing around, and making totally useless threads, they are far more annoying that the requests topics trust me buddy...
  11. MrAnonymous

    MrAnonymous Producer

    Feb 18, 2014
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    lol, fkn troll.
  12. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    Why Do You say that this Thread is useless it is Doing the same thing that some one did for PC letting Mac users know that iLok 2 for Mac may Be Coming i don't get How that is useless Ya to PC users it is useless But so what PC users don't have to Read it
  13. neo lover

    neo lover Kapellmeister

    Nov 13, 2011
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    You guys are crazy - Just listen to yourselfs - We make music - Not policy - Open up your Daw's and GET BACK ON WITH THE MUSIC :winker:
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  14. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    man, i couldn't control my self anymore after seeing all those childish Topics and people, and witnessing them say such horrible things, after there is two kind of people, hard working people and shitty hard talking people, all they do is being negative, it is like it is their hobby... :dunno:
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