Should i upgrade to Windows 10 from 7 for music production?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Beth, Dec 23, 2015.

  1. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    Stop yelling, please. Are you so desperate? :rofl:
  2. dokx1

    dokx1 Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Why upgrading? Honestly I see absolutely no point here, happy with Win7.

    Don't fall for the M$ marketing BS like "your machine runs smoother" etc. - how much performance boost can you really gain? Win10 cannot do magic and substitute your i5 for an i7 for example, some benchmarks may get higher numbers, but do you see the result in your daily work? I'd say it's a psychological thing if people say their Win10 runs faster better whatever than Win7. And you can expect that some "trial" versions from the sister site won't run any longer (if you use "trial stuff".)

    Never touch a running system.
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  3. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    OMG who ? xd
  4. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    If you like win7, windows 10 LTSB is perfect for you.
    It is most stable version. Does not include cortana or microsoft apps, which is cool for win7 lovers like me.
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  5. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    First rule for me about Windows, wait at least 2 years before looking any new system from Microsoft, so others are doing the beta testing.
    Right now I'm using win 7 x64 and don't feel any limitation to what I'm doing, why would I bother to even look at win 10?
    When the time come I'll feel limited, Win 10 will be stable and third party ready.
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  6. SyphonX

    SyphonX Kapellmeister

    May 23, 2013
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    @Marianus: What SineWave was trying to say was: Why upgrading to Win 10 if your Win 7 system is running fine? What is the gain?!
    People always want the newest stuff even if it's not better dan the older stuff. It's human behaviour.
    The question was: Should I upgrade to WIn 10 from WIn 7? The answer is: If your win 7 system is running fine, fuck human behaviour and do NOT upgrade! Very easy! :winker:
  7. cooper

    cooper Member

    May 3, 2015
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    *Answer to the question at the bottom*

    My main hard drive died on me a couple of months back.
    I took the opportunity to test Windows 10, and the first thing that impressed me is that it didn't complain about my old as f*** M-Audio drivers. Point Windows 10. When I upgraded to Windows 7 a few years back I had to change my audio interface.
    It run ok, Pro Tools worked just fine. I didn't notice any actual improvement nor any set backs.
    Why I didn't stay with it and went back to Windows 7? (Even though I'm facing a couple of issues with it that I didn't have before, they don't affect audio production but they're annoying).
    1) I hate the GUI, I knew I was going to struggled with it, so, I rather stay with W7 for a little while longer.
    2) The automatic updates, Windows 7 is receiving a lot of Telemetry updates that I can't select not to install in W7, it was not going to be the case in W10.
    There was a lot of testing done for W10. And from Microsoft's history, it's going to be the same as before, a shitty release and an improved one.
    Win95 sucked -> Win98 was better.
    WinMe sucked -> WinXP was a huge improvement.
    Windows Vista sucked -> W7 was surprisingly awesome for me, after almost 10 years using XP.
    W8 sucked -> W10, time will tell, W10+SP1 will be the turning point.

    Should you? Probably not:
    If it's working, unless you run into some compatibility issue that is not going to be solved otherwise, it doesn't make sense.
    If you have a 2nd hard drive, and some free time, definitely test it (don't take the update route, do a clean install, somehow I feel like all the people having issues went that way)
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  8. Beth

    Beth Guest

    Hey and thanks to everybody who has answered so far. I am really grateful and love learning from other people's opinions. That's the best thing about a forum like this :)
    I do like some of things Ive heard about Win 10 but have to admit i do have a stable Win 7 and all the hardware and software i use regularly runs fine so probably at this point in time i am leaning towards the 'if it aint broke don't fix it" point of view. I do hear what all the 'early adopters' of Win 10 are saying though and because of that i have hopeful feelings for the future for 10.
    It's great for people to share their experiences and preferences to help out like this so thanks again :like::mates::thanks:
  9. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Not to mention the each day shorter life of drivers updates relative to hardware. (Like the Tascam us122 mk2 that's not so old but there is no driver for win after Win 7, it's a shame, but it's been replace by new-better-we-got-your-money thing.Was about to by one for a friend today.)
  10. Pauluis

    Pauluis Newbie

    Oct 19, 2015
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    Yes, this is it. W10 doesn't bring anything important, so you need a problem? For me W7 x64 is all i need for work.
  11. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Try windows 10 LTSB. No cortana, no edge, no windows store, it even does not contain new calculator and uses calc.exe
    No feature updates. Only security and stability related updates.
    Try for one week. You will love it.
  12. NocturNate

    NocturNate Member

    Dec 17, 2015
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    I have Win 7 on my desktop and just got a laptop w/Win 10 pre-installed. I was going to downgrade it but decided to give it a shot. At 1st I wasn't too thrilled, but as you know everyone is scared of change so I kept with it. I like it now just as much as I like 7, and some things are better. I've had no problems running any of my software including Brainworx stuff. I did have a problem with 1 plugin but I reinstalled it under Win 8 compatibility mode and it worked fine after that. As far as upgrading specifically for music production... your OS has nothing to do with your DAW's performance. I can run XP vs Win 10 and if all the other specs of the computer (RAM, Processor) are the same they are going to work the same. So in that regard it really doesn't matter. I'm liking Win 10 more each day, but to give you a short answer, I'm not going to update my Desktop until I feel I need to (Microsoft is going to stop support for 7 end of next year) because everything is running just fine and it will not matter regarding my DAW's performance.
  13. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    I have to disagree here. OS impacts daws, we usually don't notice it because mainly we don't have too much control on our OS. I have an unofficial version of Win7 wich is a beast and all my daws benefit from this.

    If you ask me people should always use unofficial version of Windows...
  14. Euphonic

    Euphonic Member

    Dec 19, 2015
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    no stay on Win 7.
  15. NocturNate

    NocturNate Member

    Dec 17, 2015
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    I use an unofficial version of 7 too...I agree with you on that. And I'm not a computer wiz that's just what the "expert" at the computer store (Microcenter) told me when I was building my new desktop back in March.
  16. bigboobs

    bigboobs Kapellmeister

    Oct 10, 2011
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    As long as Win7 is supported by Microsoft, you shouldn't switch. Win10 has *nothing* improved regarding making music.

    The only thing I miss in Win7 (and which is perfectly done in Win10) is multi desktop environment. On Win7 you need VirtuaWin or stuff, but all these solutions are bad in relation to the Win10 native multi desktop. But that's a personal opinion.
  17. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    would keep win7, because you comfy with it, no need to deactice all the junk win10 ships with.
    win7 is more stable, because its been longer on the market and recieved more updates so far.
    the audio latency reducing isnt that big that its needed to take hazzle and reinstall everything.
  18. Willum

    Willum Rock Star

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Completely wrong.

    Windows 7 SP1 had "End of mainstream support" 13 January 2015 and "End of extended support" is 14 January 2020. So just over 4 years of security patches still to come.

    On a related note, Windows 10, released in July 2015 13 has "End of mainstream support" 13 October 2020 and "End of extended support" is 14 October 2025

    Now the weird thing about these dates for Win 10 is that they exist at all. Win 10 is supposed to be the last windows ever, so how come its "End of mainstream support" is on 13 October 2020, thats the date after which there will be no more feature updates. They also said that Win 10 will last as long as your computer does, not much chance of that when mainstream support only lasts 5 years.

    Looks like the cunts were lieing to us all along.
  19. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    I did. Everything works great. Actually, I got so used to 8's start screen, that I set Windows 10 to use it instead of the start menu. No problems with drivers - some installed automatically, I just checked in case some have newer versions - integrated graphics did. Windows 8 was already booting up WAY faster than 7 - we're talking 30 seconds down from 2 minutes on my older setup, now Win10 also works noticeably snappier. Plus, there's multiple desktops - something I've been waiting YEARS for, that OS X had for ages, and I had to use separate software for that. Not a single incompatibility, no nothing - DAWs work, plugins work nicely. Besides, Win10 includes an all-new audio API (think: a way for programs to "talk" to your soundcard) called AudioGraph, and revamps WSAPI which is the thing you could use if you didn't have ASIO - on their press conference they showed real-life difference of ~30ms of latency just because of updating to Windows 10.

    Also, if you do update, for a month after you install Windows 10, you can simply click a button and go back to whatever you had previously. Honestly? Windows 7 is old. It's bulky, it lacks nice design, it shuts down way too slowly, and it simply ain't fun. Why use old software if you can just update for free? I get that: pro studios use stuff that's several years old. They want everything to be 100% predictable as their life depend on reliability of the setup. But that isn't the case for us, home studio people.
  20. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    please,if i upgrade to W10 from W7, I had to re-install some softwares or not???
    What is better on W10 than W7,without speaking of graphics???
    My brother who was on W7 too, had blue screens when he upgraded on W10, that's what I know.
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