Anyone here compared latest vs. of Pro Tools to other DAWs?

Discussion in 'DAW' started by panther5, Dec 20, 2015.

  1. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    You know, the biggest problem with old software like Pro Tools, or even Windows, is that their code becomes a real mess over the years. The same goes for their UIs; A mess of current and highly outdated design trends.

    Sometimes a fresh restart is really needed, but you rarely see companies like these taking the hard decision to wipe the slate clean and start from scratch.

    That's what I think when I look at Pro Tools. They should get back to the drawing board if they want to keep up with the market in the long run.
  2. Frubbs

    Frubbs Kapellmeister

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Actually, that's exactly what they did. Version 10 rewrote the plugin architecture, and version 11 was a complete to-to-bottom redesign of the audio engine in 64-bit. The video engine was also completely new in both PT11 and MC7. There's not much old code left in it, really.

    That said, I think your point is well taken about older platforms and aging code. And it's a criticism that applied in spades to PT9, which was crying for an overhaul, and embarrassingly late to adopt 64-bit processing.
  3. GuestStar

    GuestStar Ultrasonic

    Feb 8, 2014
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    If it's the case they have not the best programmers.
    I was only curious to test it.
    I found that the start up time is really long compared to ableton live. Why they have to test every time the plug ins that are already installed.
    I started a simple project for testing and I had a CPU issue (pop up). (I have a I7 and 32GRAM).

    Memory use is 3 times that Ableton use.

    I had a crash with a plug in and I had to restart my computer. The only thing what I like is the mixing console.
  4. ed-enam

    ed-enam Rock Star

    May 21, 2015
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    PT is all about mixing. The mixing console and the routing are exactly what you find in a professional studio mixing desk. That's why it's a preferred DAW in a studio setup. In bedrooms or your personal studio you choose the DAW that suits you, i.e., exactly vice versa.
  5. sexyman

    sexyman Ultrasonic

    Apr 4, 2015
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    Pro tools avid plugins sounds more analog than logic pro stock plugins. plus if you ever want to take your tracks to a studio to cut some vocals and ting its great. commercial studios use pro tools
    I move over from logic pro and the flow is far better. logic dark GUI is draining on the eyes.
    I find pro tools take less cpu than logic.
    And if you want to control every single knobs and faders in protools you can buy an avid S3 and avid dock.
    Pro tools has more head room for mixing too 32bit float and ting.
    Use pro tools of be a pro fool
  6. Ninjaws

    Ninjaws Newbie

    Dec 23, 2015
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    I find Pro Tools fast for sound editing (if you know all the shortcuts also the case for Media Composer) accurate for mass recording I worked in a large studio as an assistant so believe me I know and In my opinion the routing (most joyful thing about PT) and thats about it, I hate everything about Avid and their idiotic policies and the fact that It has 3 major softwares creates a problem for exp score editor is nothing compared to Cubase or specially Logic because they say if you want more buy Sibelius unfortunately Avid is standard in US so if you dont know how it works start now otherwise forget about working in a large studio.
    Im a composer/sound editor-designer so my DAW should work well with video fortunately this makes it so easy cuz PT, Logic and Cubase (Studio One: In case you dont know One's designer is one of the minds behind Cubase so these 2 are very similar) are the only choice, rest are not even in the game.
    Feature wise there is nothing you cant do in both PT and Cubase however if you only work with post sound PT/Nuendo because of their film features like syncing/resync and all the other telecine stuff.
    If you only want to make songs Cubase's Chord track/Assistant is fantastic and has a nice workflow overall.(except good and easy routing :( )
    Logic 10.2 added some awesome features like creating already quantized rhythms which can be stretched easily in midi and added clip gain which makes it a lot easier for sound editing also you can make any arpeggiation in any scale with pen in seconds also has a big loop library which you can hear in work of big composers nowadays (not saying it as a good thing) but its good for no budget projects, the only problem in Logic for me is limited to none sound editing capability.
    If you want to spend money my advise is to buy Cubase if not download Studio One or Logic but more importantly even if you dont like PT download the cracked version and learn it cuz right or wrong in my experience the industry will look at you as an amateur.