Softube Console 1 without the "hardware"

Discussion in 'Software' started by justthankyah, Dec 22, 2015.

  1. justthankyah

    justthankyah Kapellmeister

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Hi guys, i would like to know if someone aorund here learn a way to use the plugin version of the softube console 1 without the hardware ...

    im able to use it inside presonus studio one 3 but i don't find a way or command to change track and be able to visualize the track inside the console 1 on - screen display software...

    i can map and use it with my keyboard midi controller... but i don't know what is the track switch command

    according from softube you can use it without the hardware and i can do it soo... but how to change the visualization from track to track inside the on screen display software?

    anyone can help? ...

    tks for the help and merry Christmas to all
  3. focusrite

    focusrite Platinum Record

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Assuming you downloaded and read the manual already?
  4. justthankyah

    justthankyah Kapellmeister

    Dec 22, 2015
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    yes... already readed the manual.. they don't explain that much .. from the manual page 46 the only little text about the subject

    "Using Console 1 Without the Hardware Many of today’s musicians and mix engineers work with portable lap top computers, and use them in many different locations. While the Console 1 hardware is not too big or heavy to bring with you, you may not have it available at all times. For this reason, we made it possible to adjust Console 1’s settings using the computer mouse. In your DAW, open the Console 1 plug-in on the track you would like to adjust. Click Show Knobs, and an interface that resembles the Console 1 hardware will appear. This is fully clickable with the mouse, and you can adjust Console 1’s settings from here."

    they don't give any alternative command list for use the software without the hardware.. the main thing that i need help is to be able to display track switch inside their on screen display software...

    the rest im already learning fast... but to be able to see each track inside the on screen display software is one of the main important points of the product... i hope someone can help...

    tks focusrite
  5. focusrite

    focusrite Platinum Record

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Ok seems like youre going to be the one to ask in the future lol. I suppose midi learn didnt work? Or you physically cant find / see the switch? Or maybe you need to switch using a daw command / hotkey instead?
  6. justthankyah

    justthankyah Kapellmeister

    Dec 22, 2015
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    that's the thing ... with my mid controller i didn't find the option to switch tracks... i need to re-check on taht.. but the main reason is that i want to use it without a controller ...just like they stated that you can... and i can do that but the main reason to start this tread is to see if there is a option to change tracks with a command or something... without a midi controller or hadware..

    i can edit stuff with my mouse with no problems and have the console 1 inside every single track that i wnat to... but the display inside the on screen software keep showing the 1 track that i put console 1... and i can't see wat im doing with the track number 2 lets

    i know someone would argue..mix with your ears etc.. but that's not the point... i would like to see if im missing something obvious... appears to that this command or option is not that obvious.. :sad:

    i will gladly help if i can aobut this subject tks
  7. focusrite

    focusrite Platinum Record

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Ah ok, every instance is showing track 1 no matter which instance you open? I don't know much about console 1.
  8. focusrite

    focusrite Platinum Record

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Im going to get up and turn on my daw and give it a go
  9. justthankyah

    justthankyah Kapellmeister

    Dec 22, 2015
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    yep still shows only the first track..the only way i find to see other track is to delete the showing track... but that defates the pourpuse... of using this tool...

    i hope you find good use man... i think it sounds amazing ..but with this little missing thing is very frustrating ... i never complaint... but if someone find a solution to help it would be nice... im pretty sure it is possible to use it... at full (there is nothing missing the plugin works all just fine, the main missing point is the abbility to change tracks in the visual software analyzer and input output metter of the on screen software)

    hope someone give me a hand... lol ... i enjoy the drive and character section of the plugin and the eq section is amazing.. the sound is very good...

    in the end if i don't find a solution im still use this without the visuals.... but all that stuff is very helpfull and if you want to see if oyur clipping or exagerate something those metters help because they are built in for the console 1 usage... we can always find other work around but is nice to learn how to setup these tools in a propper way...
  10. tgunz020707

    tgunz020707 Kapellmeister

    Oct 14, 2013
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    you can even get it to show up? i have clicked the show buttons box atleast 20 times and nothing.ive also done it on different computers i run studio one v3 64 bit on both computers ive tried vst2 and vst3 ive changed the compatability mode also on the daw.can anyone else get it to work in studio one?

    Edit : Also when in vst2 it has an x where the track number goes but in vst3 it names the track im perfectly fine without it just wondered if someone else had this problem I had left it alone anyway until i seen this thread a minute ago
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2015
  11. focusrite

    focusrite Platinum Record

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Well all i get in Reaper is "attempting to connect"
  12. focusrite

    focusrite Platinum Record

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Well there's always Duende SSL channel, Slate VMR. I've got bx console on my wishlist.
  13. justthankyah

    justthankyah Kapellmeister

    Dec 22, 2015
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    here is what i've learned... maybe is a daw related stuff... because i had a lot of trouble with setting up my midi controller (m audio oxygen 49) with my previous main daw... samplitube from magix...

    i think is a daw problem... studio one 3 is my main daw... and the midi workflow ate least in my exp is very straight forward....

    how i get it working... step by step

    open studio one 3 (64bit windows 7 64bit)
    create a new project... insert one
    go to my effects by vendor... softube> and here you have 2 console 1 plugins.. the fisrt is the vst3 and the other is the vst2...

    here is the trick that i've found... the vst3 is setup as "auto" and the vst2 is set as manual... this is related to the naming stuff.. "maybe im wrong" ...

    but i normally select the vst2... insert on my track ...
    after that i go to "program files > softube > console 1 on screen display 64bit > double click it

    go back to studio one 3 and click on "click to set track name) when you do that the main interface the visual software appears... and after that i click on "show knobs" on the plugin...

    after that i can click on the small little knobs of the plugin interface to turn the eq on and off.. the mouse scrool can work if you put just above the knob and roll it...

    all of that appears on the visual software the on screen display... ningo all works fine...except the track changing command... annoing

    im very gratefull to be able to have this tool... i would love to see some utopian frined with the help on how to change tracks...

  14. justthankyah

    justthankyah Kapellmeister

    Dec 22, 2015
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    i have the other options... but to be honest i think i will stick to console 1.. seems very clear and the sound is great.... and the drive and character makes a huge diference... plus you have the transient "sustain" "punch" designer inside..

    you have a input knob,phase switch ,nice filters..high and low pass... gate, the transient designer, eq section, compressor plus (parallel) the drive and character and pan in a single interface with an amazing sound... i can't complain ....:dont:

    these guys(audioutopia) are amazing.. i just hope that people see this tread as a "learn your tools" and not a complaint ... i never do that... im gratefull and share when i can :yes:
  15. justthankyah

    justthankyah Kapellmeister

    Dec 22, 2015
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    see my post mate #12
  16. focusrite

    focusrite Platinum Record

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Yeah now I see how it works and what the problem is.
  17. justthankyah

    justthankyah Kapellmeister

    Dec 22, 2015
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    :disco:such a shame diving on videos and forums to read about a possible way to make it work... but so far no good... :rofl:

    but hope remains! in the end i already have the amazing sound and quick workflow... but the visuals are the last piece of the puzzle...

    from the nfo file they explain a little but the track change ability still a mistery to me :sad:
  18. dadarkman

    dadarkman Producer

    Oct 9, 2011
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    ONE: What The O.P. is referring to:
    As I run the Console 1 under Ableton, I am able to map every single button on the interface to my Novation Zero.
    What the O.P. (and I) can't do so far is, switch the tracks from the interace.
    Notice the numbering line from 1 to 20 as shown in the image above? That 1 to 20 represent the first bank of tracks. So, it is the only part of the interface that is not changing thus making not usable (so far).

    TWO: For people who can't seems to see the Console 1 interface:
    You need to make sure "Console 1 On-Screen Display.exe" or "Console 1 On-Screen Display.exe (x64)" is running in the background.
    I did the default install without changing directories. That .exe file I referred to above end up in C:\Program Files\Softube\Plug-Ins VST AAX 64-bit. Now, I have no idea why there but I didn't move, I just made a shortcut to it and it runs fine here under Win7 x64.

    I hope I did add a little bit of more clarity to the thread!
  19. justthankyah

    justthankyah Kapellmeister

    Dec 22, 2015
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    :mates: exactly that's the main problem.... i don't know if softube did that on purpose... i still think that we can sort it out a way to change tracks... back and forth and to be able to see the change inside the main window of the softube on screen software...

    after mapping the eq and drive character section... i can get some cool "hands - on " mixing style... if the channel command can be sort it it would be awesome.... is nice to mix with ears and both hands for change... mouse are cool but hands on is a much quicker and nicier approach :bow:

    this is why is much fastter:

  20. Marianus

    Marianus Ultrasonic

    Dec 19, 2015
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    "The On-Screen Display is solely for information purposes, with no interaction, reflecting the settings on the hardware controller and serving as a meter bridge. It's opened and closed from the hardware unit, and sits on top of all other windows onscreen, with an auto-close option dismissing it after three seconds of inactivity."

    That means your attemt of switching the tracks by clicking the interface is in vain.
  21. justthankyah

    justthankyah Kapellmeister

    Dec 22, 2015
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    i don't know if you've tried the plugin Marianus ... but that's a very important part of the usage... while the visuals don't change the sound you can fine tune while you see things...
    you can see the frequency spectrum of your audio source, helps to see your levels inside the console 1 panorama... etc.. and when trying to recreate the "hardware" with your midi controller i would say is one of the most important options to have..and that is the quick change from one track to another and the ability to see that while mixing...

    if you didn't tried im pretty sure that's the reason why you think is a vain attempt ... the "
    the display is one important and extremly usefull part of the product...

    look to something don't change the sound.. but it for sure helps you to understand what you are doing... and im not talking about daw metters...and gui...

    im talking about this product in direct importance... without the ability to change the tracks... the "hands on experience" is "vain" i want to change tracks and be able to see what im doing inside that track... that's a important thing to do while mixing...
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2015
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