Best Audio forum or Most Childish..

Discussion in 'humor' started by MrAnonymous, Dec 21, 2015.

  1. MrAnonymous

    MrAnonymous Producer

    Feb 18, 2014
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    Do all of you want this to be known as the best Audio forum on the internet or the most childish? Because the way i see it right now, it is the most childish. People spamming dumb and dislike on posts, thats not what the rating system was made for. People coming on here and bitching about other members, making request for software and treating other members poorly. I thought this was a Audio forum not a kindergarten. If this site carries on this way then the future of it may not be so bright. Just imho. Now to leave it on a positive note, Have a great Christmas everyone, make some music, memories and have fun :)
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  3. F3r

    F3r Producer

    Oct 19, 2015
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    South America
    yeah, but all the forum have ´´childish`` facebook TO..means ..... so ignore!! them . find the best POST you like. i do this.
    if you see : I do not even read or participated in these post :guru::suicide:
  4. Spacely

    Spacely Producer

    Jan 4, 2015
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    It's only a select few acting like children far from the majority of people here. You should rephrase that "All of you" to "all of you involved in this childish action". But I get your point on the matter. People just need to chill and treat everyone civil around here.
  5. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    Once again...the site(s) are very open and tolerant.. so what do you get? a little bit of everything... the good.. the bad.. and
    some of the ugly (childish) , you can ignore it or respond to it... SAiNT wants it that way... we just did away with some
    overkill on control here.. and this is back to some wild and wooly times....

    just a note, if you don't need to be vulgar or scatalogical to make a point then why do it? sometimes it's fine in a humorous way,
    but the personal attacks are not condoned .. if we keep these in mind, X and Z should continue as the best there is.. :wink:

    funny thing, the one that didn't come back was Hyd2rogen
  6. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    There needs to be more moderation, More enforcement of the forum rules..

    Where are the voices of reason and authority these last days.. A few bad apples have infiltrated and going off at the mouth like they have earned something in 10 posts or less.

    Where are the mods?
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  7. Revirau

    Revirau Kapellmeister

    Feb 7, 2014
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    Mr Anonymous, I'm not in the mood to "open my heart" here. I think you're trying to see this as a community when you say "all of you". That's not happening in my opinion. Apart from this point, I'm with you. And by the way, Tonah7, which are the important audio communities? I would like to know.
    Excuse my poor english, please.
  8. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Both AZ and AS have toxic users like all big forums in the net without strict rules regarding registering.

    In fact, it was only over this year when this site and brother AZ had real serious issues involving users. Regular and important ones. Saint took care of the problem and even now many of the problematic users are just clones, re-registered (,...whatever) "cleaned" ones (some of the bad apples, maybe)

    This weeks are being crazy with loads of releases. It's inevitable some "childish", "overenthusiastic", (again, whatever you call it) threads and posts, but most users behave well and the worse you can say about them is "chill out, elicenser will be craked one day". It happens in the other audio warez sites, included several with more strict registration and moderation rules.
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  9. F3r

    F3r Producer

    Oct 19, 2015
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    South America
    yeah !! something its wird/estrange, this pair of ´´new´´ member some are childish and other are jelouse, i think that are a lot of ´´infiltrates´´ avid/pace/slate... crying ´´new´´ member that only came to incomodate.... i will ignore him, back to kvr. i dont know.

    2) when katalyst was mod. here.... HE WAS A HITLER, now They claim that is crazy....
    my balance. but as I said, all forums are like that.(childish or whatever).
    mod can not do much when there are many people involved in different parts of the world in one place / cultures / customs etc .
    i LOVE AUDIOSEX..... ´´professional audio lovers´´.

    ps : go back to KVR :trashing:
  10. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be

    Why even bother with this post as your first post?

    Special needs, Kids, little monkeys? Doesn't really make you sound much better than those you aim to criticize.

    U registered... for this?
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  11. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Truth must be told, Cat was a very nice user and mod until this year. I assume you've only seen his bad side/moment.
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  12. MrAnonymous

    MrAnonymous Producer

    Feb 18, 2014
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    I don't get how most people have a problem with him. When he was mod none of this bs happened. Hope he is doing well. Don't want to turn this into a thread about him but he was shit on. I only ever seen the nice side of him, maybe if i was on the other end i would look at it different.Even though we had disagreements i think he just wanted what was best.. Anyway back to the subject :)
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  13. F3r

    F3r Producer

    Oct 19, 2015
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    South America
    i know talk about katalyst it off topic, i never had problem with..kata, not here , not on audioz. :dunno: but i was to made apoint of view how dificult its leadersheap people from diferents parts of the world in one place / cultures / customs etc .

    ps * i says ``hitler´´(authoritarianism) becuse i remember some one saying such thing like that, not me.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2015
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  14. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    yeah started out it was ok.. then just went to his head.. but it was pretty bad a long time before it actually got fixed...

    I stopped talking to him at all pretty much June this year... SAiNT is a tolerant guy...

    I'll take the adolescent silliness over that any day
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  15. lpu2n

    lpu2n Producer

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Woah, watch out guys, CLA is in our midst.

    Seriously though, quit being a self-important wanker tonah7. The people on this forum strive to create art and help each other reach their creative goals. There is nothing childish about that. Yes, there are clearly immature people among us... you being a prime example. But any place there are people who try to better their skills and pursue their passions is an important place.
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  16. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Well said :) . And talking about the subject, one thing is probably true: more moderation would be nice. But that's the problem with free, open big forums.

    I just posted five minuts ago in the biggest spanish speaking music forum. Non warez one, and for sure they make more money than this but still there's lack of moderation.
  17. MrAnonymous

    MrAnonymous Producer

    Feb 18, 2014
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    Thats the thing about being a mod though, as far as i know they do it for free, correct me if I'm wrong. Not many people are willing to spend a lot of their day doing that while cat was on 80% of the time. I think maybe mods are in fear that they will over step they authority based on what happened to cat. It's funny when you look at it, some people that hated are people that are causing the problems now that moderation is at its lowest. And about hitler, he was pure evil, how people can even compare a person to him is beyond me.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2015
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  18. Marianus

    Marianus Ultrasonic

    Dec 19, 2015
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    If you want to see "kids" educated you must first fix the "adults". Youth usually gets shaped by their older social models. Talking of examples, there's old-chav type of users around here like @One Reason for example who think he's somebody because of the forum age-leverage and continuously keeping it bashing and dissing everthing he gets his eyes on here on this forum just because he's old around here.
    And look at him now:

    "Where are the voices of reason and authority these last days.. A few bad apples have infiltrated and going off at the mouth like they have earned something in 10 posts or less.

    Where are the mods?"

    How pathetic is that? He needs some sort of special treatment from the mods which would imply difference between members by default so that would worsen the situation you're talking about. OneReason thinks he can hate and diss everything around because of his time on this forum and when someone show some balls at him we certainly become too much "newbies & less posts" for him in order to worth the right of speech.
    He sounds like the type of kid who act tough in his very own yard and if we wanna get inside it we should comply in a slavery manner, but he wouldn't have balls to be tough in someone else's yard.

    Give them kids real model-member examples and they will get shaped in the right manner. Until you fix old-chavs daddies like OneReason there will be no peace around here.
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  19. Marianus

    Marianus Ultrasonic

    Dec 19, 2015
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    With what? with your slow belly button? Try harder! Also, as i previously stated (and you confirmed it through your ignoration) you do act like the type of tough chav in his own house but he lacks balls in public. Enjoy your toughy-neck virtual exposure because you'll never afford better.

    See @MrAnonymous what i was talking about? AudioSex is proud of mr. @OneReason and his own "shoot in the foot" behavior and language which will further ruin his wishes about me getting banned.

    Mods won't ban me as long you're a worse example @One Reason, keep that in mind. Mods are too intelligent here in order to play the favourites and to ensure your buttcheeks comfort by banning me out just because i come up with better arguments against yours.
    Calling me a troll? :rofl:you're here since 2011 and 90% of your posts are negative, bashing & dissing. I'm here since max 2 days and my ratio looks better than yours. Now go ahead and keep reporting me because that's not going to help you out. When mods will look into your reports to find "the reason" (no pun intended) they won't take you serious. Your history record here brings you a self-countering oportunity lol

    P.S. just start counting the forbidden words in our last posts and see which one is more qualifying for warning or ban. :wink: You didn't learn anything in all these years.
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  20. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    ups... i see someone here needing to be moderated!... :wink: (no offense) :metal:

    Hello i'm new here, since 1st december, and was thinking to start a new thread about the audio forum sites, but i have thought it is not necessary. Instead of it, i want to make you a simple question, now that this thread is open to that subject. i hope you will be too kind to respond in few posts my answer, so that i must not start an unnecessary thread:

    which are the best known and/or useful
    audio forum sites over the internet?

    i would be grateful for this information. Btw i am musician, keyboardist, guitarist, composer, mixing guy, and would be happy to collaborate :keys:.
    thank you in advance!
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2015
  21. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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