how do i make a request in audioz?

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by samsome, Dec 20, 2015.

  1. samsome

    samsome Guest

    Hi, in the front page of audioz there's requests

    how do i put one there

  2. Riansky

    Riansky Kapellmeister

    Apr 2, 2014
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    You don't make it, you enjoy what you have.
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  3. DanteUruzu

    DanteUruzu Kapellmeister

    Mar 3, 2013
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    Take a look at the rules under the red text that says info on the far left. You will find instructions on how to post a request and how to correctly format it.
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  4. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    You fart it out (could also be a brain fart); teams get wind of it. It's released. :wink:
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  5. Rasputin

    Rasputin Platinum Record

    Jun 29, 2012
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    I know this isn't an official rule but I wish it was one:

    Unless it's a sample pack or something previously released, don't request.
  6. n0xin

    n0xin Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2014
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    It's really a trick topic... :yes: It would be adviceable to req. something rare (by that I mean something old that you can't find or something that is not mainstream, to catch their attention) ...because, everything else will be released sooner or latter, so there is no need to push it :excl:
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  7. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    And here we see part of the the self proclaimed police squad (rianski, gramofon, rasputin) making it its mission hunting down people even just asking how to make an request at audioz. First of all, you are rude and make people feel not welcomed.

    There is is a request section at audioz so that requests can be made, you do understand that it ok to make requests right?

    Let me give you an example why this might be a good idea that such a place exist. Imagine someone wanting to supply something, giving back to the community. He/she can then look in the request section for inspiration and knowledge of what the community is most interested in.

    When you talk about greed and entitlement and "shut up and be happy with what you have got" attitude you are littering the forum with ignorant and hateful messages. Just because someone suggests a piece of software or plugin that they like or want others to discover. Something that in some cases otherwise might go unnoticed.

    How about guiding friendly people making requests to the right place instead of acting unfriendly and degrading? It is one thing if someone themselves are acting rude or is having an demanding attitude while asking for something. But bullying attacks against people meaning no harm is really disgraceful. Pathetic.
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  8. bigwords

    bigwords Ultrasonic

    Oct 5, 2015
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    Yeah, that's what I've been noticing -- people are sooooooooo sensitive on here. I thought Catalyst being gone would change that. People have serious issues and need to be figuring out how to fix that about themselves. There is simply no need to jump all over people because they ask simple questions. A question is never going to hurt; but incendiary comments, like calling people ungrateful, will definitely hurt. This mean, ugly, authoritarian mindset is bewildering to me, especially on the Internet. It seems as though they may be scared that groups will see a request and get angry, and so it'll affect them. I've even seen suggestions that the reason groups "left" before was because people were requesting too much and were ungrateful. But the funny thing about that assertion is, the groups have consistently maintained -- in their nfo's and statements -- that the thing they're most angry about is people making a profit from their efforts. That has nothing, at all, to do with requests. So what are these people getting angry at people about then?

    But I do understand that they're confused (and maybe annoyed) by why people would "want more." The thing is, when people get angry at people who request, half the time they're getting angry at them for the wrong reasons. Those people might not want "more" at all; they might not have much to begin with. They may not realize many things.

    Everyone isn't as well-versed in this community as those who have been around for years, so they don't get how things work. They may only be looking for one thing. Who knows? But we shouldn't assume that people are "greedy," "ungrateful," and that we know they have everything and therefore shouldn't "want more." And we definitely shouldn't snap on them so fast. For what? What purpose does this serve, except for exercising a display of your own authoritarian predilections. It's not cute, and it's definitely not useful.
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  9. Rasputin

    Rasputin Platinum Record

    Jun 29, 2012
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    They have everything that the teams are ready, willing, or able to release, which is no small amount. Asking for something that isn't out is pointless 99.9% of the time. Supplying something that isn't out might facilitate that, but "Mac plz?" or "Cubase next?" requests won't.

    There are reasonable requests for re-ups, etc. and there are ungrateful, begging, grovelling requests. I don't know anything about @samsome and what the request was, but I wouldn't get my hopes up if it doesn't fall into the criteria I mentioned before, so that's just my heads up on how the supply chain tends to work.
  10. bigwords

    bigwords Ultrasonic

    Oct 5, 2015
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    That's fine. But surely, if someone says "Cubase next?" that isn't worthy of stress or punishment. Is it that bad for people to have hopeful speculation? That's one of the things that fuel places like the sister site -- hopeful speculation. Why outlaw it?

    EDIT: How about this then -- if someone says something like "Cubase next?" what would happen if people responded with, "Maybe! Just be on the lookout, because you never know!"
    That may help keep people around.
  11. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Oh man, I totally saw this coming.

    First, he already asked that in the chat and I wasn't aggressive or anything. I just saw it and told him "it says 'Requests' on the panel to the left". As did one other person. Not saying he shouldn't ask but it's definitely a little weird. (No, I didn't get mad; it's just strange how he could be so lost) The question is also quite generic. Can't tell if he asks where the section is or how to compose one.

    BOTH of these were answered by DanteUruzu, so, silly me, I thought there was quite a bit of space for jokes. If anything, I thought it was (kinda) funny. Maybe a tad ironic. It takes some special skill of imagination and "ignorance" to twist it into something else. Of course, you're free to not like my humor or see a tone of annoyance. (And I don't see why that would be so bad, given the context)

    Anyway, I have nothing against the guy and I posted that because I thought the answer was already provided.

    OK, I could avoid answering altogether but again, was it THAT bad? Seriously? That's why I also put a "positive" smiley and not some angry one.

    And if you're going to say I really have something against him as a person, then I could say the same at you about me. (Context, yesterday's events where I tried to be balancing; not dividing)

    OK, I'm the police and you're the knight or what? He hasn't even responded yet. How do you know beforehand he was hurt or offended? He can say so and I can sort it with him.


    - You go to the site and on the panel to the left you click on rules / faq first for more info and then click on HOW TO POST A REQUEST (Steps 1,2)
    - You then proceed to Step 3 (after logging in)


    Generally, I'd say one or two basic (or the first) paragraphs of the official description should do for the main body of the description.

    - You can also attach a picture but it's not necessary. It could help the potential poster though to prepare the release article more quickly because they'll be able to use the link you'll have created, as pictures are stored on the server and can be linked to.

    Also, don't forget to add the homepage (preferably under an anonymising proxy like - You go there and paste the link after clicking on "Anonymize links with" and it'll give something like or you can just add before the link)

    - It should then go through and show up after a while; given you've followed the rules (the mod will probably review it). I'd suggest waiting at least two weeks before requesting as that's when releases are added as archived and also lets releasers do their job without feeling pressured.

    [Whether they actually view requests or get annoyed is generally considered moot but try to be thorough and thoughtful about what and when you're requesting and yes, maybe they'll see something they missed]

    Not sure I really HAD to do this, but there you go. Have fun. At least, I hope others with the same question will bother searching for this answer first and do some research (not saying you didn't; maybe you didn't understand it completely but the FAQ should be more than enough, generally speaking).

    @farao Feeling better now? You could have also spent your energy doing something more constructive, instead of attacking and assuming things about others yourself. And, btw, you also didn't answer his question. (I did; twice)

    Or encourage them to not use their head. It's not all black, but it's not all white either. (Btw, that wasn't racist)

    Just something to think about...
  12. bigwords

    bigwords Ultrasonic

    Oct 5, 2015
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    Well, sorry to confuse you, but I wasn't really speaking to anyone specifically. This is something I see quite often, and it just seems a bit peculiar to me. In fact, I'm not even sure I saw your reply in this at all. I've made this 'complaint' in other sections of the board, as well. So my sentiments here are just an extension. I apologize if you felt you got lumped into it. But I'm definitely gonna war against that authoritarian streak I see in many members here. It's the only way I'd be able to take being on the forum. I've been around here and at the sister site since the very beginning; I just don't talk very much publicly because I don't like walking on eggshells.
  13. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    lol thank god farao is here to protect us all from bullies like Gramofon. Pls dnt Dumb vote me. It will make me feel not welcome

    @samsome requests normally get very mixed reactions because not too long ago this was one facet of a much bigger controversy. I've no idea what you want to request so take this with a grain of salt, but in general, requesting some sort of software that is well known but not yet released is seen as bad manners. Imagine being someone who is part of a major team, and seeing a request for (for instance) Pro Tools, if it were not already released. Imagine you live and breathe this stuff, and you have unloaded a plethora of gifts on the general public, and then someone makes a point to say "Hey - but what about this one? What about Pro Tools?" Would you not have the feeling of gee, Pro Tools - why didn't I think of that?

    I obviously can't speak for any member of the teams, but there used to be a guy on here who moonlights as a fantastically talented cracker and he would take great offense to this kind of stuff, because it gets very redundant. It's also worth mentioning that requests were initially intended to be reupload requests for previous releases with all dead links or which are otherwise unavailable (ask SAiNT about that one if you don't believe me)
    Note: in light of the rules screenshot posted by Gramofon, maybe my info is bad on that last point. My understanding was that requests were for stuff that was already released. I guess we actually should ask SAiNT, looks like I might be misinformed here.

    By all means, make your request if you like. Just some food for thought.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2015
  14. Snill

    Snill Kapellmeister

    Aug 26, 2015
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    In my opinion Audioz Admin must change "Request" to "Wish" list or something like that.
  15. KingzDubStep

    KingzDubStep Ultrasonic

    Dec 22, 2015
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    ha ha too funny
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  16. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    How nice of you to drop my name there in a condescending manner. You certainly don't need any protection though lol, since you now and then have a streak of bullying behavior yourself, even though not that blunt as some others here. It's quite strange really that you should behave like that because at other times you seem quite well versed, write thoughtful and otherwise really good comments. I guess you just don't really mind namecalling and personal attacks in the forums as much as I do. You rather seem to feel the need to come after me just because I am calmly objecting to rude behavior? No problem, we all have our priorities and things we object to. I'll try to find a way to enjoy the rude behaviour as much as you seem to do. ;) Merry X-Mas to you.
  17. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Where I'm from, if you get your feathers ruffled by a sarcastic comment, or if your response to someone taking a little jab at you is to act like a victim or evoke righteous indignation, that makes you a wuss. I'm not saying that about you specifically, but that's my take on a certain set of behaviors/tendencies. IMO these behaviors are often very hypocritical, as these people go on the offensive by shaming others, which is also aggressive behavior. This sort of moral high ground grandstanding gives people an outlet to behave aggressively in a way that is almost immune from backlash, because if others retaliate in their own way it only snowballs the shamer's sense of righteousness.

    In my opinion, today's social climate calls more than ever for people who are willing to be a little insensitive in and rub it in everyone's face, because on the other end of the spectrum, you've got college campuses full of hysterical kids who felt the need to invent words like "microagression" to articulate their need to be sheltered from even the most insignificant quantities of negativity and rudeness. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Don't even get me started on the whole social justice movement. The whole world is turning into a South Park episode with this crap.

    However, lately I'm finding myself increasingly on your side with respect to the reactivity of people here. I know part of the reason you find me objectionable is because i would tell a lot of people to shut up for whining about the teams going internal. Now that they're releasing again, everyone is falling over themselves to be the first to jump down another guy's throat for asking something relatively innocent. I wonder where all these people were six months ago. The whole thing has gone way too far. I feel I've created a monster.
  18. rosko

    rosko Ultrasonic

    Aug 27, 2011
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    I think you are being way overly dramatic nobody is jumping on anyone, if anything you are with such a long & personal reply.
  19. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    I am glad you see the problem. On the wuss part... I'll try to not be overly sensitive :unsure: :thumbsup:
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  20. rosko

    rosko Ultrasonic

    Aug 27, 2011
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    Oh come on Farao you have been a bit unfair on rianski, gramofon & rasputin.
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