AudioUtopia cracked ilok2?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Aggrotech, Dec 19, 2015.

  1. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    You fork out the money.. but the fact that you are even on this site, is most likely cuz you have/are using cracks... so what the fuck?.. do you see the fault in your "logic" ?
  2. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    yeah I hear that Mortix... at first I'm all like, "Fuck!! no mac!!.." but us mac people have had plenty sweet stuff in the past year or so... and whatever... but yeah, i'm happy for Win people... tons of dope shit fuh sho'!!
  3. cooper

    cooper Member

    May 3, 2015
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    Does anyone know if one can co-install Pro Tools 10.3.9 and PT on Windows 7?
  4. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    WHATT!!.. holy shit!!! WIn guys got latest Duende??? and the Softube??? so, that Transient shaper and whatnot??? DAMN!!!!

    Dang as fuck!!.. I own the DUende stuff.. shit is quality as fuck...
  5. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    fuckn A!... I forgot about that EoisisAir EQ!!!! wooowwwwwwwww!!! you fuckers be luck as fuck!! :wink:
  6. Canis-Majoris

    Canis-Majoris Member

    Dec 7, 2013
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    thanks AudioUtopia :like:
    this year Christmas was the 12/19 :bow:
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  7. bigwords

    bigwords Ultrasonic

    Oct 5, 2015
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    I agree with being thankful for what you have. I agree that constantly screaming, "I request this!" is mostly quite useless. I'm tired of all that, sure. But I'm also tired of people saying this or that "won't happen." Remember, cracking ilok2 "won't happen" too. And yet, here we are. I think it'd be more productive for people to just be neutral and objective about things -- meaning, we shouldn't make it seem like we know things that we don't really know (i.e. "knowing" whether something will be cracked or not). I see this type of stuff so much, and it's also the type of thing that bothers me.
  8. Voo

    Voo Platinum Record

    Oct 30, 2011
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    Im old as dirt and go back to the commodore amiga days.
    For music stuff the entire last year has been the best in my history, The last month unbelievable.

    Oh and I LOVE the loaders with the graphics and music from AudioUTOPiA. This is pride and perfection at work. Brings back memories..

    Merry Xmas too all... Good Times
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2015
  9. Friggy

    Friggy Guest

    Praise Dogen!

    Maybe? I feel like he has had a part in all of this. Either way, congratulation to AudioUTOPIA.
  10. noise.maker

    noise.maker Platinum Record

    Feb 10, 2015
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    From ilock site words: "Worry Free - Your licenses are on the safest, most secure solution: the iLok. With Zero Downtime™ protection available, you've got 24/7 peace of mind." Conclusion: Life is a bitch. Never trust human made things.
  11. masterj

    masterj Ultrasonic

    Oct 22, 2012
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    i think its $50 a month or something for the zero downtime protection. they need to call it the iUnlok now
  12. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    Nice Marketing for AVoID ProFools :) Did AVoID leak the how to crack it hehe to gain more customers since they are frustrated that other DAWs are more popular these days?
    Now people try PT, some get hooked , and boom PT 13 comes out with iLok X :)
    If they want the latest bug fixed they will spend money.
    If not the can continue working with the current version or move on
  13. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    Motu machfive 3 is dead. I got a M5 License but its not really worth it imo.
    Kontakt is still King
  14. Bandit

    Bandit Producer

    Oct 30, 2014
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    I had this feeling a new group would arise from the dust... seems to be an ongoing cycle every so many years. Dunno who these guys are, but thank you! You rock, now I can test some other stuff.
  15. ClaudeBalls

    ClaudeBalls Producer

    Jan 3, 2012
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    I don't think you are seeing the big picture here. I think it is vital users should own and control their software, and their media. I think the rental/subscription model is just a cash grab and just like in real life when you have a month to month lease with your non-rent controlled apartment they can double your rent whenever they want and you find your ass on the sidewalk. It is completely unacceptable to be made into a digital peasant serf with no rights or security.

    The streaming "revolution" you referenced in your Netflix comparison has been a complete disaster for everyone except a few large technology companies. It has decimated the artistic community and the possibilities of making a living from making art, music and film. It has further concentrated all of the opportunities, power and profits into the hands of fewer and fewer people. (I have a feeling you don't know anyone that has tried to get their independent film on netflix and what the terms of those deals look like. Hint: They suck)

    All of the burden of the cost of creation has been placed on the artists and they share in virtually none of the rewards of the streaming model. NONE. Comcast, Apple, Pandora, Amazon they are profiting from the creativity of others but the actual artists and creators have little future having a living in music and film. It is a huge scam. The digital giants make their cut on everything sold or streamed with no risk or cost of creating the product because they have a total monopoly on the distribution. They control the terms of the deal completely because there literally is no other option now. The "new" deal sucks. For the first time electronic sales of music have declined and instead of increased this year. Apple even has it's own streaming service now so the need to pay artists is even less likely and more irrelevant.

    I have been out in the industry for a long time, I know what my royalties looked like before netflix/amazon/hulu and what they are now. I know what my royalties looked like before pandora and spotify and what they look like now. It has been a slaughter. The only way you can make money in music now is to be on the road playing 4-5 nights a week, and that is only an option to very few bands that have corporate support or existed before the takeover by the tech firms and have a loyal legacy audience.

    I think people need to wake the fuck up. The gig-economy mindset is a disease. It is the same principal as what happened to the music/literature/film business when the immensely wealthy tech companies got involved. Now so many rent their homes on Airbnb or their time and their cars on Uber and Lyft out of total desperation because the balance of power has shifted so far from average people to the giant ultra rich corporations. Just like with iTunes the controlling corporation that takes the profit has no-risk and all of the burden and cost is on the renter or drivers. We went from having careers and owning businesses to having jobs to now having on-demand gigs (a one-time event with no security or stability) They have all of the money and power, everyone else is fighting for the crumbs to survive. Just as Walmart came in an destroyed the economic vitality of main streets in small and medium sized towns, Google, Amazon and Apple are coming for everyone that is left.

    The last thing we need is a move towards a new "software bill" every month on top of our cable, cellphone, rent, streaming service and so on. I don't think we should "adapt" to it, I think we need to take a stand finally and kill this idea before it spreads by educating people about what happens when companies get monopolies.

    We have all been deeply hypnotized by the soft glow of our personal pocket-sized surveillance devices, decades of dumbed-down education and soul crushing debt. I think people are too tired to pay attention to where this is heading.
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  16. Dazeon

    Dazeon Ultrasonic

    Nov 7, 2011
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    There is one old iLok cracked or patched/unpaced Antares Auto-Tune EFX v1 VST effect which always makes BSODS on my computer.
  17. MrMPH

    MrMPH Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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    I do see the big picture, Im just not afraid of it nor do I insist we should "own" property if we don't want to.

    I hardly blame the decline of the movie industry on Netflix. Blame piracy, blame the economy and plummeting ticket sales for a large chunk of time leading to box office investors only investing in shitty movie sequels because its guaranteed revenue.

    More studios like amazon opening up and creating more jobs is a bad thing? I never said anything in relation to indie film makers and netflix - so that's besides the point.

    I applaud your dedication to the industry, but dont discredit my knowledge or experience based on my opinions - I didnt do that to you. I've seen the numbers and heard the heart ache (from the past, and in the current).

    Based on the rest of your convo - seems like i need to put my tin foil hat back on :)
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  18. Aggrotech

    Aggrotech Member

    Sep 3, 2015
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    I was hoping you wouldn't reply or otherwise known as shut up! I joined this forum because there are certain topics I liked to read, follow etc. And you are too assuming to be accusing!
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  19. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    Just stopped by to say thanks to AudioUtopia, if she/he/they are reading this.

    At first I had problems with Studio One V3 on Windows 10 64, but running in compatibility mode with Windows 8 solved the problem. Had some issues with my Focusrite drivers as well, but doing a new and clean install solved them...

    Anyway, I was just trying Slate's stuff and I'm absolutely in love. Really outstanding stuff.

    Thank you so much, AudioUtopia!
  20. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    Yes, it may cause some performance issues, I guess.

    Anyway, just tried running it in normal mode and it worked perfectly now.

    For some reason, running in compatibility mode was only necessary right after installing the plugins.