AudioUtopia cracked ilok2?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Aggrotech, Dec 19, 2015.

  1. focusrite

    focusrite Platinum Record

    Dec 28, 2013
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  2. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Stahhp it! Lol. No, seriously. You'll piss people off. Go to the request section on "Da Big Ay Zee" for that. But only if you're brave enough to embrace a larger mega-tsunami of down-votes and bad ratings by the more intolerant users.
    EWQL has customized protection methods that make it far more difficult to demolish therefore I think EWQL will be safe from us... at least for a little while. Like Nexus2, there are multiple barriers within their copy protection technology which makes it much harder to reverse.
    Machfive 3.2 was already cracked by OpenSSH but it was a partial bust because the sound-bank files (45GB total) had another method of copy protections that were never reversed - same exact file format and method as UVI libraries. Someone supposedly killed UVI UltraMini so perhaps whoever did that can be supplied other UVI libraries. I have acousticsamples' Sunbird, Telematics 3, Bassysm-F and UVI's UVX-10P, Grand Piano Modal D, MOTU Symphonic Instrument, and (non-UVI) Synthogy Ivory II American Concert D, to name a few.
    So let's not push it, guys and gals. :guru:
  3. AndersenAxel

    AndersenAxel Noisemaker

    Dec 19, 2015
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    This is very good news as I prefer to test products without demo limitations before purchasing. Thank you to everyone involved in making this possible.
  4. returnal

    returnal Rock Star

    Jun 2, 2014
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    I can't say I agree 100% with what you've written - but I applaud you for voicing it here as its not a popular bit of truth.
    I have legit (and love) Matthew Lane's DRMS, but I'm still running V3 which is CPU inefficient, because V4 is iLok only. If V4 wasn't iLok I'd happily throw another $50 at Mr. Lane just for the upgrade . . . I don't even remember how much I spent originally on V3.
    When I look at the plugins I have purchased and use the most, the truth is that I may not have purchased any of them had they been iLok dependent. Would I have spent $150 on Satin if it required and iLok? Nope. I have SKnote and Airwindows options that I would be using instead - all of which I purchased, but again would not have if they required iLok dongle's.
    Would I have purchased all of Valhalla's products if they required iLoks? Nope. I would have put my money into Reverberate2 instead.
    And pretty much everything I've purchased and use I did so after a very extended and hassle-free testing period either because the developer was smart and provided extended limitation-free demos, or it was cracked and I could test it fully featured for an extended period.
    There are a few things out there I would buy if it wasn't iLok.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2015
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  5. returnal

    returnal Rock Star

    Jun 2, 2014
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    I'm framing this.
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  6. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I'm posting at my house door instead of the typical Santa poster lol
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  7. Aggrotech

    Aggrotech Member

    Sep 3, 2015
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  8. buglife40

    buglife40 Member

    Jun 22, 2014
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    they need to get all aax plugins working in the legit versions of protools and ill be extra happy :):):)
  9. John V

    John V Ultrasonic

    Jul 24, 2015
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    Ok Im a windows fan now!!
  10. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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  11. dadarkman

    dadarkman Producer

    Oct 9, 2011
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    LOL, I know I'm in the minority here when it comes to the thinking process of the use iLok or any other protection scheme. Like I said, it's cool seeing a group putting hard work to defeat it. However, whatever iLok2 product I wanted to buy, I saved and bought them. Whatever, I don't have, it only means that either they are out of reach in terms of budget or I don't the use for them (because I already have dirt cheap or free VST which do the same). The protection scheme is always irrelevant to me. I own Pro Tools since version 8 (Now, up to 12). No extensive testing was needed from me because I did my research and even found peers whom already was using it and get an abundance of info (beside the internet); it was and still is a PROVEN software. Yes, regardless of the "this and that feature missing", I already knew what it can and cannot do. It all come down to that one definite question: Can I afford it? Protection scheme is not even secondary thought in Pro Tools case. A person either will save to buy it or not, nothing else!

    I'll agree to disagree on this man. If you (or anybody for that matter) want to buy Valhalla's products (or any other VST/DAW) and see their features, design appeal and value at its most desirable point then YES you'd buy it. I refuse to believe or accept that "protection scheme" comes before the value of the product. I bought many Eventide and SoundToys plugs because I saw what they could help me in my production and mixing with. I could careless of what the protection scheme was. The same amount of time I spent registering a SoundToys on iLok manager is equal to registering a N.I. plug on their Service Center. I mean, I'll agree to disagree on that because I think it is more of a state of mind of a producer stand point than an actual annoyance or devaluation that the protection scheme would cause.

    Let's be HONEST hahaha (Some will hate me for the "honest" part) :yes:
    A good amount of people don't want to buy bro. By example: some people hate Slate PERSONALLY which has nothing to do with the value of his software; that's where I'm coming from. I mean, how many times we've seen people here and other various audio forum talking about how they should get this or that for free, flat out? Or they are on assistance, no money (maybe true or?) Or they can't buy cause they are "a starving producer" or... or... or.... That's where my [Honest] comment comes from. As I've mentioned in my original post "Aside of a few, a very good few", I know it's not everybody. And, as you've said, you've bought what you feel useful to you. So, for me, you are one of those "few" :like:. I download plenty on AZ just like many so I'm not being a hypocrite. However, I buy what I think is valuable and fair to me. I'll never wait for ages for the soft to be cracked :no:. Case in point, anybody waiting for Cubase to be cracked to use it only means to me that Cubase is not valuable enough to them or they simply can never afford it because of various personal situation.

    Again, kudos to AudioUtopia though!
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2015
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  12. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Microsoft probably cracked this shit to gain more Mac users.. hahaha
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  13. returnal

    returnal Rock Star

    Jun 2, 2014
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    I don't believe Microsoft could pull it off. :bleh:
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  14. buglife40

    buglife40 Member

    Jun 22, 2014
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    reason 7 would be nice
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  15. globalpeace

    globalpeace Noisemaker

    Oct 6, 2014
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    Slate Virtual Mix Rack gives an error while closing the project in FL 12, Virtual Mix rack says "cannot save preset...." Do you get that error?
  16. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    There is actually a technical problem at AZ that does not allow comments, but we're working to fix it.
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  17. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Well, if that's really true then they once again failed to win me back. I'm still a mac user and I still would not switch to PC if my life depended on it. I cheated on windows with OS X in 2010 and honestly the way I see it, Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 can all kiss my white booty. :bleh:
  18. pon_pon

    pon_pon Ultrasonic

    Dec 20, 2015
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    Here on xp/win32/samplitude
    All stuff from slate installed but not recognized like vst (bluecat patch not woking neither)
    Slate fgx work
    Eiosis not work
    mcdsp all working
    kush all working
    wave tube arts, can not creat the .bat file to uninstall and not installed (setup abort)
    eventide working
    relab bot working
    Solid state working
    Softube not working

    Thanks for all . . . nice day, of course!! :)
  19. returnal

    returnal Rock Star

    Jun 2, 2014
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    Well this is where you and I will have to disagree (though I do agree with much else you have said).

    There are a couple plugs I would have bought long ago were it not for the fact that they use iLok protection. Now you may not agree with the logic of my reasoning - that's fine - but you shouldn't believe that I'm lying to you (or myself) about that reasoning. Do I believe in the quality of these plugs? Absolutely. Do I have the means to buy them? Sometimes. Do I buy other similarly priced plugs that don't use iLok protection? Yes. So really the only remaining reason I'm not buying them has to be the "protection" scheme being distasteful to me. You may believe that's ludicrous, but you should not believe its false.

    And I don't believe I'm alone. I think a lot of buyers are somewhat influenced in their choice of plug-in purchases based on their protection schemes.

    Even by your own reasoning, those not buying iLok protected plugs aren't refraining because of the protection, but rather the cost. So they
    wouldn't buy those plugs even if they weren't iLok protected, because they either don't have the money, or they refuse to spend it. As such, I have to wonder what you believe the value of iLok protection is since none of those non-buyers would have bought anyway?

    The "if people are going to buy the plugs, they are going to buy the plugs anyway - and if they aren't, they aren't", argument seems like the best argument that iLok protection is unnecessary and redundant . . . Though perhaps you agree with that.
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  20. Audiocrat

    Audiocrat Newbie

    Dec 20, 2015
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    Sadly we don't have any statistics to back it up one way or the other. And then, both probably work for some people, apple vs oranges, in other words.

    Anyway, I think a other "thank you" message might be in order, this time to Audioutopia.

    Oh yeah, and fingers crossed for R2 and Phoenix reverb... I really wanted to always try if there is something in them.