Impact Soundworks present: Rhapsody Orchestral Colors - Kontakt

Discussion in 'Software News' started by theDingus, Dec 17, 2015.

  1. theDingus

    theDingus Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2014
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    Following up our critically-acclaimed Rhapsody Orchestral Percussion, we've just released Rhapsody Orchestral Colors: an all-in-one symphonic tool that makes it easier than ever to create lush, fully-voiced chords and textures with strings, brass, winds, and choir. Recorded in the same focused, neutral hall as Rhapsody Perc, the library is equally suited for rapid film/TV/game scoring, classical mockups, epic cues and everything in between.


    Using the chord maker technology developed for our Bravura Scoring Brass library, Rhapsody Orchestral Colors allows you to perform ensemble chords with just a single key press - but unlike many other 'pre-baked' orchestral texture/phrase libraries, we've recorded each ensemble separately for full control. You can mix and match any of the 11 recorded ensembles in a single patch, with each one performing a different chord OR voicing, plus unique mic mixing + routing.

    Rhapsody Orchestral Colors includes an elegant and powerful script engine that supports up to four ensembles in a single patch. Each ensemble has its own unique set of controls: mic mix, 4-band EQ, panning, Kontakt output selection, and chord voicing. Mics can even be loaded or unloaded for each instrument without affecting the others! Changing all ensembles at once is also possible with the Link control.

    Our custom orchestrator script is the star of the library. In this screenshot, each ensemble is set to "Wide" mode - by pressing any key on the keyboard, each section will play a pre-voiced chord with wide voicing built on the key that was pressed. Playing in the lower octaves will trigger major triads while the upper octaves trigger minor triads. We've created a huge number of other modes as well, such as:


    • Low & High: Pre-orchestrated triads built on the root note
    • Fat: Super-dense doubled chords
    • Octaves & Power: Octave unisons and 4th/5th intervals
    • Aleatoric 1-3: Up to three random notes triggered per key press
    • Int2: Performs the third and fifth triad without the root note
    • Scale degrees: Plays the 2nd, 3rd, 4th.. etc built on the root note
    • Intervals: Performs two note intervals from 2nd to 7th

    Each section can also be set to Random or Split modes. In Random mode, the voicing used will be selected at random from a user-selected pool. This is fantastic as an inspirational tool! Split mode allows for up to three voicings to be used depending on what part of the keyboard is used.

    Besides the ultra-powerful chord mode, we've also included Unisons patches with two octaves of single notes sampled per section. From contrabasses to violins/violas and trumpets, that's a total orchestra range of C1 to C6! The Unisons can be played in Natural mode, where each instrument triggers only in its natural playable range, or in Zone mode where each section can be assigned a different keyboard region.


    * 30,000+ orchestral samples across 3 mic positions
    * 11 instrument ensembles recorded separately for full control
    * Strings: Basses, Celli, Violins/Viola
    * Brass: Tuba, Trombones, Horns, Trumpets
    * Winds: Bassoons/Contra, flute/oboe/clarinet
    * Choirs: Men, Women & FX
    * Sustains, staccato, staccatissimo, tenuto & scripted legato
    * Custom orchestrator engine for instant chord gratification
    * Make your own chords + performance mapping
    * Two octaves of bonus unison samples per ensemble

    Rhapsody Orchestral Colors includes extensive settings and performance controls to further customize the library. Our convolution reverb sports a selection of custom, hand-picked impulse responses ranging from huge concert halls to small chamber spaces - an easy way to achieve drastically different tones with one click.


    Other useful features include the Doubler, which doubles the size and width of every ensemble, Extra RR, which adds even more variations to every section (great for ostinato staccatos), and Staccato Tightness, allowing for the full range of short notes from loose and full to ultra-short and tight.

    When using this collection, your memory and CPU usage is entirely dependent on the density of your orchestration and mic positions used. For example, using only stage mics will cut RAM and CPU usage by about 66%. Using all mic positions and all instruments loaded at once will be more taxing on your system.
    • 8gb disk space (NCW compressed)
    • FULL VERSION of Kontakt 5.3 - NOT Kontakt Player
    • 4gb RAM (8gb recommended)
    • 2009 Intel processor or better
    Rhapsody Orchestral Colors is available now for Kontakt 5.3+ (Full version) for $149, but we have TWO special offers available...

    1. Owners of Rhapsody Orchestral Percussion will find a coupon for $50 off in their user area!

    2. Through the end of our holiday sale, if you spend $299+ in an order, we will send you a voucher to get Orchestral Colors...for FREE


    More INFO: Impact Soundworks | Rhapsody Orchestral Colors
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2015
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  3. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Is it me or does this sound a bit synthy?
    Anyway, nice GUI.
  4. boogiewoogie

    boogiewoogie Platinum Record

    Sep 15, 2012
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    It's not just you :) I thought the same. Nice idea, but sonically, not the greatest.
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