Studio One 3 not recognizing Kontakt Stereo outs (SOLVED)

Discussion in 'Studio One' started by Revenant, Dec 17, 2015.

  1. Revenant

    Revenant Member

    Mar 20, 2013
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    I just installed Studio One 3.1 x64 (hoping to stwitch from CE7) and I can't get Kontakt (5.5.1) multi output routing to work.

    I have everything set up in Kontakt properly (see attachment), but the additional stereou outs kt. st.2,3, etc. just don't appear in Studio One.

    Anyone know how to solve this?



    Problem solved, folowed these instructions:

    O.k., I understood your workaround with to separate mono channels for one Kontak instrument.

    I suggest the following (for I had to find out about routing Kontakt 5 and Studio One 2.5 these days..)

    Start Kontakt 5 Standalone. Don't load any instruments yet. In the output section of the Kontakt window, check which channels you have as a default. There should be at least one Stereo Channel and 4 aux channels, also stereo.

    2. Add as many channels as you need by clicking on the "Add channels" tab. In the pop-up window, set the number of channels you need (the "quantity" field). The "Number of channels"-field below this is a bit misleading, as it does not refer to the number of channels you set in the quantity field, but to the actual audio channels per channel: If you set it to "1", this means you are creating mono channels. So set this to "2", creating stereo channels. Leave the "soundcard/host output" field to "not connected" for now.
    Click ok.
    Now you should see your stereo channels appearing in the output section left to the aux channels (BTW the aux channels cannot be deleted).

    3. Under each fader,you see a small button (Channel configuration tab). It should look like this: -/-
    If there are any numbers, click on the button, and in the pop-up window click on each of the two physical out entries, changing them to "not connected" (scroll down the list). (BTW the options you get there are the actual physical outs of your connected audio interface). Click ok.

    4. Save this configuration as a default by clicking on the "Presets/Bach configuration" tab above the faders. Select "Save current output section state as default for..." --> "VST plugin. This way, every time you open Kontakt as a plugin in Studio One, it will start up with this output configuration. You can always change this later.

    5. Close Kontakt and start Studio One. Add a Track with Kontakt. Now you should have your pre-definded output setting from the start.

    6. Click the Channel Configuration tab under the faders in Kontakt and assign the two outputs for each channel by starting with the first from the list (should be "Kt Stereo 1 [1] and Kt Stereo 1 [2]", etc. going down the list channel by channel.

    Now whenever you assign or change any output setting of Kontakt after it has been loaded as a plug-in, there is a pop-up window tellng you to close and re-open Kontakt to make the change effective in Studio one. Just click ok, change all channels one by one.

    Make this new setting permament by again clickiing on "Save current output section state as default for..." --> "VST plugin.

    Now throw Kontakt out of Studio One by deleting the Kontakt entry in the MIXER section ( left, under "instrument". Just right-click and delete)
    Now reopen Kontakt again by adding a Kontakt track. The output assignment should now be the default.

    7. Add instruments to Kontakt 5, as many as you have defined channels. Mind that by default Kontakt assigns every instrument to the same output channel St 1! Although it automatically assigns different MIDI channels...
    So now you have to change the default output of each instrument in the Kontakt window, right above the field wheree you change the MIDI channel of the instrument. In the list that pops up when you click on the output tab (right under the instruments name), you cann now chose the outputs you have formerly defined.

    8. Now if you check in the Studio One Mixer, you will still only see one channel (Kt st 1). To make the other Kontakt channels visible, click on the little white triangle left of the "Kontakt 5" entry in the instruments column of the mixer (left of the fader section in Studio One). Click on the second entry from above (in German it says "Einblenden", so it must be something like "show").
    A list opens up with all the Kontakt channels you have defined before. You can see that the only entry that has a blue tag is the one you already see. By tagging the others, you make them visible in the mixer section. Mind that there is a tiny white square to the right of the entries, with which you can scroll down the channel list.

    9. Add as many instrument channels in the Studio One arrange/track window as you have instruments in Kontakt, Assign Kontakt as theinput and the appropriate MIDI channel.

    Now you should be able to play each Kontakt instrument by activating the referring track in studio one, and you should see the referring signal meter moving in the mixer.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2015

    Attached Files:

  3. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Here is a youtube link that should clear this up for you...

    Setting Up Kontakt Multi-Out in Studio One v3

    You can also find tutorials on general mutli-out setup in Studio One that will help
    with any multi-out VSTi.
  4. Revenant

    Revenant Member

    Mar 20, 2013
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    Thanks, but I already saw that video. In fact, I watched like 4 other videos on setting up a multi-out Kontakt instance in SO3. Still, even though I follow the instructions, it just doesn't work like it should.
  5. wayne3

    wayne3 Member

    May 31, 2013
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    Kt. aux 1, Kt. aux 2 etc. must be enabled (exactly as Kt. st. 1)

    Output 1 -> Kt. st. 1
    Output 2 -> Kt. aux 1
    Output 3 -> Kt. aux 2
    Output 4 -> Kt. aux 3
    Output 5 -> Kt. aux 4

    I have no idea why this confusing naming has never changed over the years. If you want to avoid this bad joke in the future, you should safe/back up your output-configuration: "Outputs" -> "Presets/Batch Configuration" -> "Save output section preset as ...".
  6. Revenant

    Revenant Member

    Mar 20, 2013
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    The problem is that I CANNOT activate them because they don't appear in Studio One, as the screenshot shows. After 4 auxes it's just those Unassigned Ones all way down, with no way to enable etc.
  7. n12n0

    n12n0 Kapellmeister

    Jul 12, 2013
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    after checking them like this(left mouse to enable)


    press f3 and channels should be appeared in mixer view.. after that you can rename them

    you can also do this via mixer view.. to the left and enable "instrument view" click the arrow next to kontakt , there you can find "show/hide" check outs there to show in mixer

    Last edited: Dec 17, 2015
  8. Revenant

    Revenant Member

    Mar 20, 2013
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    Clearly you didn't even read my post properly. I do not need to use AUXes and yes, I do know that channels need to be enabled by ticking them. I, however, cannot do that because the only st. channel I see in Studio One is, then there are those 4 aux channels, and a whole bunch of Unnasigned ones which, if used, only produce produce a mono sound.


    Problem solved, hopefully it helps someone should they encounter this issue.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2015
  9. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    Do you how to activate more than 5 Stereo output. I did what you said but if I create more than 5 stereo outputs in stand-alone when I load the Kontakt VST in Studio One 3, the DAW will hang and get not responding in the task manager.

    In this video, in the end, he says that we can not create more than 5 stereo tracks, and if we do two mono tracks will be created for one stereo track, which you should pan left and right to emulate a stereo track.

    Last edited: Feb 23, 2018
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