Logic pro X lagging problem

Discussion in 'Logic' started by venndi, Dec 4, 2015.

  1. venndi

    venndi Ultrasonic

    Jan 16, 2015
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    I have a lagging/latency problem. Foe exemple, when I open a new project, with one guitartrack, with some VST (amplitube), and I try to record, then is no problem, no lagging, latency problem. But, When I make a whole mixing mastering, with a lot of plugins, then of course there is a latency, when I try to record. What I don't understand, why have I latency problem, if I disable all the plugins? Nothing change, I tried to freeze all the tracks, except the guitar track, I tried also turn off all the track, and this also doesn't help.
    Here is the funniest thing, when I delete all tracks, except the recording track, the latecny still there...
    So, when I open a new project, which have only one track, that have I created for recording, there is no lagging problem. When I open some earlier project, and delete all the track, and create one new track for recording, then the latency still there.
    Sorry for my bad english! I hope somebody can help me.
  3. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    Do you use the Low Latency Mode button when recording? It's available via Customize Control Bar & Display. Maybe combined with a low I/O buffer setting (in Logic's preferences > audio) - just as long as you record.

    On the other hand, because LPX is far from perfect, a little workflow advice: make all your (midi) recordings as soon as possible after you start a new project. It's how it goes in a typical workflow. You should not need to record midi parts when you are at the final mixing stage of a song - when the project is busy with processing & routing. If this occurs often in your workflow, you're doing it wrong. Try to use minimal processing (EQ, Comp) until you have all the recording done.
  4. beatroot

    beatroot Producer

    Nov 14, 2012
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    How much RAM have you have installed on your machine?What are the specs of the mac you are using?Maybe these have something to do with the lag you are experiencing.Could you give a little more details of your machine.Also do you have enough free space on your main hard drive.You should have at least 15-20% of your drive’s capacity free.

    Check your I/O Buffer settings.Check plugin delay compensation.What audio interface are you using?Have you updated your audio interface with the latest drivers.These are some of the things that could interfere with latency.

    On the other hand you could bounce some of you tracks to audio so that you could free up some of you plugin usage.
  5. venndi

    venndi Ultrasonic

    Jan 16, 2015
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    Thanks! I'll try this Low Latency Mode. The I/O buffer is on minimum.
    I use hackintosh, I have 16GB RAM, I think its enough, the CPU is i5 4690. Yes I have enough space on HDD, also on SSD, the I/O buffer is on 32. I use a Scarlett 2i4 soundcard.

    Really annoying, as I sad, If I delete all the tracks, (I use mostly EZdrummer, trilian, and some EQ, Limiter etc plugins) and leave only one, WITHOUT any plugin, the latency won't disappear...but, If I open a new project, then is no problem with latency. I just think that somebody already solve this problem. I'm sure it's something with LPX, not with my machine, no reason for latency problem after deleting the tracks...but it's still.
  6. beatroot

    beatroot Producer

    Nov 14, 2012
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    Latency issues using a Scarlett with Logic
    If you are experiencing issues with larger than expected latency in Logic, please ensure you have installed the latest software for your Scarlett Interface from our downloads page here.
  7. beatroot

    beatroot Producer

    Nov 14, 2012
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    If possible you could borrow a friend's audio interface like Motu or Apogee ,RME etc.and check to see if you are still getting the same latency.Don't try this with another Focusrite interface.Try the interface from a different developer and see if it addresses the problem.I did see that a number of users using Focusrite Interfaces have faced a latency problem so you could read up on that issue too.
  8. venndi

    venndi Ultrasonic

    Jan 16, 2015
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    Ehhh, I figured out :). The problem was the plugins in the output track...of course it can't delete the output track, so I just disabled the plugins. It seams isn't enough to only disable the plugins, it must be deleted, then won't lagging. Funny, it's disabled, but maybe work in the background?
    Anyway, thanks for your tips! :)