Bomfunk Mc freestyler

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by samsome, Dec 2, 2015.

  1. samsome

    samsome Guest

    guys this site's-Freestyler-James-Brown-Get-on-the-Good-Foot/

    says the minute that freestyler used a sample from james brown

    but i can't understand exactly he sampled?

    Did the producer of freestyler sampled the drums? or all the instruments of james brown song at a certain section?

    If you can explain it would be great.......also any other insight to this song, like what keyboard was used to produce those sounds would be great

    thank you
  3. KabukiMan-Sanjo

    KabukiMan-Sanjo Noisemaker

    Aug 24, 2015
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    The vox line 'hit me'.
  4. samsome

    samsome Guest

    only that? and where is it in the freestyler song? i can't hear it?

    MORTIX Kapellmeister

    Sep 22, 2015
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    Yeah.. Its the vocal used on the scracth at 1:54..
    Feelin old vibes with this one.. Pretty much "EDM" for back in the days.. the arp give that futuristic ambience and the breakbeat make the song groove.. Join some James Brown scratch bits and have you a Hit ;)
  6. samsome

    samsome Guest

    Hey sorry but Why did he need that vocal sound if he gonna distort/scratch it up to the point that its just noise?

    he could have used any other sample?.... or is there any other reason i can't see? sorry but i can't really understand sampling

    and can u recognise its that exact part? i can't understand how you can hear its that vocal line that was used?
  7. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    prolly because without james brown there is no 'hit me' sample. if someone else would do it i bet uncle james would bitchslap him and since nobody wants to get bitchslapped by uncle james nobody would try to throw in a 'hit me'
  8. Soul1975

    Soul1975 Platinum Record

    May 13, 2015
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    You're over thinking it.
    It gives you the time of the (vocal)stab and the time that it appears in the "song".
  9. KabukiMan-Sanjo

    KabukiMan-Sanjo Noisemaker

    Aug 24, 2015
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    You might be overthinking now, to me constructing a new song/beat is often just like taking a walk outside without any particular destination, just go with the flow and take a turn when you feel like it. Ideas come and go, but you have to try them out a lot to see whether they fit your vision & feel right or not. I think that's what happened here with this vocal sample, they probably just threw it in for fun, and suddenly noticed it fits quite nice after mangling a bit with FX.

    Sometimes samples can consist of larger elements or even whole beats, sometimes it might be just a tiny gerbil's fart processed enough to waken the Gods, so just play with samples/sounds, put them in a blender and see if you like the taste that comes out of it.

    As for how can know it's a James Brown sample and why not shout 'hit me' yourself? I think 'Statik' answered that one already, heh! The basis was someone saying there IS a JB sample, so in that light it's obvious it's the vocal line. It's also in the same pitch, but that doesn't matter since you can change anything to whatever with FX. Maybe the sample is not taken from JB, only way to be sure is ask the producer. If you had the clean 'hit me' sample straight from Bomfunk's sample vault, you could also analyze the waveforms till the end of time, but I really think people should be making good noise instead of overthinking & analyzing too much whether one sound is this or that. Hope these 2 cents helped :)
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