Furch Millenium D19-CM-CE - Brilliant Acoustic Guitar!

Discussion in 'Instruments' started by phloopy, Nov 29, 2015.

  1. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Just bought this guitar and it´s impressing how much value you get if you compair with brands like Martin, Gibson etc!

    So if you need a great acoustic guitar, I can highly recommend this one! Price: About 1000 US/950 Euro.


    Thats all.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2015
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  3. smoothripple

    smoothripple Kapellmeister

    Dec 9, 2013
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    Northen Continental Divide, N. America
    Nothing like a sweet guitar to make someone's day. Good for you! :like: It's pretty too!

    I bought an old Washburn D30S a few weeks ago that has the greatest tone. You know how the tone gets sweet after enough years of being played. All my other guitars must be getting lonesome because I can't stop playing it. :winker:
  4. Yea, while visiting my brother I have had only my old Nippon Gakki Yamaha FG350 from around 1984 that I gifted him many years ago to play this week. Abused terribly by leaving it in an un-air conditioned house in searing Florida summer temperatures, dropped, jumped on by toddlers and otherwise not shown too much love with dents and dings abounding, she still has this amazing and sweetly defined tone that punches very way of the price point of 150 dollars that I paid for it so long ago. I have this burning desire to reclaim this rough jewel and put a few quid into rehabilitation and play it and love it every day in the future. A new bone saddle, nut and pegs, Grover machines and a professional setup by my guy in Basel should go a long way into restoring this aging beauty once again into a fine and playable noble instrument. I would do give her alternate tuning duties, as my other two, a Martin D15 M and a prized early 90's Roy Noble cedar topped, Brazilian rosewood side and three-pieced back are not to be messed with. Gonna have to sit down with my brother and ease him into the idea. @smoothripple, enjoy, enjoy, enjoy your new tool.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 29, 2015
  5. smoothripple

    smoothripple Kapellmeister

    Dec 9, 2013
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    Northen Continental Divide, N. America
    All the reason you need to do whatever you have to with your brother. Even buy him another guitar if you have to. :yes:

    My youngest son hounded me for years to pass my 1976 Takamine to him. I did about 2 years ago and deeply regret it. I love my son and he was going to get it anyway when I kicked the bucket, but it has the best sound of any guitar I have ever played. Every fret all the way up the neck had 6 deep grooves from all those years of playing. I used to say to the crowd that guitar had been played more than any other guitar in history. [probably not though :unsure:] Many scars plus a worn through spot just to the lower right of the sound hole. I went through 3 cases for that sweetheart. I really miss it.

    But he won't give it back. So he will just have to wait for the guitar I learned on. 1929 Dobro. My grandpa's.

    :bleh: to him.
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  6. Millenium

    Millenium Producer

    Jul 14, 2011
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    9500 Euros :winker:

    What a great Christmas gift :like:
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2015
  7. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Congrats Phloopy, I'm sure you'll know how to do good music with it.
  8. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Greetings from Brno :drunks:
  9. He let it go and it is once again mine to hold, cherish and love. I will buy an old playable beater the next I am in the area to replace her, to have another guitar for my 2 1/2 year old nephew to play with and hopefully pick up and learn some years down the line, but for now....
  10. smoothripple

    smoothripple Kapellmeister

    Dec 9, 2013
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    Northen Continental Divide, N. America
    Cool. :wink: