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Discussion in 'Our Music' started by foster911, Nov 23, 2015.

  1. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Just practicing the Db Major scale!
    Sorry for being short just in 2 hours! Any criticism would be appreciated!

    I Love you!:mates:
  3. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    A bit longer. Melody changes from the middle. Which part do you love more?
  4. Sonny Crockett

    Sonny Crockett Kapellmeister

    Oct 1, 2015
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    Lovely tune pal, I don't think a change would be needed but what I'd do is to make everything sound like old, chillwave style idk if there's a technical word for what I mean but if that was my song I think it could sound better that way.
    I feel like that bassy base sounds vintage as well as the lead while the drums not and makes me feel like (in a way) doesn't fit much with the rest, if you will. But is just my opinion and tastes. Still love the tune!
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  5. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    Yep, I like the way it evolves. Sound is good, although I can agree with Sonny Crockett, about the drums.Pretty bright all together.
  6. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Thanks so much! Yes, you're right. Drum tutorials to be matched to each style like this is needed for me. :wink:
    I should consider that in my future releases!
  7. abletonmax

    abletonmax Ultrasonic

    Jan 10, 2015
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    Sounds Kraftwerky, which is great if you're purposely trying to achieve a late 1970s sound, or not so great if your intention was to top the beatport chart.
  8. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    1- When is a new genre born? When the folks are getting bored of the previous ones or due to random fusions purposely or experimentally?

    2- What should we do with the previous ones? Simply forget them? Especially when they're legitimate.

    The most creative and talented people of all eras in the electronic genres were living in that decade (1970s). I'd always wish I could live in that time. Nowadays music are just decorative form of theirs.

    When something is good, it's good. Isn't it?:yes:
  9. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    1. a new genre is born when someone or a few people (most of the time without even knowing that others are doing it as well) start making something/incorporating elements to create something that is so different from styles/combinations previously done. this has nothing to do with being bored with previous styles and (prolly) has everything to do with experimenting.
    2. never forget previous ones

    i think it's a bit shortsighted to say that the most talented people of the electronic genres were living in the 70's as the whole electronic genre was only just starting, all decades have their own mozarts, beethovens, hendrixes and jarres. ok except for the 90's the 90's were totally shit and should be forgotten altogether but on the other hand the 90's were, sort of, the building blocks for everything we have now. it's evolution and you can't have evolution without someone jumping out of the water and start walking while the rest is still swimming
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