Justin Bieber tops UK singles chart and breaks top 40 record

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by Oysters, Nov 20, 2015.

  1. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Oxford, England
    i can't think of a less deserving artist to have taken this record from Elvis. but credit to beiber, when he went off the rails i thought his career was over... it is stronger than ever it seems.

    Justin Bieber tops UK singles chart and breaks top 40 record

    (source BBC News)

    He now has 8 records in the UK top 40 (including number 1,3 & 5). beating Elvis' almost 60 year old record of 7...


    Edit: do streaming services such as Spotify contribute to the uk chart?
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2015
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  3. Ash

    Ash Rock Star

    Oct 27, 2015
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    There's no more youth...:guru:

    Long live the radio brain washing and the apathetic zombies generations...

    ...or maybe he is just the modern time Elvis, who know.:rofl:

    However :deep_facepalm:
  4. cookieyeah

    cookieyeah Noisemaker

    Nov 12, 2015
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    You cant argue with the kids and there taste today. It's what its all about. I used to love tuning in to the Top 40 in the UK back in the day, but I wouldn't know who does what these days.

    Thank god for my DAW and synths is all I can say.
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  5. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    I don't know about you all, but I find his last album quite good.:unsure:

    You can't argue with taste I guess
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  6. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Time to stop making music. :facepalm:

    Just kidding. :wink: I don't listen to charts crap and generally ignore everything I don't like so I really don't give a shit about what happens with or to that hipster posh kiddo. Haven't he retired or something? Maybe I read it wrong, maybe he got "retarded"? :rofl:

    One of the main reasons why I enjoy making music is because I like to listen to music and the new music I like is really hard to find these days. So I kinda play the music I like, for myself, and everyone who enjoys the same kind of music, and it makes me happy. :rofl:
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2015
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  7. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    One more thing. You should take in account that there were far less people listening to music in the 60s in general. The world population got much much bigger in the mean time and it's over 7 billion now. So this kiddo has more fans today than Elvis could ever dream of in the 60s.
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  8. I had a moment of dread and despair two days ago while driving with my 11 year old daughter. Some new Bieber song came on the radio, and as I instinctively drew my hand to exact revenge at his insult to my entire being and soul, to change the station to a more rational auditory solution, my dearest sweet girl stopped my hand in forward momentum and thwarted my move. My face slackened, my heart missed a beat and I began to go through the why, when and hows and where I had gone astray, done her such wrong in my duty as a father and a musician. Where had I let my daughter down in her musical education and raw appreciation of all things good and honest in musicianship and music in general? She had prospered with Bach and Beethoven, Tchaikovsky and Shostakovich while bathing in the sublime nirvana of the womb, and by the time she was three her favorite song was Frank Zappa's Bobby Brown. At five began her love affair with the violin, the youngest to play ever at her school a solo in performance. She loves Nat King Cole as well as Natalie, understands the greatness of Amy Winehouse and Hendrix, still thinks of the recordings of Robert Johnson as "ghost music" (very cool, she came up with this when 6 years old) but hangs onto every note, and in general has a wide and decent appreciation of things that are "good and great". I took my eyes off the road to meet hers, and what she said set my soul to rest and laid a smile across my face. "Daddy, I just want to wait until he starts singing so I can say, Fuck you asshole, I thing you suck big time". Ah, I guess I did all right after all.
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  9. ceanganb

    ceanganb Ultrasonic

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Haha, loved this. Congratulations :D
  10. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    You left out the 'just joking' smiley at the end.
    Even so, I laughed anyway.
  11. Ash

    Ash Rock Star

    Oct 27, 2015
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    I'm happy that my parents were more Rock than Disco back in the day, no offense against disco but I rather the raw energy of Led Zep, Judas Priest or Deep Purple. Now I listen almost all styles which don't play on mainstream tv and radio shows.
    I ever wonder what I would listen if I was born later.
    Anyway, thanks Mum & Dad.
  12. westfinch

    westfinch Platinum Record

    Jun 25, 2013
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    Excuse me whilst I vomit. I am sure my parents weren't happy when Elvis appeared on the scene, but damn...........we didn't have an itunes account to waste on dreck back then.
  13. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    So much hypocritical hate around the "today"s artists.

    What if we would've swap the places of today with the ones of yesterday, you'd still hate the PRESENT and love the PAST like it's a cool fashion to do so, with absolutely no transparence even though the music is the most SUBJECTIVE topic in the world. If an artist is great for someone but bad for you, you still hate that artist just because it has no similarities to the artists you used to love in the past, and not the last, hating on the other people, kids, human beings which listens to artists you hate. IF that artist would've had any similarities with the ones you loved in your past, then you would've call him a copy-cat and lack of creativity.

    I have in my computer mixing/mastering references albums from U2, Pink Floyd, Radiohead, Whitney Houston, Tori Amos, Westlife, Lionel Richie, AND Justin Bieber, Colbie Caillat, Lady Antebellum, Daft Punk, Usher, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Kanye West, The Weeknd, Drake, Usher, Maroon 5, Zedd, Loreen, Lorde, even cinematic stuff from 2StepsFromHell, X-ray Dog, Fired Earth Music, AM021, Aaron Zigman, Hans Zimmer, even actual rock bands like Rammstein, Daughtry, System of a Down, even Korean albums, latin albums(and these are just a part of my collection) Yes, i listen to everything with an open and objective mind.

    If you just get rid of all the hate and let your soul nourish with the beauty of sound then you'd enjoy life more and not only, you'll learn a lot and become a better self too.

    "Back to the topic", despite all the hate, Bieber can play trumpet, guitar, piano, and drums. His singing is also good and he does a great job at being an artist. Now call me douchy, "brainwashed kid", hippie or however, but great music is not defined just by what we used to grow up with. We should be more transparent overall when it comes about music.

    That must be the most positive and transparent way of thinking i've ever whitnessed. If you apply that kind of attitude to every human being on this earth, there would be World-Wars on a roll, decade by decade without excluding the tagging numbers starting with III.

    Especially when we are blinded by hate and subjectivity, rejecting every musical piece/artist that has nothing to do with the enviroment/musical fashion we used to grow with. Makes sense. :sad:
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2015
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  14. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Do you know how he did it? Refer to my post On how to make a Billboard smash hit. Aka B-S-Hit (Looks like it says Bshit for bullshit). :rofl:
    That aside, I don't really care what that kid does. She's no different then any of the other kids and morons who flood the music industry. And I swear to god if I hear that "watch me whip, nae nae" song one more time I'll peel off the face off of the nearest person who likes it. They call that Hip Hop when it's just garbage (no, not Garbage the 90's pop/alt band either). I just ignore all the mainstream music and everything that irks me, Ie: Justin Wienerless.
    Honestly I just write and compose everything I want to hear that the godawful mainstream media continuously fail to give me. So if it weren't for very my extensive musical skills and the equipment that I have acquired and rocked in my studio, I think I'd likely have killed myself at this point in terms of the crap people call "music" these days. :guru:

    Oh and um, don't even get me started on all the awesome talented artists who get little or no recognition in the music industry, yet you have little chipmunk-sized kindergarteners who get famous for choking on a helium balloon with their anuses ripped open from excessive consumption of a stretched out rubber R2D2 toy with the legs torn off the sides.
    If you want to compose music, you start by learning to play and instrument. If you want to compose a billboard hit (which is not music), you start by consuming loads of chili, beans, and at least 24 king size bags of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups before consuming laxatives. You will spend the night in the bathroom moaning like a whore but by the morning you will have a full album produced and you can call it "I lax the whore-moans to bang toilets".

  15. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Besides vocals, Bieber plays trumpet, guitar, piano, and drums. Also vocally he doesn't needs autotune unless it's for creative purposes. He even have live performances recorded with smartphones at home.

    If you feel cool by hating in a way that's been advertised to make you look cool by doing it , then go ahead and mentain the "industry hating fashion". These people's creativity brings them the oportunity to make a living out of their artistry regardless of how bad or good it is. What does your creativity helps you with? Making super-creative jokes and pseudo-descriptions of the actual artists who weren't lucky enough to start their careers in your childhood so you could've love them today?
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  16. spencer26

    spencer26 Platinum Record

    Aug 26, 2014
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    Byron Bay Australia
    Evorax I am with you one hundred percent. I am 68 years old and think Beibers latest records are at the top of recording technologies. The music is art and very enjoyable. I am waiting to see what he and his great producers do next. If only we could all make records this good.
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  17. Ash

    Ash Rock Star

    Oct 27, 2015
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    No hate from me, just incomprehension and I saw better "today" artists in the subway but they are not formated and package for radio formats.
    It's not a matter of past or present. Most of us listen modern bands or artists too, but not necessarily those of mainstream medias. And for Justin or this kind of artists, it's not the artist himself who is criticized (no doubt he gots talents) but more what he represent in the music business.
    I don't know all artists from your list but most of them. I find your list quite mainstream apart korean and latin stuff. For exemple, Rammstein or S.o.D., I don't contest their talent, but they are pop star metal band far from less famous talented bands as Tiamat and Grorr. Hans Zimmer is in almost every film sountracks and 2S.f.H. almost every trailer. the others turn in loops on fm radios. I think the most listened or famous is not necessarily the best or the most talented. I rather find some hidden musical gold nuggets who diserve love thanthis industrial products.
    Eclectic tastes go by more genres than that. Fado, Irish, Norwegian,Japanese folk, Carnatic music, Tuva songs, Nativ american songs, classic, video games, animes, tv shows sountracks. I don't even talk about electro, hip hop or rock and metal and all sub genres of them.
    I agree with you, I do the same, I just chosen another path than you do to. i rather shiver on Lisa Gerrard voice than lady gaga or witney houston voice
    No need of every human. Psychopath politics are unfortunately already on the way.They don't need us but to die for their benefits.:(

    Sorry, i don't know if everything I wrote is understandable, english is far to be easy for me.
    I replied because you have talk about open and objective mind but I've found your argumentation pretty closed.

    Without hate nor violence. :bow:
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  18. No shit!!!
  19. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    The names mentioned are just a part of my collection, and my point was to mention the genres/versatility, not the mainstream/underground sides.

    The majority of them are "mainstream" because engineers behind names like Pink Floyd, Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Radiohead are studio godfathers who are still involved today in the mix/mastering stages(the ones who are still alive) of the actual artists's songs of the likes of Justin Bieber or Rihanna. No doubt there are great and very talented underground artists, but i chase a music-related career so i have to embrace the "mainstream excelence" because let's face it, these top-end sound engineers wouldn't charge that huge-price for nothing, they have to ensure these mainstream today artists that they'll sound best technically and they're the best at doing so. In order to put myself on the right path professionally, i have to consume the "right type of food".

    Speaking of underground artists, i love David Hodges music (he used to be part of Evanescence a decade ago and also kelly clarkson's boyfriend) now he went underground-ish and i support him buying his new songs from itunes, also movie-wise i have in my collection asian compositions from Noriyuki Asakura, Taku Iwasaki, Bang Jun-Seok, and many others, even the soundtracks from "Ruderless" movie if you watched it which sounds very indie and un-mainstream, i also listen underground songs from songwritters like Nikki Flores, games-wise i love the futuristic soundtracks from Deus-Ex Human Revolution, Risen 1, Mass-Effect 3, etc. but these are less famous and i didn't included them in my previous post because i wanted to name the artists who are more familiar to most of the guys who takes part on this topic.

    I just can't understand why most of the people hate on the actual industry like there's absolutely nothing positive off it, ignoring the creative and technical details which these records ensure (of course, despite the auto-tuning cliches or other exceptions).
  20. ..and it wasn't about the quality of his recording or the content of his lyrics or his obvious talent, but rather she (and I) doesn't like him as a person who seemingly has no respect for anything outside of his small orbit. He continues unabatedly to be someone who would not be welcome in our home for any reason what so ever. She first saw him on a huge German television show called Wetten Dass where he, in his best impersonation of himself, acted as being there was way below his station and walked out way before he was supposed to, bypassing his obligation to participate as a guest in the unique format that the show is famous for. She was admiringly harsh on him and I did call her out on that. We always give her her space to be open about her feelings and so she does have a tendency to speak her mind. I got her point, however, and although I wouldn't have framed it that way, I understood where she was coming from.
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  21. Chris Wellz

    Chris Wellz Kapellmeister

    Nov 7, 2015
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    I'm listening to it right now and I have to say, for the first time, Justin Bieber's album is pretty dope to me. Never thought I'd say that. Had to wait till he got out the "Make music for 10 year old school girls" phase. After watching Comedy Central's Roast of Justin Bieber, the things said and what he said gave me a different impression of him.
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