why doesnt Reason get mentioned or any love???

Discussion in 'DAW' started by DStefOnTheBeat, Nov 15, 2015.

  1. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Oxford, England
    Ok I as going by memory from when I first got reason with the dongle. Info that used to be correct (props have done nothing to let me know things had changed).
    I did acknowledge I was probably wrong. but as you should have got, I went to props.com and took a look, and yes you can attempt to authorise your computer, but the service isn't working for me. I get an error every time. Not always the same one. So I still need my dongle or I still have to login whilst online every time I launch reason.
    As I almost entirely use Live9 nowadays it isn't worth the hassle for me trying to get it sorted.
    We all have opinions here. Some facts too, and even though some of our facts may be out of date, and some of our opinions a little bit extreme, there is no need for offensive words like' retarded'
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2015
  2. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    i used reason a lot when it first came out. i would use acid pro to do all my audio and do all my midi in reason. back in the day, the rex thing was great and, as a user of rebirth, reason was like it's big brother. but all it's faults have been listed here ( the thin sound is apparent to my ears although it got a little better when they incorporated their mastering racks, but not a massive amount.) i have always come to loathe the GUI, i hate fixed windows like that , even after the sequencer was dockable it's still a PITA and makes you lose the will to live.
    it's saveing grace is, naturally rewire. i still use it for the redrum and kong drum machines, which i still like a lot. and i find that it's ochestral samples are nice in certain projects. and there is dr rex which is now capable of multiple samples. so it definitely has it's place. it just is not as a main daw. if anything it is a great 'scratchpad' for ideas. my laaptop is old and slow, but reason runs without a hiccup on it. so if i am on a train or what not, i can sketch things out and rewire or export midi etc. later on. i am stil using version 5 which i bought years ago, and just couldn't find the interest to try any later versions inspite of the development since then.
    at the end of the day propellerheads 'closed system' has backfired somewhat. they should have put vst support in years ago and they may have been up there with the big boys now.
    hats off to 'em for trying though. ( i still use recycle a lot, still very handy)
    : ]
  3. CricketDub

    CricketDub Newbie

    Nov 18, 2015
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    Well, it's retarded when people post things that are wrong IMHO. Reason doesn't need a dongle anymore, and you're not the only person in this thread who has claimed that (even though you admitted you were wrong). And you can't be bothered to contact tech support for your authorizing issue, yet it's somehow still the manufacturer's problem? That's retarded, too. Just say'n.
  4. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Oxford, England
    Well you can understand that non reason owners think it needs a dongle, because it did need one and it did ship with one (possibly still does?). Even I who owns reason didn't even realise it didn't need one anymore, so I hope you can forgive them. I might contact support, but right now I don't need to and it's not a priority. Anyway I am glad someone is sticking up for reason. It really isn't as bad as many are making out!
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2015
  5. CricketDub

    CricketDub Newbie

    Nov 18, 2015
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    True, no doubt. I hear you. That said, it's always cute to see threads like these pop up, though. These DAW are just tools that we use to practice our craft; no need for peeps to get their panties in a bunch. It's the crowd mentality, though. I'm just as guilty as anyone here for jumping on the bandwagon at times.

    But for everyone else in this thread that either (a) doesn't know because they have never used Reason (b) doesn't know because they haven't used it in a long time or (c) doesn't know because they believe things that people say without fact checking, I'll try to clear things up again:

    • Reason does not require a dongle as of version 7 (it's currently at version 8.3 something). You can authorize your computer offline, as well as any Rack Extensions offline that you've purchased without any additional hardware.
    • Reason is extremely light these days and is super easy to upgrade. It (optionally) can be automatically updated, and each update is about 100 MB and there's no need to mess around with factory soundbank refills, etc.
    • Reason sounds as thin as your shitty production is, or as phat/thick as your awesome production is. Don't blame the tools, son!
    • While we all would love VST support, it 'aint happening since RE's were their answer. Those who feel personally insulted that Reason now supports audio recording and MIDI when at one time Propellerhead seemed to have no interest in doing so, need to get over themselves and move on. It's just a tool. Things change. No biggie.
    • Reason will always be years behind the competition in features, but it will always have what sets Reason apart from every other goddamn DAW on the market: the rack paradigm. Many find this truly inspiring and easy to work with. Many don't. Choose your weapon. Again, no biggie.
    I still use Reason, but I also use a plethora of other DAW and VST. Love 'em all. This allegiance to a specific piece of software is silly though.
  6. RasCricket

    RasCricket Newbie

    Nov 19, 2015
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    ADMIN = I am Anthony "RasCricket"Cusenza and this person here with the "RasCricket" account is posing as me. This is absolutely weird and lame but yes, this RasCricket here is NOT me and this is not cool.

    It has to be someone from Reasontalk as this thread was linked there yesterday.

    Reports on the account have been made, please respond when you can.

    What a terribly sick and weird thing to do to act like someone else online.

    Wth...weirdest day ever
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2015
  7. RasCricket

    RasCricket Newbie

    Nov 19, 2015
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    This person obviously wants to cause trouble in my name and it's not cool.

    They should work on more music and stop being such a hater.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2015
  8. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Oxford, England
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  9. RasCricket

    RasCricket Newbie

    Nov 19, 2015
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    I have no idea why this person is even doing this, Oysters.

    Like I said, Im on Facebook as Anthony Cusenza (RasCricket)

    Can you imagine waking up and seeing this? Me either!! I almost spit out my damn coffee all over my computer!!

    We need to find out who this person is and take care of this.
  10. Resonator

    Resonator Kapellmeister

    Nov 3, 2015
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    "Can Reason itself (up to the last available ck'd version at our family site) be run as a VST inside other DAW's ?
    What was it's resource load (CPU, RAM) like?"

    You can try it but last ck'd version didn't support multi processors and you may get threading problems, should work on it's own but any hooking up to outside it's own little world make cause you to wish you hadn't bothered
  11. RasCricket

    RasCricket Newbie

    Nov 19, 2015
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    To the Admin and everyone else here, sorry If I seem a bit intense but when you see someone impersonating you online its the most bizarre thing ever.....

    Mods....please send me a message as soon as you can about this please :)

    So weird....
  12. e-minor

    e-minor Platinum Record

    Jan 17, 2015
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    What we all want to know is, WHO IS THE REAL RASCRICKET?!!


    They both have under 5 posts lol. This mystery must come to an end! Will the impersonator please step forward? :rofl:

    LOL Somebody either simply thought of the same name or liked yours and jacked it. No need to get bent out of shape. All is well :yes:
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2015
  13. RasCricket

    RasCricket Newbie

    Nov 19, 2015
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    E-minor, that's my legitimate stage and artist name there.

    Please look me up on Facebook as Anthony Cusenza (RasCricket) you will see this isn't a joke and I'm very much a real and established person, haha.

    Let me tell you what happened:

    Someone linked this thread over at Reasontalk, and someone from Reasontalk made an account here acting like it was me. That's what's going on here.

    Yes, I have under 5 posts cuz I just saw this today = MANY people are seeing this since it was posted at Reasontalk. that's why the other guy only has less than 5 posts too.

    If you logged into a forum and someone was using your name, youd be creeped out and bent out of shape too. (Sorry man, It's suuuuper bizarre to see it!)

    **I signed up at Reasontalk and have posted in the thread there. Hopefully this can all get worked out.

    There is only one guy who could do this that I might consider having a laugh with over it: Karma Shaman = Dude, if its you doing this, "HAHA, very funny".....but otherwise, why?? I liked you dude, but not to the point of thinking it's cool to do something like this. O.o

    Eagerly awaiting an admin.

    Send me a friend request on Facebook and I can prove this other person is the impostor.

    This link should work = THIS is me, RasCricket - To whoever is doing this, shame on you man - I'm a nice guy and you should feel pretty lame right about now = https://www.facebook.com/ras.cricket

    ^^ Thanks everyone - that should answer any doubts of who's who.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2015
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  14. remix

    remix Platinum Record

    Dec 3, 2011
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    But you signed up here just to defend a specific piece of software...

    You're the retard yo!
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  15. RasCricket

    RasCricket Newbie

    Nov 19, 2015
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    He's also an impostor, Remix - How weird is that?

    Admins....please = Let's get this taken care of.
  16. remix

    remix Platinum Record

    Dec 3, 2011
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    Technically, you could be an imposter...

  17. RasCricket

    RasCricket Newbie

    Nov 19, 2015
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    Remix = I posted my Facebook page link https://www.facebook.com/ras.cricket

    There should be zero doubt of what I'm talking about. O.o This is just getting weirder....
  18. RasCricket

    RasCricket Newbie

    Nov 19, 2015
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    Ummm...I'm the dude in the Facebook link = this other guy needs run out on a pole. I dont know if I should be strangely honored or try to pinch myself to wake up from the weirdest dream ever!

    *waves hand :/ - (sorry if the pic is too big for this place, Tinypic.com was the first place I thought to host it)

    Last edited: Nov 20, 2015
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  19. RasCricket

    RasCricket Newbie

    Nov 19, 2015
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    When your day is SO bizarre, you cant even tell your wife about it when she gets home.... O.o
    Why are you doing this?
  20. busterootrickem

    busterootrickem Newbie

    Oct 7, 2015
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    i get the protection thing but i use uad plug ins.....and like someone said its a closed system but it has not really kept up with the times as far as second party stuff goes cracked or not