Prayers and Condolences to the French people All over the world!!!!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by asad12, Nov 13, 2015.

  1. Resonator

    Resonator Kapellmeister

    Nov 3, 2015
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    condolences to anyone who may have been affected by this sickening atrocity, very sad news :sad:, I'll mourn for all the victims and wish Isis the obliteration they deserve :(
  2. Lepow

    Lepow Producer

    Sep 12, 2015
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    Being for religion or policits, doesn't matter, cause they're both irrelevant abstract things. It's like me going your home and slapping you the face cause you prefer mixing over FabFilter than Izotope and stuff... only worse.
    "Doesn't anybody feel... That all these killers should be killed???"
    I'm with the dude that lost on his especies and the other dude who was called comunist...
  3. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    Devastating and fearing the consequences in the aftermath.
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  4. kimikaze

    kimikaze Platinum Record

    Aug 20, 2014
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    Capitalism in wrong hands and it's cash flow produce yet another disgusting thing. Religion is just a part in this long chain, which help produce fanaticism and gathered a large groups of believers, so it is in disposal for anybody who want manipulating with them. Do you people belive we Christians or any other religion for that matter will be any different in their place? I strongly belive not. There is to many things going on behind this for us ordinary people to understand who really is the "fuel" in this chain. The most safe bet is that all Countries bear part of the blame. Some with selling weapons, others with banks, third with oil, some with all they can get and most with ignorance and apathy. But one thing is clear, nothing will be better because of PEACE symbols on twiter and other bullsh... propaganda.
  5. chopin4525

    chopin4525 Producer

    Jul 23, 2013
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    Isis is not made entirely from newcomers and if you understand on your own what's right and what's wrong beforehand you don't need religion for sure. The sad thing is, if it is true that violent muslim people are only a few minority, then why they are still able to hide in our countries in the complacent muslim community? I think the answer is quite clear.
  6. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    We shouldn't be surprised. We are at war with IS. It's time Western governements put us in war readiness.
  7. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    Don't blame me, I'm tired to cry and pray. The Paris attack is the last result of decades of american, russian, european (ironic, Europe does not exist anymore), english and israeli foreign politics. The list of wrong moves is long:


    Hundreds of deads, childrens without a future and an endless angry. The next moves, as usual, will be even worst than ever. More reasons to cry. More reasons to pray. What a wonderful world... hypocrisy rules.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2015
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  8. Diabulus in Musica

    Diabulus in Musica Platinum Record

    Jun 7, 2011
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    My thoughts and condolences goes to all French people.:mates:
  9. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    so sad... may the victims find peace, wherever they are.
  10. Pronto

    Pronto Kapellmeister

    Jul 21, 2011
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    please, i urge you, stop calling for you realise what that sounds like?
    of course its a tragedy for the families and communities involved, but the perpetrators are relying on the call of "what are YOU going to do about it?!" to ring from the rooftops, people (i mean everyone) are in a state of shock and vulnerable and so very suggestible to any story that the bought-and-paid-for media puts into their minds...please maybe at least sit back and take a little while to unlink your mind from the emotion?
    lets not forget this was carried out by 4 or 5 people, i mean at a physical level.
    a good question that i saw earlier in the thread that we all might ask is, who benefits?...i would extend that from who benefits if this VERSION of events is to be believed?
    there is a process that the ultimate perpetrators carry out based on the fear the attack generates.. called problem-reaction-solution...have a look at it in regard to other events like this...
    Say you want to affect change to your benefit (for an outcome that you want) , you know that if you did something without warning the people would you create the problem, in this case the attacks...then people react out of fear and anger and confusion, they ask "what are you going to do about it?" then appear with the solution you've created to your problem, you appear as the knights in shining armour.
    in this case its attack in this case its the west (i mean Israel UN UK US etc) who are the perpetrators...the mind reels from this. its more distasteful especially in this state of shock and fear, than thinking its a group of extremists called "ISIS" .ISIS was funded and created or at the very least allowed to form, by the west, particularly in places like camp Bucca..they are a convenient enemy for hire, run by the west (lets call them including Israel though), lets not forget how long the west have been trying to depose Assad and effectively take over Syria like they have done all those other countries that "fell" under "extremism" in the last few years ...including Libya and Egypt...but Syria won't budge..good on them..
    If you can have an enemy inside the country you are trying to attack then the attacks can appear justified..its a simple as that. you can control the outcome if you control both sides of the war. and you can also exercise plausible deniability when you need to; you can wash your hands of the blood because they are the enemy after all, aren't they? can get away with murder.
  11. emmapeel

    emmapeel Ultrasonic

    Jul 31, 2013
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    My support and condolences to the French people.
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  12. Pronto

    Pronto Kapellmeister

    Jul 21, 2011
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    but no accident, no wrong moves if you're trying to manoeuvre for world power.
  13. pronox

    pronox Newbie

    Nov 12, 2015
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    it is sad what is happening in France and a lot of strength for the people who have lost someone and hope they catch the terrorist
  14. user141

    user141 Newbie

    Nov 13, 2015
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    I don't care for political agendas or religion but respect the fact that people have a fundamental right to believe whatever they decide upon.
    These horrific actions were implemented by nothing more than despicable cowards.
    My thoughts and well wishes go the French public and of course those people and families directly affected by this tragedy :sad:
  15. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    I couldn't agree with you more on that, Mr. Amine. I honestly wish I could go live on another earth-like world such as Gliese 1214 or Kepler 22 or something. Even if I were to be all alone forever with nothing more than my dog and my acoustic guitar. For real, what a terrible world we live in. :( :sad: :(
  16. Mr_Amine

    Mr_Amine Rock Star

    Mar 25, 2014
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    i just ask my co-worker and they said that they don't hide and they are in England and France and Belgium , they are in any place like everyone but the use their own place to pray and that is for Muslim only like Christians that use only the church for praying

    by the way ISIS has no religion only they use their political and finance ways to kill like ISIS Already killed more than millions of Muslims in Iraq & Syria and the world already witness that ::: so now you know that those ISIS idiots are the products of Mossad to kill everyone kids & women & men in every country by that they will control the world by turning people against each other

    When The World Define ISIS as monsters that has no religion by that we can beat them
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  17. chopin4525

    chopin4525 Producer

    Jul 23, 2013
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    I do agree Terrorism is always the result of careless politics (weapons and stuff) but I cannot agree on what your co-worker just said. They do not share the same place only for praying. Terrorist hide, reclute and also shamefully express their fundamentalist views in various ways in the places they share. Thanks to that it is quite possible to track them.
    The main problem is that Islam does not have a single religious authority so unless the muslim community on his whole realize that violent forces should be emarginated, it is unlikely that inside terrorism can be prevented. And this will have very bad consequences. I fear there will be a lot of restrictions if this madness does not come to an end.
  18. Mr_Amine

    Mr_Amine Rock Star

    Mar 25, 2014
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    what are you applying that all religious people are terrorist and are you applying that my coworker is terrorist too :woot: i can't believe that
    years ago i was having the same idea about religious people but when i met them they are just like us (they want to try have kids job car and house like everyone & if ISIS is Muslims why they killed Iraq people and killed Syria people
    & even ISIS They threat to strike African Muslim & Jewish countries from Tunis, Algeria, Morocco, Mali, Nigeria, Mauritania and etc not just Europe and middle east
    if you think that way it seems that you have no idea what it's really going on cause what you see on TV is just 1% of truth
    you have to search for the truth to find it and the truth isn't on TV News
    by the way i just heard that the one from ISIS is pure french and he has nothing to do with religion (what about that)
    ISIS they brainwashed everyone not just the religious people

    EDIT : This is from a witness
    by James Longman ::: BBC Reporter & Producer

    Last edited: Nov 14, 2015
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  19. P O P

    P O P Kapellmeister

    Dec 19, 2014
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    Sad day for my country...
    TY for your support..
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  20. davea

    davea Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2012
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    Speechless … I use to go to Le Bataclan, Le Carillon, Le Petit Cambodge …
    Friends of friends were there. 2 of them are dead.

    F……g Bastards.
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