Software House and user feedback

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by thantrax, Oct 3, 2015.

  1. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    I believe everyone of us (legit users or not) had the need to contact a SH to warned them about issues and bugs. It happened to me several time. I want to talk about two SH and the way they reacted to my e-mails.

    I was testing MJUC to understand the better way to use it (drums, piano etc) and after CPU spikes and audio issues I stop testing it. I contact the SH and after a couple of minutes they sent an e-mail asking me all about the test condition and telling me to use a new and better release. WOW. Quick and clever support.

    I dowload two demos. I try it and both doesn't works: CPU spikes and DAW freezing. I decide to contact them and...the void. No news. No sign of life... I'm still waiting for an e-mail. I am disappointed.

    What about you?
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  3. Willum

    Willum Rock Star

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Bad service:
    fucking Native Instruments. They take ages to reply and the answer is always of the canned "turn it off and turn it on again" level of uselessness.

    Good service:
    Xfer, of serum fame, get a reply to problems from the dev himself, always polite and always solves any problems. Because of this i bought all his other software too and i'm very happy with it.

    Bitwig, again any emails i've sent have been replied to straight away by one of the devs. So i'm sticking with them and bitwig gets better every week now.

    Nektar, i have a panorama P4, lovely bit of kit:) and always had great service via emails from them, had a problem with using it with reaper and they sent me an updated beta that fixed my problem within a day. Great guys there.

    Got to be loads more that i missed but these are the ones that stand out for me.
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  4. DrumcodeX

    DrumcodeX Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2014
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    Reality (virtual)
    I can confirm 100% that Klanghelm support is outstanding :yes:

    Back in July I purchased MJUC on a Friday night close to midnight. Unfortunately there was a problem with the password for the user area I was provided, therefore I couldn't get access to the download. So I sent an E-Mail, and Tony (Frenzel, the developer) answered almost immediately. He was very helpful, even provided to send me the installer for MJUC via wetransfer, but after 3 Mails each we got it sorted out.
    I mean, this guy is a one-man-company, but he's still finding the time to take care of his customers on a Friday night at 11:30 pm, that's what I call service! (btw: I live in the same timezone, so it's not just an happy accident)
    So: full support for Klanghelm :beg:

    ps: Imagine how good the support of a big company like Native Instruments could be with that kind of effort... :mad:
  5. Mr_Amine

    Mr_Amine Rock Star

    Mar 25, 2014
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    I Can confirm by my Co-worker That klanghelm & FabFilter They have good support
    for me i have Received a great support from Ableton Live & Universal Audio & Image-Line & Propellerhead & Xfer & Spectrasonics
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2015
  6. Index

    Index Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    Sorry that I can't mention any names and have to be rather vague, but this was work related and a bit more than "just messaging the support".
    Somewhen last year I reported several problems with a product and for one major problem the answer was basically:
    "Yeah well, we are aware that this function doesn't work as intended and actually doesn't really make that much sense the way it's working at the moment, but we won't fix that. You can still use the function for [things probably no one uses it for] or just don't use it at all. And overall we don't really see it as a bug."

    I wish so much that I could give more information, but sadly I can't. :sad:
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  7. Mr_Amine

    Mr_Amine Rock Star

    Mar 25, 2014
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    wow who said that to you , you should mention the name of the developer so people never buy anything from them
    i support only the developer that fix bugs directly & guide their costumer to best solutions as fast as possible
  8. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Oxford, England
    Izotope are f-img terrible. they never respond to any of my emails. They have Mac vsts that clash with so many other bits of software. and they don't seem to care.

    Fxpansion responded quickly, but weren't very helpful

    Whereas sinevibes are absolutely amazing. I hope they move to Windows as well so pc users can benefit from the their great software and service too.
  9. DjTorke

    DjTorke Member

    Jul 1, 2012
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    presonus respond kinda fast, im happy with them
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