KVR Audio Forum - what do you think about it?

Discussion in 'Internet for Musician' started by Kookaboo, Aug 21, 2015.

  1. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    I don't think so. :no: Some threads @ KVR are - not quite disgusting - but highly questionable.
    Like those where folks gather their frustrations about crackers & cracks, making them appear
    as evil as George W.Bush depicted the imaginary phantoms of an evil conspiracy.
    A particular developer (guess who!) uses KVR as his own playground for his battles...
  2. The Iceman

    The Iceman Kapellmeister

    Jan 11, 2013
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    I would say Putin is ten times as evil as George Bush ever thought of being!
  3. LuckySevens

    LuckySevens Platinum Record

    Sep 23, 2012
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    3rd planet from the fireball...
    Well stated and accurate too... (whether you like it or not):

  4. lpu2n

    lpu2n Producer

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Unfortunately you are spot on about the direction the economy is headed. It is however a huge overstatement to blame everything on the so-called young freeloaders. No doubt they are not morally justified in doing what they do (me being part of them), and should not make up excuses for what is the stealing of other people's hard work. Nevertheless pirating software is a symptom of a much more pervasive, deadlier disease - the deindustrialization, globalization, monopolization, and consolidation of the world economy so that the lion's share of its wealth is siphoned off into the pockets of the few. and the masses (especially the younger generation) are left with barely enough to scrape by. Pirating software perpetuates this cycle, so it is definitely not sustainable, as you said. But for those who just want to produce quality music while making ends meet, it may be the only option. I suggest you let go of the apparent loathing you have for the younger generation, and instead look at the faults of what I'm assuming is your generation - the baby boomers. Realize that your generation's lavish lifestyles and the debts you amassed at the expense of future generations have ultimately set into motion this destructive cycle. It is because of your complacency in the face of gradually eroding liberties, leading to a bleak economic future for your offspring, that those entitled kids you so despise aren't able to find a decent job, even with a university degree, and in many cases have no choice but to work for minimum wage and receive help from their parents. There is no room in the budget for spending thousands of dollars on software with which to create music... and when that software is available for free as warez, it is difficult to resist the tempation to make use of it and release your creative desires. I'm not saying it's right, it's just the way it is. Ultimately the solution to this problem is a radical restructuring of the economy, in particular the removal of a debt-based currency issued at interest by private central banks and instituting government-issued interest-free currency as a public utility. There are many other problems, but this I believe to be at the core of the economic hardship we are experiencing in the world today. When hard-working kids are able to make a decent living and afford this software, and aren't being gouged on illegitimate debts, there will be no need for piracy. The older and younger generations need to recognize their own faults, cooperate with each other, and try to fix what has been done wrong. Calling youth "theiving, entitled, short-sighted fools" is beyond hypocritical. There are many, many similarly damning things that could be said about the baby boomers. But it's pointless, it just further divides us when we need to work together. So please, get over yourself.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2015
  5. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Similar story got to my mind about head-fi forum. While not a forum dedicated to "music producers", but "audiophiles", it does have it shady sides of "protecting" their corporate partners. Such as that infamous NwAvGuy's ban incident from 2011, when he criticized one of Schiit audio products. Jade (the moderator) accused him of false charges to manufacture reasons for permaban, that is at least NW's story.
    Yes, telling truth can get you in trouble.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2015
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  6. John Thompson

    John Thompson Kapellmeister

    Oct 11, 2019
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    Great thread, put some things in focus I had suspected about KvR.