The SoundCloud Apocalypse Is Upon Us

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by davea, Aug 14, 2015.

  1. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    you are right though... it sounds like they are not creating new rules... but, just deciding to actually enforce the rules that are already "on the books" as it were.
  2. Quakeaudio

    Quakeaudio Producer

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Zeta Reticuli
  3. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    I agree with you 100%
    They don't delete your stuff for copyright infringement?
  4. z3r0

    z3r0 Ultrasonic

    Oct 29, 2012
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    Finally someone who knows what they are talking about. Well said!!!
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  5. oisinn

    oisinn Ultrasonic

    Jul 6, 2011
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    Wild West
    I have never heard a remix that was better than the original. The less the better whether licensed or not. The licensed ones are just pot boiled for profit and the unlicensed stuff is just absence of talent.
  6. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    "Experiment and create", really? If you're using other artist's ideas as a "music making" pattern calling it a remix, then that's not "CREATING", that's "USING PATTERNS AND IMPROVISING THE EXISTING THING". If that's creativity, then what's the original thing anymore? Ok, you're being creative to a point, but not trully creative. You're just improving what's already out there. If you can't make something yourself, then where's the musician that you claim yourself to be?
    I have nothing against remixes, but there's Soundcloud accounts which have as a first track content a f'in Remix or Bootleg. If you're already an artist and made a couple of songs, then yeah, you already proven your originality and true sense of creativity, like a personal signature which you can inject over an existent song and calling it a remix, but don't confuse Creativity with Pseudo-Creativity.

    Instructions for new artists/musicians who still wanna rock Soundcloud:

    1.Experiment and be creative as much as you want, IN YOUR DAW, WITH YOUR OWN IDEAS (at least in the beginning of your career, to make yourself known for something characteristic)
    2. Make sure you give your best to that creative process so you won't flood the internet with spams which asks for followers and listens instead of making that song good enough in order to reach followers and listens by itself. There's "producers" out there who spend more time "working" on SPAMMING rather than improving their f'ing productions. If they'd spend the same amount of time on just producing original stuff they'd be famous by now.
    3. PM other producers friends here on AudioSex to help you out with a second opinion or improvement ideas. Private Messages are better than public topics, if you're really serious with that song and want to post it publicly after you made it sound best with your AS friends's improvement ideas.
    4. Post your song on Soundcloud.
    5. Share with your friends (and if you wanna show your public professionalism, then ask them privately for any "share it for me please" kind of favours)
    5. Share it on forums like Audiosex too.
    6. For any further steps, contact your labels connections/friends (if you have any) and let them know what you come up with. If it's good enough then they'll help you. If it's not, then if they're truly your friends they'll let you know, , if not.. they'll act busy next time you'll want to show them your new song.
    7. If they wanna take your song to the next level professionally, then they'll also gonna get for you official remixes permissions which will keep your Soundcloud account official, professional and fair.
    8. With all my respect guys, go back in the DAW and improve your original content and make it insanely good. Stop blaming "circumstances" for your lack of ambition. If your content is insanely good, it will always float to the top. Stop the blindness and subjectivity regarding your own content quality. The harder you judge your work, the more your going to improve it. You'll never improve what doesn't need improvement in your eyes. There's always place for better.

    Last edited: Oct 31, 2015
  7. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    funniest thing that happened to me on soundcloud was when i uploaded a song from one of my own cd's and it was taken down for copy fringe, after writing them a seriously pissed of email they corrected the problem. though i was really really pissed about it (special song i wrote for a niece who died of cancer) i do see the other side of it which is that someone else cant upload my songs as their own (not that i could even begin to imagine who the hell would want that).

    for the rest i'd have to agree with stevitch, if it's against their terms than you risk it yourself by uploading, if one of the mashups i did gets pulled down i'm not gonna be bitching about freedom bla bla bla caus in reality it's just 2 tracks that i happened to found working nice together and not stuff i wrote. i had some thoughts on this but it's a rough weekend and i'm fucked and still have one more night of partying... i'm doomed
  8. Bump

    Bump Kapellmeister

    Aug 26, 2011
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    I like Bandcamp
  9. iswingwood

    iswingwood Producer

    Jun 7, 2012
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    Just get the right permissions/licenses, or create more original music and remix yourself. Problem solved.
  10. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Do u mean now those who define themselves "musicians" will have to stop exploiting other people s work?
  11. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    dont care about that, i have only own material uploaded, the copyrighted material i have used, is so deeply blured and mangled that they have no chance to ID it. :bleh:

    when the free soundcloud is full, i open a new one, takes 10 minutes.
    i am already at my 5th soundcloud. :rofl::knock:

    for ep or album releases i use bandcamp, in free mode the upload speed is 50kb/s, but atleast there is no upload limit, like Soundcloud has.
  12. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    What were people waiting for?
    It's not just SoundCloud. It's Google. It's Microsoft. It's apple. It's all the huge companies like Amazon, Dropbox, etc.

    They offer you free stuff free accounts, free storage space, free everything.... when, it this fucking greedy world full of greedy cunts, did someone try to give something to somebody, for free, without thinking about the best way to make from dozens to millions $/€ in cash?

    They attract people with free stuff, and when everybody is using the service, they can pretty much do whatever they want. It's not a surprise.

    Nothing in this world is done for absolutely free. Nothing. Even friends, or worse, family, EXPECT to receive a Christmas gift FROM YOU, because they will be offering something to you. If you receive a 100 euro gift from a cousin, and you only spend 15 euros on his gift, you can be sure NEXT Christmas, he will offer you a shitty present, too.

    With today's ultra low prices of USB memory sticks, external hard drives, huge capacities like 1 Tb for even a cheap hp desktop computer, companies like Dropbox still manage to convince hundreds millions users that tomorrow, there may be a fire on their houses, or the dog may destroy the 3 external hard drives + 4 USB pens AT THE SAME TIME, and your file backup will be lost, and because of that, you absolutely need to store even your most private files, on Dropbox servers, where every single byte of every single file of each user is decrypted, analyzed, data mined, and surely, sent to nsa -like companies.
    It scares the ship out of me, by just thinking of the millions nooob users, dads, moms, grandmoms, who will create a word or excel file, and will automatically save 'ON THE CLOUD'.

    Today I was reading an article, about Microsoft setting quotas and restrictions + prices, for their online storage services, one.. something, can't even remember. Because some guys were using their 'unlimited' accounts to store 75TB of video backups (yeah, tera bytes, not giga), and others were using tons and tons of space, they had to set new limits, prices, etc.
    There we have it, they attract people with fantastic free offers, and later, when people almost rely on the service for their daily usage, bam, they set the limits, restrictions and prices they want, and because people were using it for a long time, many will even accept to pay.

    Like YouTube. People send there all they can shot, even their dog taking a dump, can be a good video to upload to YouTube.
    Billions of users, that simply go there to watch or listen to stuff. And now, bam, YouTube red. And I'm sure plenty of users will accept to pay for the services, as they've been using it for a long time.

    One day, YouTube will come and claim ALL 'YOUR' vidéos that you have uploaded to their services, actually, don't belong to you anymore, and YouTube has the rights over EVERYTHING.because, after all, the videos are ON THEORY SERVERS, USING THEORY SERVICES, THEORY BANDWIDTH, etc etc, right?

    People post everything on Facebook (I don't and will never have a Facebook or Twitter or whatever social cap, account), thinking they still control everything. Wrong. All the text, photos, videos, everything is FOREVER on Internet, replicated 1 billion times, and Facebook may decide what to do with everything, whenever they want or feel it is the right moment to do it.
    If in 2016, Facebook + google decide to create a huge world directory with 1 billion addresses, phone-cellular numbers, people descriptions, based on mood and other people comments, + all the photos of each individual, well, technically, they can. Remember, the Google scam (the same with Microsoft Outlook, etc), where they kindly ask us for our phone numbers, to 'improve' our security. ..
    They have all people illnesses (someone on Facebook writes on his wall 'oh, I'm sick, I think I have zzz. . And a few days later, another post, 'oh, the doctor said I had ....', they know what people do for work, where they work, live, eat, who people fuck, all their appointments, all their photos, videos, family names, friends, neighbors, EVERYTHING... all that data is THEIRS. People depend so much on those services, they may change policies, apply new prices, new rules, everything. .. people will simply accept and move on.

    Too bad this generation is so. .. so... unaware and irresponsible.
    20 years ago, people knew a few basic rules : never publish a phone number on internet , address, real name, etc.
    People were aware of the dangers, and followed those simple rules.

    Then came the ipod generation. .the new trends... new huge services like Facebook. .. and suddenly, for all those 14th kids, it was fun and cool, to publish everything on Internet. No restrictions, nothing. They publish all they can.and their parents also started publishing more and more stuff, because 'it's not dangerous, no problem about it, it's all safe and secured'. Yeah, sure.
    And so it's all fucked up, as we know today.

    People deliberately ACCEPTED to have their emails content SCANNED, ANALYZED, STORED, ETC, on Gmail services, just to be able to use that 'cool' free service.

    I bet my Cubase 8 pro license that today, 99 people out of 100 aren't aware that all the Gmail emails are scanned, analyzed, etc, by Google, in order to better flood people with better ads that may interest the user much more..
    for example, if I send an email with this content ' ...hey, that reminds me I still need to buy that Bosch hoover...', there are chances that in a few days, I might receive some ads for hoover, while browsing the Internet.

    People rage and make tons of noise about these things, but soon, it's forgotten forever.

    People should worry about these huge companies and all the infinite power they have... but instead, they embrace them, defend them, praise them, worship them, with such level of fanboyism, at times, that it's almost frightening.

    2 days ago I posted something about apple and how they totally ignore the PC users or anyone in the world who hasn't bought an apple device yet.. and quite minutes later, 4 sheeps already had voted me 'dumb'. Poor human beings, really...who think they are above the average population because they have a MacBook or an iPad. In front of such imbecility, I can only laugh.

    as always, I could go on with the 'controversy', but I will end it here.
    will just say it is only normal, what soundcloud is doing. Now thy hold everybody on their hands, it's just so much easy to come up with whatever policies or rules or decisions. ..

    if one day I make a track that I think it would be cool for some people to listen to it, well, I will use my hosting, will create a simple page without WordPress crap and ads, will use the Web server to store the audio/video file, and I don't give a fuck if only 10 people manage to hear /see it. An old good Web page, with local content, without forced ads, without 10mb scripts all over the pages, etc.

    stop giving your entire life to these companies. They are not your friend, neither you are their family. They only need you to make more money through advertising and other crap.
  13. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    woula.. I think you could make your own newspaper...
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