(Waves.com) Introducing Waves Central

Discussion in 'Software News' started by thantrax, Oct 26, 2015.

  1. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    I hear you. But there is this thing called pen & paper where you can store notes on – crazy, right? ;) I have a lilttle scrap book with notes about my best Plugin Chains I built over time. And I have a Favorites List of Plugins I like. And sometimes forget some. So, sometimes I go back and look what I used and update the list or cross things out. It's evolving.

    Over time, I realized if you get the essentials right you don't need hundreds of plugins, just the right ones that help you achieving the sound you are looking for. When it comes to waves plugins, it actually helps to look at the manuals to figure out what a plugin does. Because who knows b default what a plugin like "PS22" does just from the name alone.
  2. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Also, UK, China and India to mention just 3 more.
  3. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    Come one, mates! What are you talking about? Waves is not the only one using a software to manage plugins (and the licenses, of course). Here is the known list:

    ■ Waves
    ■ Cakewalk
    ■ IK Multimedia
    ■ Native Instruments

    I'm sure I forgot some... and I'm sure the list will grow-up soon. :drummer::chilling:

    Who use iLok/eLicenser protected software(s) knows well pros and cons.
  4. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    don`t worry guys, someone will come up with a way to make that shit connect to a "virtual server" on Your HD

    A finger to this lame idea :thumbsdown:
  5. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Check this out around 1:50 min. It's about preparing an offline Installer in order to be able to install Waves Stuff on offline Machines. The installer will be downloaded through waves central. But more important:

    "Note, that when installing waves central on a system that has previous waves products, the application will remove ALL previously installed products."

    So there probably won't be a Full offline instaler available to download directly from wave in the future.
  6. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    You can install the plugins individually :wink:
  7. dt68

    dt68 Ultrasonic

    Oct 31, 2015
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    Hello world!

    I read this forum for a long time but never had something particularly interesting to say so never get an account. This time i have something to say, so i'm here. I have a musical studio and i bought a LOT of music hardware/software and plugins, included 3/4 of Waves plugins. I teach in a school too (music/hd recording etc). About a week ago suddenly disappeared from my mac all the Waves licenses (8 core Xeon on 10.7.5 OS... I cannot -and i won't- upgrade my OS because of various sw/hd drivers will stop working). I don't know why it happened, but the licenses have gone. So i tried to recover the Waves licenses using the wlc's "Recover Licenses" but this was not possible because the wlc itself allows me only to download their latest Waves Central. So i upgraded to this one but it crashed on startup and i had to open an assistance request to Waves. They told me to upgrade my system and use their Waves Central compatible only with OS 10.8 and up (although i told them i cannot upgrade my OS) or else use a on a pc with a Win 7-10, download Waves Central, transfer my licenses on a USB key, use this key to transfer the licenses back to my mac... very annoying but if this the only way... So a friend of mine borrowed me a laptop and i've done all this stuff... but still there was no way to send back the licenses from the USB key to my mac because the wlc keeps on only to allow me to download their latest Waves Central and nothing else. I asked them what to do and they said essentially "we don't know, just keep the licenses on your USB key..."!!! After this there has been 3 or 4 emails where in short they told me how cool will be their 9.6 vs 9.3 and things like why they had to abandon older systems because it's a big work to maintain, test, fix code and support all the OS's, DAW's, platforms and products with their limited resources (!!!??), etc..

    My answer:

    "Thanks for the answer... I understand your point, and almost everything that you said, but one thing i cannot understand at all. "wlc has been retired"... it's ok, you can do this for everyone that uses newer system but for someone like me that has installed and licensed the plugins with the 'old' wlc, why on earth you would not let me repeat exactly the same thing as done some months ago? I have already installed v 9.3 and a backup of the installer , i just want to transfer my license from the usb key to the pc... and you don't have a solution for this? I have again to be stuck with a sort of iLok that you stopped to use time ago, thanks God?. I have hundreds of plugins from many developers but this is absolutely the first time i have such a problem for reinstall and re-license something that i've paid for. It's nothing you have to reprogram or release again. It's only the same thing you already let me do time ago, same software, same system. You have not to test this software: it was already working, so what's so impossible to do?"

    Their answer was a long advertising on all the new features of v9.6 that leads to not being able to deploy licenses using older wlc. I really would like to publish their mail because it was interesting in many, many aspects, but since it is a private communication i'm not allowed doing so...

    and finally my answer:

    "Hi yyyyyy,

    Let me explain too...
    I understand that this 9.6 will be a cool thing, but this concerns people with newer systems, not me. I will never buy it because i won't upgrade my OS. And I won't upgrade my systems because it implies stop working both softwares (that i use often) and (expensive) hardwares that have not drivers for newer OS. So the simple upgrade to newer systems would cost me a lot more than the worth of the free upgrade that Apple's OS insists to give me. And in any case, i will not upgrade any machine that's perfectly working (except for this thing that happened with your license) just to make happy Apple with their whistle and bells. The last time I had to config the whole system from scratch it took me and my colleagues more than a month. For me using the version 9.6 is not so vital: you are not the first company i stopped to follow because they release only sw for newer systems. That's perfectly logical, a company has to move on, as it's logical i will keep to follow only the sw companies that release apps compatible with my OS. But for sure you are the only company that you treated me like this: having a way to reactivate my licenses on the mac is an obvious request, and a way to backup these licenses is absolutely vital, since your behavior. I understand that you have technical issues that you cannot resolve (...omissis...) but this is not my business... I've payed you not only for using your software but for the support that you had to assure me too on resolving EVERY problem related with your software and now this support is gone (your solutions: upgrade my system or keep it as it is now and sorry... use the USB key... p.s.: i know i can use it as a file storage). So i ask myself, why buy your software?

    I work both as a music/recording/mixing teacher and as a producer (plus i have a business in sw programming, IT etc). I teach the use of your sw (together with the one of other companies) in a school and tomorrow, in full contradiction of what i've always said them, i'll start my lesson with: "You know guys, you were absolutely right in using pirated software. There's no reason to buy software when after all a company like Waves is only interested in your money much more than the reason why you gave them". I'll tell them the story and then i will ask them for a pirated copy of the software i bought legally from you, i will install in my mac only the plugins that i bought from you and i will start using this pirated software, "licensing" my mac in another way, and doing in this way what you are not able to do. You (the software house) forced me using pirated software instead of the regularly payed software because you don't know how to resolve my licensing problem (or you judge my system too old to make it work again as before). After this i will publish online the whole story, so that other peoples can ask themselves too for the reason to buy (your) software. This time i'm REALLY disappointed.

    Thanks for the "support" and goodbye."

    ...guess what? They didn't answer me no more.

    Hope you'll find interesting, and sorry for being so long-winded.
  8. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    @dt68 wow this assy, i had devs in the past helping me to figure something out, when an installer was not working or the system was just to old, they tried everything, even compiled stuff for me. (my hardware made problems somehow) and they got back to me in a short time.

    wow so you 3/4 of the waves crap? how much money have invested?

    waves doesnt care anymore about people who have all their shit, but be on older systems.
    they never cared about support, because i heard a lot of story over the years, people being angry about their support.
  9. Snill

    Snill Kapellmeister

    Aug 26, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Waves Announce A Host Of New Plugins At AES 2015

    Waves Sub Align Plugin

    Greg Wells VoiceCentric Plugin

    Element 2.0 Virtual Analog Synth

    • Interesting Interesting x 1
    • List
  10. grdh20

    grdh20 Platinum Record

    Jan 14, 2014
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    When the world is running down, you make the best of what's still around. . . .
  11. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Waves best days are behind them, and all that's left for them now is the reinventing of the wheel. Every sound engineering problem has already been solved by existing tools. It's all about getting new money for old products, to keep themselves in business.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2015
  12. SonicBoomer

    SonicBoomer Producer

    Oct 6, 2011
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    I too spent good money, over the years, with Waves and their notorious update plans.
    You'll be blown away at just how much the plugin landscape has changed.
    Amazing quality for the fraction of the cost.

    It's a shame, as Waves was a groundbreaker but fundamentally, greedy.
    Every other vendor I purchas software from
    offers no to low cost updates for their plugins and software.
    Waves has always been the high class dope dealer of the plugin world. With their exuberantly priced plugin
    suites and pricey update (insurance) plans, customers would spend thousands and essentially become
    junkies. Doling out cash every year in hopes to not get left behind, cold turkey, with the next Waves update.

    I eventually found happiness spending my hard earned money on companies like Acustica Audio, Fabfilter, iZotope and Slate Digital, amongst
    a few others. Prices are mixed but all offer quality software for reasonable prices and don't rake you over the coals for updates.
    Waves, recently has taken to a such strategy, due in no small order to the competition and piracy, of offering single plugins for sale but have priced themselves, out of reach for so long, people have grown monetarily apathetic IMO.

    This new install and activation scheme is their last hope. Good luck.
  13. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    i Can't Download any Demos Because now Waves Central Dose not Work with Mac 10.6.8 Fuck Man and they say there is a Work Around But they wont say what it is what the Hel
  14. Snill

    Snill Kapellmeister

    Aug 26, 2015
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    Waves Central will remove all your waves plugins, be aware of that.
  15. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    This Element 2 GUI looks fugly. Besides the fact thatr dark guis are easier on the eyes the shit looks pretty much the same as Element 1 :D
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