this is the end for the free internet !!!

Discussion in 'Internet for Musician' started by pjotr41, Jan 28, 2012.

  1. pjotr41

    pjotr41 Newbie

    Dec 22, 2011
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    now the world can watch how they destroy the free internet
  3. Bluespiral23

    Bluespiral23 ex.mod

    Sep 3, 2011
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    Signed both :wink: Italy
  4. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Signed both, but I think nothing will stop them as they're trying to censor the Internet in every possible way. What they want, they get. One way or another. We'll just have to move "underground"...
  5. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Signed both and linked to FakeBook.

    I think "THEY" have already shown Their CONTEMPT for People Power after the SOPA strikes, etc, made NO difference to them shutting down most of Our sharing servers.

  6. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Signed both but it doesnt matter.
    Even if it was 20 million who signed they simply wouldn´t care.

    So much for democracy and especially in USA?
    Land of the free??

    How can they even believe it is a free country??
    It never was and will never be a free country.
    False advertising is what it is.

    Ask colored people ask the poor well i can go on and on.
    Free only for rich people perhaps but not for the common people.

    Much like it was in south africa before.
    But the most stupid thing is that God Bless America phrase.
    And that phrase "America is a choosen land by god for us to live in".
    How can so many people believe in that shit?

    Wonder what the native population think of that?

    Oh yeah i know they almost got extinguish from the earth
    When the europeans who counquer their land and killed there ancestry and even wiped out whole tribes from the human race.

    All in the name of god of course.
  7. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    near you
    i want a big revolution across the whole Europe
  8. Diabulus in Musica

    Diabulus in Musica Platinum Record

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Me too, this shit will never end...:rofl:
  9. crumpy

    crumpy Newbie

    Nov 16, 2011
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    they have even more bills just like this
    some are even targeted towards pedo shit, but achieve the same goal all in one through vague wording.
    if one doesn't pass, another will... that is the hypothetical thought behind it anyways.

    some have already passed transparent to public knowledge (ACTA was signed, and passed in the US months ago).
    right now they are using whats passed as the ultimate power flex to gain momentum to pass the others.
    the more that pass, the more power they have.

    think captain planet!
    the USA signed it a few months ago (as an "executive agreement" that allows the US to intervene in international matters without the approval of the senate or congress), but even if HE didn't sign it, it would still have gone into law (documented rigged system), as it already has (you are witnessing it! don't know how people haven't got the hint)

    other than the massive counterintelligence disinformation operation going on behind this (and the others)
    the signing is blatantly out in the open on the internet. documented!!!

    now 22+ countries have signed this too.

    now as you have found out, negligence of public knowledge makes this all possible only after its too late.
    just in time to go along with your rootkit smartphones, and coming new real-time live rootkit (ReFS) OS 8 coming out this year with its patented technology acquired from the skype purchase before it was disclosed to the public that it was a rootkit (harvesting all of your computing activities, and sending that real time data to various government/private entities/agencies/organizations around the world...). i guess that makes it legal now.

    look for 27.
  10. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    signed also both :)
  11. Rico88

    Rico88 Newbie

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The "arab spring" was an incredible and wonderful demonstration of what people can accomplish if they get fed up enough and act. Unfortunately, the "arab spring" also created many difficulties by spreading intense fear among the corporations and rich that there could be a violent uprising that would take away their money and their power. This rash of new laws that the wealthy are trying to pass in the U.S. and in Europe are all about that fear. It's not about file sharing, its about the rich and powerful trying to cut off lines of communication and being able to intercept all communication without the need of a court or a judge so that an "arab spring" can't happen to them.

    There will have to be blood on the streets to change what increasingly appears to be inevitable. But getting people to rise up in that manner in the U.S. will probably never happen. People are too scared, dumb, and apathetic, and there is so much surveillance going on in the U.S. that people can't move 2 feet without it being on a video camera somewhere. People in the U.S. were told they needed that surveillance, all in the name of 9-11-2001, but that was a lie. It was because the rich and powerful consider 'the people' to be the enemy, not someone with brown skin, a mosque, and a crude rifle.

    I wouldn't expect much in the way of change from here in the U.S. However, there is a great deal of underlying anger in the people that I meet, and if the dam ever breaks that contains that anger it will be some sight to see. But I wouldn't hold my breath. Most people here just don't have what it takes to accomplish much of anything; I've pretty much lost hope in my country. If things are going to change, it will probably come from some place other than the U.S.A.

    Signed both online petitions.
  12. stevejobs

    stevejobs Newbie

    Oct 6, 2011
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    I'm sorry.. but there isn't a goddamn thing that is going to save or help rich bloodsucking conspirators when the shit hits the fan.
  13. stevejobs

    stevejobs Newbie

    Oct 6, 2011
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    The Arab spring was pathetic. The entire thing was planned by outside and domestic interests from the get go. What's amazing about it is how something like that could happen and people like you think "it's incredible". "the only thing that gives my weary soul hope". Have you ever heard of the term 'useful idiot'?
    That's what all of them were, and what you are, sir.
  14. felino

    felino Newbie

    Jun 6, 2011
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    I agree with Rico88 except for the first sentence. The rich and powerful have/control all the main media so the media don't pass truth to us but lies and biased reality formed according to what rich and powerful want us to believe. So, there's no point to believe what they say. Usually, the reality is quite opposite. Those sick bastards, wannabees who are pretend to be masters of the world try to put down any government which doesn't want to dance according to their music. They want all governments to be nothing more then their puppets in order to control all nations and all the wealth of the world.

    So called "Arab spring" is crime, unlawfully government change, using western money, local traitors, supplied guns by west (NATO, USA, EU), social tensions (present in every country), everything is staged in order to rob/steal other peoples' wealth.

    In Libya with Gadaffi, people had standard of living so high that people in the west could only dream about but they never had and will never have.

    -Food in Libya was cheap,

    -gas (petrol) ridiculously cheap (0.63 US dollars per US gallon),

    -electricity was free,

    -medical insurance was free,

    -school and college was free for everyone,

    -if you want to study abroad country will pay all scholarships plus will give you away about 2,500 US dollars per month,

    -if you are not able to find job that is according to your diploma country will give you away regular monthly salary for that position while you are sitting at home,

    -married couples gets for free house/apartment or money of the same value (64,000 US dollars),

    -for every newborn baby family gets 7,000 US dollars from country,

    -if you are starting your own private business country will give you away about 20,000 US dollars to help you start,

    -no taxes,

    -if you are buying a new car, country will pay half the price,

    -if you want to get a credit to buy a new house, there is no interest for the money,

    -Libyan GDP was 14,192 US dollars (higher then USA)...

    Now, the people of Libya enjoy the "freedom", freedom to be the slaves of foreign companies and freedom to helplessly stare at western and domestic thieves who are robbing their wealth.

    Watch the documentary "The Revolution Business":
  15. Bluespiral23

    Bluespiral23 ex.mod

    Sep 3, 2011
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    Totally agree with you!!! Fuck Capitalism!!! :wink:
  16. Rico88

    Rico88 Newbie

    Jun 21, 2011
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    I'm sorry if some disagree on my take concerning the "arab spring". I'm particularly concerned that jobs thinks me an "idiot". I promise you, I don't come here to call any of you names; I intend to be civil. We may disagree, but I assure you I'm anything but an "idiot".

    I think most people in the U.S., where I'm typing this from, think of the "arab spring" as an example of people, common people, dissatisfied with their government, engaging in great risk and personal sacrifice to topple that government. Some of you seem to think it a great example of interference from other governments. I don't really know which of those two is the real truth, I only know the information we're allowed to receive where I live, and the opinions people here develop from that information. What I can say is that my use of the term was referring to the first example about personal risk and sacrifice, not the second. I apologize if anyone that has a different opinion of those events was offended. I certainly didn't intend to offend anyone at all.

    Interestingly, what I can say though is that to see that sort of change in the U.S., the "interference" of another government or outside entities would probably be necessary. If that's what it took for real change in my country, I personally would accept it, because its probably the only way we would ever have a chance to see change here (unlike the 'change we can believe in' Obama --the greatest corporate shill of all time-- promised everyone). Even if the change in my country was for the worse out of something like that, it would represent a new beginning, and hopefully a new opportunity to reconstruct a better place than the U.S. is now. I'm at the point with my country where anything different than what's going on would be appreciated.

    As you can see, I'm not much of a fan of the U.S. government and its leaders. Based on your statements above, I'm pretty sure at least on that much we seem to agree.

    @felino - thanks for posting the video. I bookmarked it and will watch it tonight.
  17. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Kids stuff really!!!

    The internet has been attacted since 20 years now, so please stop yelling about "this is the end for the free internet !!!" and stuff!!!!

    Kids thread!

  18. Burninstar

    Burninstar Platinum Record

    Sep 17, 2011
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    Behind my instrument
    If we are discussing how free everyone in the world is and you are making comments about different nations, at least disclose your location so we know where you are coming from.

    There is still a lot of freedom here in the USA. Nobody here is stopping the poor from making money.

    Free enterprise is tricky, everybody is trying to get their piece of the pie. If you choose to do nothing, and have children, you can have your housing and food for free here. A lot of people do that, and have no desire or ambition to work. We carry a lot of freeloaders. And they bitch a lot.

    Libya has an abundance of natural resources, namely Oil, the Black Gold. While our government is openly trying to make the rich even wealthier, saying this will put more poor people to work, Libya used to give everyone everything except freedom. Americans don't need to revolt for freedom. However we do take it for granted.

    Our internet may not be free for long, but our people always are.
  19. panther5

    panther5 Kapellmeister

    Jun 17, 2011
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    I don't get it. Can someone help me understand? Helping out with Arab Spring and the like for the U.S. is all about making it easier and cheaper to get oil, this is obvious. However, why would the U.S. and other countries involved believe it is easier to deal with radical Islamists than people like Ghadafi? Are they stupid, or do they know something that many U.S. citizens don't know? It seems like trying to steal oil from the Islamists is a real bad idea.
  20. Burninstar

    Burninstar Platinum Record

    Sep 17, 2011
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    Behind my instrument
    The term Arab Spring Wikipidea:
    The Arab Spring (Arabic: الربيع العربي‎ ar-Rabīʻ al-ʻArabiyy), otherwise known as the Arab Awakening,[1] is a revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protests occurring in the Arab world that began on Saturday, 18 December 2010. To date, there have been revolutions in Tunisia[2] and Egypt;[3] a civil war in Libya resulting in the fall of its government;[4] civil uprisings in Bahrain,[5] Syria,[6] and Yemen, the latter resulting in the resignation of the Yemeni prime minister;[7] major protests in Algeria,[8] Iraq,[9] Jordan,[10] Kuwait,[11] Morocco,[12] and Oman;[13] and minor protests in Lebanon,[14] Mauritania, Saudi Arabia,[15] Sudan,[16] and Western Sahara.[17] Clashes at the borders of Israel in May 2011 and the Palestine 194 movement were also inspired by the regional Arab Spring.[18]
    The protests have shared techniques of civil resistance in sustained campaigns involving strikes, demonstrations, marches and rallies, as well as the use of social media to organize, communicate, and raise awareness in the face of state attempts at repression and Internet censorship.[19]
    Many demonstrations have met violent responses from authorities,[20][21][22] as well as from pro-government militias and counter-demonstrators.[23][24][25] A major slogan of the demonstrators in the Arab world has been ash-shab yurid isqat an-nizam ("the people want to bring down the regime").[26]

    The US has very little to do with the Arab Spring revolts. Except for being an example of a free democracy.

    We don't like to deal with any foreign factor concerning oil, but it is a necessity for us. We are working to lessen our dependency on foreign oil, now down to 50% from 75%.

    We are not trying to steal anything, however, it is in our best interest to keep the oil flowing. Where I live Gasoline is almost $4.00 per gallon. about $0.75 is tax. The price of gas is always a concern and affects the cost of many inter-related goods and services.

    To many people, if the price goes up, they don't go out, and everything else goes up a little more.

    Our country is huge, we have lots of ground to travel across. We use lots of oil.

    I hope this increases your understanding of our country and it's needs.
  21. pjotr41

    pjotr41 Newbie

    Dec 22, 2011
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    i have read there are many protetst in france, poland etc and many new attacks from anonymous and that Avaaz can help to change the political minds

    share the link everywhere