Need help about studio speakers monitors

Discussion in 'Studio' started by Medad, Oct 28, 2015.

  1. Medad

    Medad Newbie

    May 7, 2015
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    A month ago, I bought the Yamaha HS8 like a lot of people told me, but I was disappointed for the lack of bass.
    -I produce EDM & I can't mix the kick & bass on them, they are not clear at all even if I muted the mid and high frequencies by a multi-band compressor or so, the bass is weak !!
    -If someone can recommend me a good bass sounding monitors that are 7 inchs max, I would be happy to hear that.
    -Some of the monitors I'm interested about: Presonus Eris E5, Adam F7

    Thank You !! :)
  3. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    With a seven inch woofer, there are limitations to what to expect from the bass.
    But since you already own speakers with an 8 inch woofer, I suspect your studio room is the problem - if you did't dial out the bass on the hs8's settings.
    The Adam F7 are very good and have enough bass, but again, I think your room is the problem.

    I suggest you measure your room with something like this:
    and set up an eq to compensate your room's characteristics. It's the fastest and cheapest way and you will come to good results quickly.
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  4. kimikaze

    kimikaze Platinum Record

    Aug 20, 2014
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    Medad, i have feeling you will not be satisfied with any of those monitors. As frafikmushi say maybe is your room, but i am more leaning to your perception of bass. You clearly want it more to be equally satisfied than some of us. In your case i recommend you to add(buy) woofer rather than new set of monitors if you otherwise satisfied with them(HS8).
  5. Medad

    Medad Newbie

    May 7, 2015
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    Well, the room is small & not acoustic treated, that's why considering to get smaller monitors
  6. boomoperator

    boomoperator Rock Star

    Oct 16, 2013
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    Try repositioning yourself and/or your monitors, the bass response could get better. Bass is the most difficult part for home-producers, I certainly would measure the room and build bass- & cornertraps. In the meanwhile you could check the lows on a good pair of headphones. A smaller speaker will have worse bass response.
  7. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    I recently got Neumann KH 120 A (with their own desktop standing supports - very important). Very accurate low end reproduction imho.

    Later Edit: You have to get used with your monitors anyway - so you can be able to predict to some extent how their sound translates to other audio systems.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 28, 2015
  8. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    Therein lies the problem I think. A better answer would be "yes, I might change to a bigger room and treat it a little (and keep the HS8 and see what happens)". It's pretty irrelevant what speakers you have if your room is small and sounds like shit. It probably will not matter if you have either a 5, 6", or 7" woofer if you are having null/standing waves problem right now.

    I have the Munro Sonics Egg 150 which are 6", and they easy do 50Hz. This is because I have treated my room (diffusers, absorbers, basstraps, Helmholtz resonators) and sitting in a good spot, with the speakers and me forming a perfect triangle.

    or try this:

    1) Move away from the speakers, so that the wavelength gets longer.
    2) Perhaps you are sitting in a null/node. Try to find a better sweetspot.
    3) Or get a sub and try 1 and 2 again.

    Last edited: Oct 28, 2015
  9. bigFlow

    bigFlow Ultrasonic

    Sep 19, 2014
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    Besides all the room-enhancement (which is definitely a good point!), I doubt the F7 will give you the bass you're looking for. I own them, they are beautiful monitor speakers and I love them, but freqs below about 50 Hz are useless. Imo this is perfectly fine, after all they're 7"s, you mustn't forget that lower frequences require bigger membrane size. My previous KRK RP8 1st gen definitely had some heavier bass but it was "fluffy" and by far not as clean as with the Adams, let alone mid/high freqs.

    As I make HipHop beats and love 808s, I just added a Presonus Temblor T10 to my setup and now am perfectly happy with this.