Avid wants to charge me for an update!!! Yes, for an update not Upgrade

Discussion in 'Pro Tools' started by asad12, Oct 14, 2015.

  1. Hybridstudios

    Hybridstudios Kapellmeister

    Aug 11, 2015
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    its in my account and i dont currently have a upgrade plan
  2. Boujwa

    Boujwa Ultrasonic

    Mar 4, 2014
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    Cubase 8 pro & Artist, free update anytime. AVID will close its door soon. Ir will be as cheaper as reaper one day just to win the trust of its former customers.
  3. asad12

    asad12 Platinum Record

    Dec 4, 2012
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    I assume that you have Pro Tools HD. I still don't have it in my account. I've been checking and following like many others in the same situation.
    Not only that. What avid did with it's latest release of Pro Tools 12 had left PT HD users feeling they've been played stupid. Avid simply supplied it's PT LE (Vanilla,non HD) 12 with most of PT HD features and PT HD license holders were giving new plugins only with no new features.
    What's worst is that they have to pay $599 for an update for Pro Tools HD 12.

    I have the same feelings that Avid is going down soon. Steinberg even gave a big discount for PT users to switch :bleh: in exchange for their PT licenses.

    For me, PT is an old story. I moved to other workstations. Fortunately, I did learn other daws in my free time which makes me comfortable enough to move on. I am concentrating on Logic Pro x. I also like Harrison MixBus 3 but it's still not stable enough but for sure I want to follow it's development and keep up with it till that time. It's only $70 for Harrison MiXbus and that's very cheap. At least, I won't feel cheated by the end of the day if I don't like it.
  4. Hybridstudios

    Hybridstudios Kapellmeister

    Aug 11, 2015
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    yea i have HD10 and HD11
    but a business partner of mine said his update was on his account recently(wasnt before) and he doesnt have hd

    ive tried switching but running a studio and have clients send me songs to mix from all over the country i just dont have time to switch daws.
    i started a long time ago with cakewalk pro audio 6 then went to cubase vst32, to nuendo 1.6. i stuck with nuendo up to version 5.. always hating PT b/c the need to use thier inferior hardware.. once they lifted that i messed with it a little bit b/c a studio i was engineering at only use PT.. i think this was around PT7 or 8... i never bought PT until 10 and i got a native hd rig with my lynx aurora's.

    trust me there are issues here and there weekly but with my client load and records in queue to mix right now(35+ songs) id sit down to learn something new. ive actually been impressed with the new sonar platinum, plenty of colleagues use studio one.. i just missed somethings that i do so much faster in pt.. someone told me to try reaper but if is S1 wasnt fully satisfying me i dont think reaper will.
    plus the money i invested upgrading aax plugins..

    i'll end up switching by the time pt13 comes out imo. i really liked samp pro x2 but again, somethings im use to doing quickly took much more time
  5. sham69

    sham69 Ultrasonic

    Nov 29, 2012
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    HI there, I had the opportunity to buy an "education" license 2 years ago for PT 10 (non HD),

    but I'm done with it, I used to work with Cubase and Studio 1 before, and in the end PT10 was less stable for me, always very picky with the GUI, for exemple it could go nuts only while loading the kontakt plugin while playing back audio, and with very low cpu usage, this is just an exemple...maybe there are less problems when you are an HD version of PT, but then this is another world, not the same price range at all !!! which is not for me.

    Since a week I'm learning Reaper, so far I found it much more stable, and very cpu efficient compared to my PT10,

    there is still a lot to learn about it, but their forum is with very active members ready to help when needed, there is even a french section (lucky me), I think I will buy it, for 60 $, it's seems really ok.

    I tried Harrisson too just a little before Reaper, but the V3 seems too buggy at last with VSTi.
  6. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    Sadly, PT is still going to thrive as the go-to "professional" DAW in commercial studios, and their new business "subscription" model is starting to fly with other companies (Cakewalk's SONAR is also going to go the subscription route). Since they're still bundling HD with their cards and interfaces, they'll continue with their elitism, while pandering to entry-level users with their LE/OEM versions of the software.

    I snagged a copy of PT 10 when I upgraded my computer a while back, just to learn the software, and because I'd love to use a DAW that handles audio editing well. However, my main go-to DAW has always been MOTU's Digital Performer, and if I had to, I could still easily get by just using that for everything. It's just still a bit clunky for audio (but getting better all the time). My main concern with not being familiar with PT is the possibility of being in a situation where I'd have to know how to use it, even if it was just to import a client's mix into a different DAW, or if I worked in a commercial studio where that was the only program available.

    I agree with everybody else, though: there's a lot of great choices out there for DAWs, and a lot of them with certain features, specialties and workflows that might suit you better than Pro Tools.

    The only other present-day DAW I've messed with is Harrison Mixbus, which I like, but still lacks MIDI capabilities and still seems a little buggy (having to install Jack OSX in order to use it is also kind of a minus). You can still compose and record audio tracks in a DAW that's more MIDI-conducive, then port the audio files into Mixbus and mix that way, but having to use two DAWs seems a little counter-intuitive (which I would have to do anyway with PT, since their MIDI features are awful), or you can use Mixbus as a front-end and stream audio out of your MIDI/VI software into Mixbus and just use it as a virtual mixer. Again, I'd almost rather just use one program, even if it's lacking in the audio department.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2015
  7. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    I think if enough people file a complaint with the BBB Better Business Bureau they may be fined or change there outlook on things
    Avid has suckered all the millionaires into there hardware/software fraud yrs ago, hopefully those guys are bailing out Mr Slate is and has been developing some serious goodies lately , so time will tell i guess .....
  8. asad12

    asad12 Platinum Record

    Dec 4, 2012
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    This is the main reason why I've stayed this long with PT. I am bound by deadlines most of the time. I am doing something at least once or twice a week. It's hard to transition while having so much to do on something you are very familiar with.

    I wish Samp. ProX was for Mac's also. I really like it and it's very easy and straight forward.
    Many PT users are doubting that Avid is coming up with new features in the next upgrade. They will find a way to have people upgrade to 13 just like in the past.

    Reaper is way ahead of most DAW's with it's features. The price is amazing and they are listen to their costumers unlike Avid.

    That's very true. PT isn't going anywhere but what I meant by soon is that many PT loyal users are frustrated with Avid's policies even HD useres that are suffering the most. I mean it's not a big deal for me to update to PT 12 for only $99 and I get to get to keep my PT11 and 10 licenses. HD users payed 4 times more for almost nothing except for the new plugins and the comp. gain reduction meter that show's up in the mix window and this is what Avid calls an upgrade. HD is what avid makes most of it's money and that group of users are not happy at all. I read many HD users complaining saying that they will just switch to non HD.

    That's what I was thinking exactly with Harrison Mixbus. It's really good for mixing and that was my main work in PT. I always turned to Logic for composing and instruments.
    I find logic more useful now that I can compose and mix in the same place and I prefer working this way. Logic also comes with the function that let's me micro tune the whole project and this is another feature that had me switching since I need to use that feature most of the time especially for quarter tone scales.

    It's not possible. Avid got their costumers by the balls. When you first buy PT you agree that Avid has the right to change it's policy anytime it wishes too without letting the costumers know. Some people even quoted one of it's executive saying that PT 11 license holders will get free updates as long as it needed. They pretended that didn't happen when they were questioned about it. They simply said "our policy has changed"

    And like you said, the only change we will see if people stop their support for Avid.
  9. panther5

    panther5 Kapellmeister

    Jun 17, 2011
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    asad12, can you please elaborate on why Mixbus is currently unstable? Thanks.
  10. Infidel

    Infidel Producer

    Jan 18, 2015
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    Unfortunately the SW industry is moving toward subscriptions. Microsoft, Avid, Adobe, etc. etc.. It must make business sense but as usual a business decision for short term monetary gain isn't necessarily a good decision in the long run. MBA spells retard is my yet to be diproven theory. I was going to upgrade from PT10 to PT12 but then Avid became retarded and lost me as a customer. I do like my Eleven Rack though.
  11. asad12

    asad12 Platinum Record

    Dec 4, 2012
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    I've experienced some crashes on Mac OS 10.9.5. Don't know what causes it.
    Another problem is when I have 2 tracks of instruments with one armed for recording, the other track starts to record also but not all the time. But when that happens, I have to quite and restart mixbus.
    Another thing I found strange is when I open a session by clicking on the session itself, it will start Mixbus with a message asking me to choose a session to open. When I choose my session that's opened already, it will quite and restart the same session. Weird and confusing even when writing this. :dunno:

    In addition to our monthly electric, gas and telephone bills, now we are going to have the DAW or workstation monthly bill:trashing:
    Paying a one time fee seems much easier than having to pay all year long for as long as you are still in the music making scene.
  12. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Yea But !We can not be angels, but let's hold on to what's left off of our humanity
  13. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    I would agree there are problems ever since Avid took over ProTools from Digidesign. Not that Digidesign was perfect...

    I would reccomend Logic for the Apple Mac platform for sure. Loved it on the PC up to version 5.

    For PC, Reaper, Studio One 3, Samplitude. Try one by one and judge for yourself. I personally use Reaper and Samplitude
    but giving Stydio One 3 another kick to see if it has finally caught up on features, tonality and clipping headroom.
  14. charbwoy

    charbwoy Newbie

    Oct 28, 2015
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    I'm affected by the same issue. I don't mind paying for major upgrades/new features, but i feel bug fixes should be free.

    I've read that the update will run on our licenses, so is there anyone out there who can make a link available?
  15. r4e

    r4e Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2014
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    That's why alot of people using these products are getting famous with their music and people who're using stuf like Magix Samplitude or Reaper don't.
    It's all about "I'm just good, if I use software that calls itself pro and costs too much money compared to its possibilities".

    Did you even try FL Studio 12 or the new Ableton?
  16. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

  17. Enoch007

    Enoch007 Kapellmeister

    Jun 16, 2011
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    I said fuck you to Digidesign & Avid years ago. Liberate yourself and ditch'em!!!! Same quality and workflow is offered in other DAWS!!
  18. DjTorke

    DjTorke Member

    Jul 1, 2012
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    imho F U C K AVID!!!!! pro tools may have some goods options, but i will not support a company who wants to f*ck their customers, i even preffer stay with FL Studio before support those greedy bastards...

    i can recomend u to make the change to another dawn, i have been using Studio One since version 2.0, and i cant be more happy about it... they charge just for mayor upgrade (until 2.6 every upgrade was free for me), and they are really close to get even better than those greedy "standard" (pleaaaase, gfys with your million dollar publicity to fuck us all) makers...

    presonus has a good support too, they answer pretty fast, and take a lot of advices from their comunity... also, they are working everyday to improve even more that dawn, and i know for sure some day will slap avid in the face...

    PS: also, some leakeds images of some hardware emulations from presonus has been around lately xD

    PS2: this make me wonder, why we dont have some kind of laws that protect the costumers??? we pay for something, and we also have to pay again for getting fix an unfinished product??? maybe im wrong, but that seems a little fucked up to me... why should we pay again for to fix something buggy that should be finished BEFORE they sold that product?

    if i finish a bad mix, and my costumer come to me demanding to fix MY mistake, should i charge him again? even if I did the mistake???? i dont think so...
  19. popeye

    popeye Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2012
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    I bought into PT @ version 7 and stayed till version 9 when I realized that the same crap was happening over and over without change. So, I switched to Cubase after trying many DAW's and have never looked back. It's funny to revisit PT Experts page and find the same ole, same ole crap going on and people are still waiting for them to change. I feel for them being a have been in their shoes.......but at some point, change is a good thing.
    Cubase is "da bomb".......secondly, S1 3!
  20. The LT

    The LT Ultrasonic

    Nov 24, 2013
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    Moscow, Russian Federation
    M-Audio has terrible support. They dropped Yosemite FW mac support for their hardware. No better than Avid.
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