Camel Audio Alchemy Libraries

Discussion in 'Software' started by mlb4sheaz, Jan 25, 2015.

  1. mlb4sheaz

    mlb4sheaz Ultrasonic

    Jun 6, 2011
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    South West
    Hey guys,

    I own all the camel plugins and 4 libraries for alchemy, i was planning on buying another two libraries at least but now there closed its not possible.

    So my question is: if i download a library from A"di£z will it work or will it mess up my legit plugins?

    I hope someone out there is compiling a massive camel bundle so we can save these products and get a few more years out of them :)
  3. floond

    floond Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2013
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    The K'd libraries are for the old version 1.25 so not compatible with version 1.55 or whatever the most recent legit version of Alchemy is. With a little ingenuity it's likely possible to run both a k'd version and legit version side by side though.
  4. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    whispers are that camel have been sold, so hopefully they will be back on the market sometime soon
  5. mlb4sheaz

    mlb4sheaz Ultrasonic

    Jun 6, 2011
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    South West
    Ahh i see, yes mine is the latest 1.55.

    Hopefully the buy out rumours are true in one respect. But its also a shame just to close a company like this out of the blue.

    I guess if we ever see an alchemy 2 now it may be under a different name and at a hefty price!

    Cheers for the info guys :)
  6. dkny

    dkny Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    This is true in general.
    However, there is a hole in the copy protection that enables you to use libraries without the corresponding key - I didn't want to share this before while CA were still trading, but now it seems less damaging as the products can no longer be bought.

    So yes, it is possible to use all the 1.25 libs with the current (legit) version of Alchemy, I have a legit latest version Alchemy, and I have purchased libraries, and downloaded ones working fine.

    I can document how to do this if necessary...
  7. old school shred

    old school shred Noisemaker

    Jan 19, 2015
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    so what steps would you take> I can imagine installing into a folder like alchemy125 or somesuch and then doing the same with the libraries but I am not for certain burton on this. I just have the player for the latest version with a few libs and I would certainly not want to delete that if I can somehow figure out how to install the K'd version of 125 side by side. Any input is appreciated. Damn shame about camel audio hopefully all that work into developing a new version turns into something we can buy and recognize as a decent product.

    The alchemy sample content uses SFZ format if I recall so at least we can use that in synths and samplers that read SFZ file format. I noticed this when I installed Plogues Sforzando It found not only the sample library of alchemy but dimension pro as well and dim pro will play SFZ and process them as a synth as well in fact the programer from RGC/ cakewalk invented the SFZ format and open sourced it.

    If anyone knows of any other synths that play well with SFZ chime in.
  8. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    hi i used extreme sample converter
    to convert some of the dimension pro SFZ to use in kontakt
    i only did a few sounds that i liked but its a other way to use any SFZ you have in alchemy and dimension pro.
    it did a nice job on them as well as been fast at it.

    would you beleave i downloaded a kontakt pack befor that someone was selling as there own pack
    and some of the dimension pro sounds were in it under a other name lol.

    ps did use get the free banks for alchemy that were posted the other day nice share :wink:
  9. floond

    floond Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2013
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    Please share/document man!
  10. mlb4sheaz

    mlb4sheaz Ultrasonic

    Jun 6, 2011
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    South West
    Yes +1 for the share :)
  11. dkny

    dkny Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    It’s possible in Alchemy 1.55 (latest, legit) to use expansion libraries without their appropriate keyfile, as well as purchased libraries and downloaded presets without problems.

    When Alchemy loads a preset, it checks the parameter “Product” in the file and if it’s from an expansion library, Alchemy looks for a valid userdata and matching keyfile. If one is not found, Alchemy aborts the preset load and complains that “Keyfile for this preset not found”.

    We can’t pretend an expansion patch is from the factory library (and this not requiring keyfile) as this won’t work. I tried some other options as well without success - can’t remember the full details of what i tried but it would have been all the obvious ways of trying to cheat the system.

    However, with a bit of lateral thinking, there *is* an expansion library that everyone can use, and that doesn’t require a keyfile - Alchemy’s “A Taste of Camel”, which contains a “best of” taster group of patches from all the expansions - these come up in Alchemy’s browser and Alchemy does not attempt to source a valid keyfile.

    So all we have to do is “brand” all our downloaded expansion patches as coming from “A Taste of Camel” - and now they will all work just as if we had a valid keyfile!

    Here’s an example from Junkie XL’s Future Oldskool.

    Install the bank in the usual way (usually by placing the .camelsounds file on the desktop and running the AlchemySamples installer to unpack and copy the samples and presets to the correct place for Alchemy to read it).

    Open Alchemy and rescan for new patches. You will now see the JunkieXL bank is there, but you cannot load the patches yet - Alchemy will complain that there is no keyfile.

    If we open the Bass sound “Analuck.acp” in a text editor, we can see the lines:

    Name = Analuck
    Product = AlchemyJunkieXL
    Author = Junkie XL
    PresetId = 3242
    So, let’s insert the “UserData” parameter to tell Alchemy that this patch is part if the free “A Taste of Camel” expansion, and thus Alchemy will no longer look for the JunkieXL keyfile. Add one line after the “Author” line:

    Name = Analuck
    Product = AlchemyJunkieXL
    Author = Junkie XL
    UserData = AlchemyTasteOfCamel||||||||||||
    PresetId = 3242
    If you now rescan the patches in Alchemy, this patch will now show up, and can be loaded and played. We now have a way that we can use all the downloaded expansion content. Great!

    So, all we have to do is bulk insert that line into all our patches - lots of ways of doing this. I’m on the Mac so I used the BBEDit text editor which can batch search/replace across multiple files using regular expressions.

    Essentially, I search for

    “(Author \= .*)” (this searches for the line with any author
    , and replace it with:
    “$1\rUserData \= AlchemyTasteOfCamel\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\r”
    This is just in essence adding our extra UserData line into all the patches.

    So, using whatever method you feel comfortable, just do a bulk search/replace on all the downloaded presets adding that extra line, and all the expansion patches will work as if you have valid keyfiles for all of them. For me, it takes literally a couple of seconds to “fix” all the expansion libraries I have - basically, all the ones that have previously been uploaded to the net, I think it’s about 15 - over 4,000 patches. I expect someone will upload a full collection of “fixed” patches in due course, once this gets around.

    If you have purchased patches with a key, you can choose to leave them as they are, or “fix” them to remove the necessity for the keyfile.

    Note - I’m on the Mac platform, haven’t tested Windows so if someone else can try this on that platform and confirm it works there, that’d be cool. Latest 1.55 legit Alchemy.

    Enjoy the libraries!
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  12. mlb4sheaz

    mlb4sheaz Ultrasonic

    Jun 6, 2011
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    South West
    This may be a bit beyond my computer abilities :grooves:
  13. dkny

    dkny Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    All you have to do is add one line of text to each patch - it's not hard.

    I described how I did it across whole folders of patches using a text editor search/replace, but it's not the only way.

    And no, you don't have to do it using regular expressions either, it's just that's the easiest/quickest way for me.

    And I'm sure people will share the fixed patches in time.. ;)
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  14. old school shred

    old school shred Noisemaker

    Jan 19, 2015
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    is there a similar program we can use to batch modify the stuff for windows users?

    Also having alchemy player at 155 I would be able to use the libraries through that but I would want to use the Kd version at 125 as well. how do we use the 125 and 155 together? I would probably want to use it since the 125 full version has more functionality in it than the 155 player does, obviously.

    Thanks for the
    extreme sample converter idea that will be useful I am sure. I wish my old sample tank tron moog sonik miroslav libs could be salvaged for use in other programs that way.

    I understand the new omnisphere will allow for loading certain sound formats hopefully it will supports the SFZ format as well. It added a lot of granular and other kinds of tools to its arsenal and the announcement perfectly coincided with the demise of camel. Almost to perfectly for me to not be suspicious that perhaps it was spectrasonics that bought out alchemy and not apple as was most popularly thought to be the case.

  15. dkny

    dkny Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    Spectrasonics already said they didn't buy Camel Audio on Twitter.

    Any text editor that can search/replace text across multiple files will work, eg Ultraedit

    Edit: Use UltraEdit's "Replace in files" feature after you've installed the presets - use that search string I wrote above on the installed presets folder you wish to modify, job done.

    (Sorry for the slow replies, still moderated at the moment...)
  16. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    you can try this ,frist rar all the presets in one pack
    then open the rar with Ultraedit and look for

    “(Author \= .*)” and replace all with “$1\rUserData \= AlchemyTasteOfCamel\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\r”

    after that extract the presets from the rar,most of the time when you do it this way you get a error warning
    but the presets should still unpack ,try winrar and 7zip to unpack them,

    if you cant do them send me a pm with the presets and ill give it a go :wink:
  17. dkny

    dkny Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    You don't need to rar, simply use UE's "replace in files" feature on the installed presets folder. It's just a search and replace on whole folders full of files, as I described above.

    Raring and opening it like this seems a, uh, rather less optimal solution... ;)
  18. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    Thanks didnt know about the replace in files feature
    it would of been alot easer to do it that way.
    been useing Ultra-edit for years what makes it even worse lol
  19. budest

    budest Newbie

    Jul 28, 2014
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    First post just to thank you mate for writing that up. I was pulling my hair out trying to get my hands on a copy (legit) of Alchemy but hit a brick wall. Then downloaded v1.25 torrent and couldn't get the majority of presets to work in Logic Pro X. Eventually got my hands on v1.55 CM player but then all the presets required activated - then I stumbled across your post and have them all working now! Big thanks.

    What I would say though is that your search and replace strings didn't work for me using v10 of BBEdit. I simply searched for "Author =" without quotes and replaced with "Author = Junkie XL UserData = AlchemyTasteOfCamel||||||||||||" without quotes. That's just a side issue though.
  20. floond

    floond Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2013
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    On Windows I had to add a line feed (\n) but otherwise it works perfectly.
    “$1\r\nUserData \= AlchemyTasteOfCamel\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\r”
    (also make sure UltraEdit is set to use Perl style regular expressions.)
    Thanks a lot dkny!
  21. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Jezzz...... Why is it this thead (january 2015) is comming up! Is it because it´s really news, or is it because we still have this "merry go round" issiue!

    For this thread: The whole thing has been sold to Apple!!!

    Same with most threads in Audiosex Feed (sister site) ...... some threads are years old!

    When I enter Audiosex feed Im expecting a news-feed, not old outdated stuff that should have been deleted a long time ago!


    Thats all
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