Tone2 Legit software shutting down my computer

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by real, Apr 12, 2015.

  1. jamienero

    jamienero Newbie

    Oct 15, 2015
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    Thanks for your reply.
    I will see what Tone2 support have got to say. I'm guessing a refund is out of the question.
  2. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    the thing is, i used to love vanguard , still use it loads to this day, but the tone2 product is generally not that interesting, their stuff sounds 'canned' and very cheap and plastic.
    fair enough if you are an armand bureau de change fan. hit the keys till your veins fill with ravey sound poisoning.
    and your machine crashes, natch'
  3. mouse

    mouse Member

    Aug 12, 2011
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    Contact Tone2 and they will take you off the blacklist. Make sure you remove any Tone2 cracked "demos" first. When you install the legit vst's they phone home and if they find cracked versions they assume your keys are illegal and blacklist them. I had this problem and they were very understanding.
  4. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
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    A series of tubes
    Man, Tone2 is evil--pure and simple. Funny thing is, I actually like the Tone2 stuff a lot. I use electra2/saurus2 with some regularity. And I legitimize the plugins/software I use routinely.... It was my experience with AiR's cubase 5 and VTX's cubase 7 that made me purchase cubase pro 8 (a wonderful purchase btw).

    BUT.....I won't ever buy anything Tone2. I just won't. I've read WAY too many horror stories like this one to ever do that--even though I would like to. So, Markus, enjoy your non-payment from me. I (and anyone I can convince) will never, ever, ever be buying your malware-ridden plugins. :dont:

    Every time I use one of his cracked plugins, it's like a small victory for freedom. Put the plugins in their own folder and disconnect from the internet. Works for me. You could also try the "runasdate" method. I know of people still using the old DOA keys with this method. :bleh:

  5. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    There are no cracked demos only license files installer are the same as anyone can dl from there website i dont know as i dont own any Tone2 but my guess is that you dont get a different installer only a license file and some instructions.
  6. mouse

    mouse Member

    Aug 12, 2011
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    You missed the implication of the "" quotes.
  7. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    Weird situation... I bought Tone2 Gladiator 2 years ago, Warmverb Multi-Fx etc (all legit, of course) and my PC never stop working. Never. So it's hard to understand what really happened reading what the poster wrote. I repeat, weird situation... :drummer::chilling:
  8. jamienero

    jamienero Newbie

    Oct 15, 2015
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    I'm beginning to agree with you, I've sent Markus a message via his forum about my issue with Nemesis crashing with Ableton 9 and he's nowhere to be seen, I've had no feedback, just making me angry that he's had my £120. This has been my first purchase buying a plugin and I naively went for Tone2. How was I to know? The demo worked fine. Maybe it's and Ableton issue. But all this doesn't make me want to buy anything else legit. Where can I get one of his cracked plugins, to get my own back?
  9. ehrwaldt kunzlich

    ehrwaldt kunzlich Rock Star

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Utop, IA
    don't be discouraged to go legit.
    just by all means avoid tone2. they're malware.
    there are many good and decent plugin developers that deserve the money and don't engage in foul business practices.
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  10. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
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    A series of tubes
    That sucks you chose one of very few companies pulling this nonsense. My sympathies, fellow poor musician. I loathe wasting $$$ on bad politics.
    Yes. Don't be afraid to go legit. There are a lot of great companies that want to earn your dollar/Euro. It just sucks you had to be burned like that. :(
  11. jamienero

    jamienero Newbie

    Oct 15, 2015
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    Thanks for the advice guys. I had only sent Markus message in Friday evening so you never know, I'm at least awaiting a response from his co-worker Troels who has been trying to help by sending me another zipped Nemesis file so he has been trying to do something but I'm guessing a refund is out of the question in this circumstance. I mean £120 is £120. It's frustrating that Nemesis is working independently on desktop but just not with Ableton. Can you suggest any other plugins?
  12. jamienero

    jamienero Newbie

    Oct 15, 2015
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    Hi Markus,

    I have been conversing with Troels about a issue I have trying to use Nemesis with Ableton and either Nemesis is crashing with Ableton or vice versa. I am quite happy to spend £120 on your products if it works for me but it's been two days now since purchasing Nemesis and it is still not working. I open it in Ableton only for it to crash and have this awful feedback noise and the only way to stop it is to shut it down. I tried the demo before buying Nemesis and it worked fine for about 30 minutes or so and then it crashed but I figured this was a time limit that was given to me for using the demo and just accepted this. I have written to Troels tonight about this matter stating I really wanted this to work and I would of been interested to buy more products from you but this software is not happening with my Ableton.
    Can you advise what to do, if you have had this problem with anyone else?
  13. jamienero

    jamienero Newbie

    Oct 15, 2015
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    Has anyone else had this same issue I have had with Live and Nemesis or similar? Is there a way of resolving this?
  14. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    If you paid via paypal or credit card, just order your money back. It's a business after all and if you get a faulty product, you have every right to return it.

    p.s.: please edit your postings if you want to add something.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 18, 2015
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  15. Gnib

    Gnib Producer

    Mar 29, 2013
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  16. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    There is a simple test to do (and Markus know it, that's why he closed Tone2 KVR forum ).
    Download Gladiator demo, and use an installer scanner. You will see exactly what AiR said in their NFO : system scanning, registry keys dropping and more.
    There is no "debate" : just ppl knowing what they speak about or not :wink:

    When Gladiator trigger an administrative alert and shutdown your computer on Win XP, it is not a bug : it is on purpose because there is no bug in the whole world creating an admin alert.
    And this is only an example :wink:
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  17. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    What a disgusting story: Shame and disgrace on this company!

    I would advise two things :

    1. If it's an option, reformat the whole computer and if it's out of question, use a Registry cleaner tool to see if it helps.

    2. Simultaneously, you need to contact them but since I assume it will not help, you already need a plan B. Meaning that they need to know that you exist and most of all, they need to feel heat. You will have to contact as much media as possible (computer music, sound on sound...) and explain your story in details. The most important thing is that they need to understand how you were treated by these SOB.
  18. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    I found the text of that AIR Release nfo on the Tone2 Malware issue. Maybe it helps identifying the Problem.

    Pay Special attention to: "- ExitWindowsEx calls (causes machine to shutdown)".
    I guess that's what happened: the legit Plugin brought that "malware" code along, ran a scan in the background, found warezed stuff and said 'so let's start the fuckery'…
    WOW… I am glad this shit is not possible on macs, afaik. Getting punished for going legit? What a son of a bitch…

    But back to the text:

    "It's not everyday AiR feels the need to comment on a
    release but we believe some issues about Markus Feil
    need to be addressed for both legitimate users and
    the warez community.

    In our opinion Markus Feil's plugins are the
    equivilent to MALWARE, it is with disgust we find the
    elaborate (and futile!) measures he has taken within
    his code.

    When a developer starts dropping files and creating
    empty BOGUS registry keys, writing to a users host
    file etc. then they have crossed a line of ethics
    that is inexcusable.

    One could argue that warez users get what they
    deserve, however... warez uses ALWAYS choose to take
    a risk when they use warez. The legitimate user
    however gets exactly the SAME codebase and IF things
    go wrong they are subjected to the same MALWARE crap

    Furthermore, our release is BETTER than what legit
    users are getting because we have disposed of the
    expansions that legit users DON'T have and probably
    DON'T know about.

    NOTE TO Markus: you are tool, ppl may debate our
    ethics but WE DON'T infect and manipulate filesystems
    or registries, you're no better than a virus
    developer in our opinion.
    Stick to what you know cause your protection schemes
    are no match for us

    Some warez users like to go legit, it's hard to see
    them going legit with your plugins when the
    experience you give them results in piss poor MALWARE
    techniques. FUCK YOU!

    Here are some of the techniques Markus infects your
    machine with:

    - Registry scanning
    - Filesystem scanning
    - Creating bogus registry keys
    - File dropping
    - Multiple \system32\drivers\etc\host file updates
    - Deletion of files
    - Phone home notification
    - ExitWindowsEx calls (causes machine to shutdown)
    - DLL unpacked checks

    # Registry scanning...

    Markus has coded his plugins to look for other Tone2
    and reFX registry entries, if blacklisted serials are
    found then his MALWARE is invoked. These include
    Firebird, FilterBank, Warmverb, Gladiator, Vanguard

    # Filesystem scanning...

    Markus has coded his plugins to look for other
    products keyfiles, if blacklisted keyfiles are found
    then his MALWARE is invoked. This includes FireBird,
    FilterBank, Warmverb, Gladiator

    # Bogus registry entries...

    Markus creates keys in HKEY_CURRENT_USER

    at least two NEW keys with no data (not disclosing to
    protect privacy). if you have been subjected to the
    MALWARE traps check your registry, the keys will be
    obvious as the names are crap, make no sense and they
    have no data under them.

    # File dropping...

    Markus creates:






    + about 4 other random file names (not disclosing to
    protect privacy)

    If your going to look for these files make sure you
    have turned off 'Hide protected operating system
    files' in explorer. Typically they are dropped in the
    same location as the Gladiator2 dll.

    # Update of hosts file...

    Markus updates the users host file with a massive
    list of warez, torrent and other site urls

    # Deletion of files...

    Markus deletes any blacklisted keyfiles from the
    users machine"
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2015
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  19. ehrwaldt kunzlich

    ehrwaldt kunzlich Rock Star

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Utop, IA
    aww, that EPIC nfo :)
  20. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    I stand by my last comment : The best line of defense is to attack them where it hurts the most : Money.

    Once the media are aware of all this, his reputation will start to vanish and the Sales volume will follow soon enough, believe me.

    Then and only then he will start to give a damn about all the pissed off legit users. For now, he couldn't care less.
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