DayOne - Another Concept

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by Ben, Oct 13, 2015.

  1. Ben

    Ben Member

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Hi guys,

    Put this together in roughly 30 mins.
    I know some people weren't sure about this method I use on occasion, but I enjoy putting time limits so I don't get to caught up in things.

    Please note this is simply a bit of an idea and I will probably finish at a later point.
    Comments and advice welcome :)


    Last edited: Oct 14, 2015
  3. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Sounds pretty much like roughly 30 mins.... I´m not comment the music but the mix needs some care!

    30 mins can prolly be a fun test for yourself, but it´s not something that really works if you want to make something good!

    Just mho!
  4. Ben

    Ben Member

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Thanks for the reply I appreciate you honest opinion :)

    It's not about completing the perfect track, obviously that takes much longer. I spend days and weeks and months on other tracks I'm working on. The 30 minutes challenge is purely about creating an idea and running with it.

    Is there anything in the mix that stands out that needs working on?
    I appreciate your comment but I also appreciate more specific advice once you have commented on it.

    That's why I post these things here :)
  5. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Hahaha... 30 minutes... good lord.

    I can spend thirty minutes picking placeholder sounds, each of which I later go back and spend 30-45 minutes redesigning. At least.

    Shit, for thirty minutes' work this is very good. But if you want to make something that competes with the rest of the music making world, you're gonna need to spend a lot longer than that. I once watched a guy who makes his living in glitch hop/dubstep music saying 20 hours is the time limit at which he stops working and either keeps a track or scraps it for parts. And this is the guy who was advocating working quickly! For some/many producers, 20 hours is a restrictive time limit. Much of his workshop was about how producers are too obsessive and agonize over BS that ends up not really fitting in the track anyway.

    So you've got that part down already. That's great. Now work on expanding it into a track with motion, with some creative sound design (or not - that's not everyone's thing. But pick some samples/presets that will give it some novelty), with layers of sounds and subtlety. You're on the right track. Keep that rapid-fire creative flow an integral part of your workflow, it'll serve you well.
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  6. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    yeah man, if I were to count the amount of hours I'd spend on a track, I'd say my average is the track being split between 3 days, with each day spending roughly 8 hours until my ears finally die of boredom and the track starts sounding unexciting...

    so I would actually give myself and average of 20 hours on one whole track as well... what that glitch hop guy sed sounds pretty accurate...
  7. Ben

    Ben Member

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Thanks so much guys!
    I usually spend heaps more time on other songs as I mentioned before, these sort of tunes are usually my 'sanity' tracks haha
    Something I just go, I don't care what I end up with.

    Some end up being useful foundations for songs I do spend much more time on though.

    Thanks again for your advice :)
  8. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Yeah, I like it.
    And I like the 30min concept even more! So I'm sorry for the questions that follow :)
    Do you load a template? Or start from a total blank canvas?
    Stick to 1 synth?
    Is it normally a melody or drum/groove you are looking to achieve?

    I'm normally very strict on my deadlines but this is brutal. But in a good way!
  9. Ben

    Ben Member

    Sep 25, 2015
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    I literally start with a blank session.
    I'll have a tempo in mind so I'll click it out usually.
    Then usually start with a beat or synth melody, depends what mood I'm in and then build from there.
    I ain to achieve a mini song
    So something to use as a verse and chorus, then if I like it I'll build off it and spend more time refining and making a song.

    Hope that makes sense :)
    It's so vague and can be very frustrating but I've gotten use to it and it works for me :)
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