The best of: SeamlessR

Discussion in 'AudioSex Academy' started by HETISFRANK, Sep 28, 2015.


    HETISFRANK Producer

    Dec 1, 2012
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    Hey guys,

    A couple of days ago I made a post about wanting to contribute to the community with whatever means available to me and I thought education would be the best avenue to try this in. My post didn't exactly get the response I expected though so I chose to go about a different way than originally intended.

    Still, since there were some people showing interest in what I would have to offer and I decided I would post some links and lists over here on what I think would be some of the very best tutorials I've ever seen on bass music production. So basically, anyone that has interest in dubstep/DnB/complextro is completely in the right hands over here!

    Productions Basics:

    Harmor Basics Tutorial:

    Sytrus Basics - Part 1:

    Sytrus Basics - Part 2:

    Vocodex Basics:

    I realize this may be too basic for some people here. For those that feel that way, I seriously advocate checking out his "How To Bass" series which goes in-depth on more advanced stuff. Nonetheless, I think the "Productions Basics" was still very helpful even when I had been producing for a longer time already because it explains the underlying reasons as to why certain things happen with audio as they do. I always liked knowing why things worked as they did instead of just relying on hearsay.

    As for the different plug-in tutorials, they are all FL native plug-ins but some of the very best sound design tools when it comes to bass music. But since they aren't as well known as Native Instruments stuff, there is less tutorials done about them. But these should help you a lot on understanding their basic functionalities.

    If people show some real interests in these links/lists I have posted thus far, I will definitely post some more tutorials of SeamlessR and similar individuals that I have found very useful to check out. I guess everyone can just check for themselves, but because those guys usually have been around for years by now, their catalog has grown to insane numbers already. All I can hope for is that I saved some people some time by knowing which tutorials are more useful than others.

    Greetings, Frank
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    HETISFRANK Producer

    Dec 1, 2012
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    Since my last post seemed to have helped out at least some people, I decided to make a little continuation and post some of my favorites so people can get a better grasp on their sound design. It's good to keep in mind his tutorials still are mostly geared towards bass music like DnB, dubstep and complextro. Since I'm mostly into making DnB myself, I picked a couple of tutorials that helped me get a better grasp on some of the signature sound design techniques for that genre of music. In fact, it's mostly geared towards Reese basses, which is a very defining sound for a lot of DnB.

    How To Bass 71 - FM and Reese Bass (Part 1):

    How To Bass 71 - FM and Reese Bass (Part 2):

    How To Bass 87 - Making Things Reese:

    How To Bass 100 - Designing Serum Wavetables:

    So I hope this will help at least some people out again. I think it will be especially helpful to people that also aim to make things like DnB and maybe some dubstep or trap. If you prefer making other kinds of bass music, it may be worth to just search through his YouTube channel and find some stuff more suited towards yourself. Nonetheless, I think these particular tutorials are always worth to check out because it also gets into some very fundamental stuff on sound design even if it's not your genre of music. If anyone is wondering about anything, feel free to ask.

    Greetings, Frank
  4. paraplu020

    paraplu020 Banned

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Sewers of Amsterdam
    bedankt frank, goeie tutorials! :bow:
  5. oneunder

    oneunder Ultrasonic

    Feb 26, 2014
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    I really like SeamlessR 's Tuts. He posted a link on FB yesterday of one of his songs on some movie soundtrack. They had used it without his permission.
  6. nickveldrin

    nickveldrin Member

    May 31, 2015
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    I started watching the first video in the "Production Basics" and am hooked. I've been collecting tutorials and other things for the last 6 months, and haven't really given any of them a chance yet for one reason or another. However, since DnB was mentioned in the original post, which is the music that i really like, i wanted to get a better understanding of all of the basics since i don't know where even to begin.

    I love it! Thank you for putting it together, thank you for the instructions, and thank you for also liking DnB!
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