SOPA Being Sugarcoated as OPEN?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by light59, Jan 26, 2012.

  1. light59

    light59 Member

    Nov 7, 2011
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    SOPA Being Sugarcoated as OPEN!

    The Informer
    Tuesday, January 24 - 2012


    SOPA, a deeply flawed bill that would use Internet censorship to combat copyright infringement.​

    PIPA, the Protect IP Act. PIPA would import censorship and surveillance methods reversing long standing American policies on Internet freedom, betraying First Amendment values, damaging the standing of the U.S. around the world and undermining Internet security for everyone.​

    Forgive my use of internet jargon, but after the epic fail that SOPA/PIPA legislations suffered after being faceplanted by everyone from Jimmy Wales to your neighborhood lolcat, Freedom and Democracy Corporation (read: US Congress) is working on a new legislation introduced by Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Cali.), which he claims will plug the shortcomings of SOPA and PIPA. And what are these shortcaomings? SOPA and PIPA work at a national level whereas OPEN oparates at a global level. It means that with OPEN, censorship and surveillance will be made on a worldwide scale making the other two bills pale by comparison.

    The bill is meticulously named OPEN (riding on the "keep web open" moniker), the Online Protection and Enforcement of Digital Trade Act., (H.R. 3782), it was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday (01/18), the same day as an Internet protest when a number of high-profile websites such as Wikipedia went dark. Senator Ron Wyden (D-Oregon), who originally fought tenacioulsy against Sopa and PIPA now has introduced the OPEN Act in the U.S. Senate (has Dryden sold out to the Hollywood maffia?). OPEN is essentially similar to SOPA, except that the discretionary authority that will address IP infringement complaints will be the International Trade Commission (ITC), instead of US Department of Justice. This would also make the legislation palatable to the international community which has been concerned over US' unilateral actions on the very functioning of the internet.

    The likes of Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, have expressed satisfaction with the bill, however the Motion Pictures Association of America (MPAA) is not very happy, as it thinks it goes too soft on pirates.

    Well, this has nothing to do with pirates! These new laws or bills are setup to eventually remove the rights from mankind. I think it's about time everbody say NO to this nonesense.

    You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig, it would just look nicer on the outside. If they pass OPEN, the MPAA will likely still pursue "SOPA Plus." Afterwards, it will come new versions of "Pipa and Coica Plus" with new amendments - and who knows what! Their ultimate goal is the enslavement of humanity!

    I don't understand what more power they need. As we saw with Megaupload, there's no need for new laws to enforce IP protection. But fight it as we might, the government can haz all. Sad truth.

    Watch Anonymous message about OPEN:

    Do you want greedy corporations and their pet government to be able to control the free flow of Internet information -- including information about the plans for a New World Order as well as the abuses of government and police power?

    How about the "vigilante" provision, which would grant broad immunity to all Internet service providers if they overblock innocent users or block sites voluntarily with no judicial oversight at all? This provision would allow the MPAA and RIAA to create literal blacklists of sites they want censored," EFF tells us. "Intermediaries will find themselves under pressure to act to avoid court orders, creating a vehicle for corporations to censor sites--even those in the U.S.--without any legal oversight.

    I don't intend to let the free Internet go down in flames without putting up a fight.

    The time has come to make a stand. Today is a day for action across the Web.
  3. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    What light59 says is true. It doesn't matter if the message is genuine or not, but it's true. They want to censor Internet in some way. They want to train us into that state of the Internet being normal, and continue to do more changes afterwards, and gain complete control over the Internet. Remember that political changes never come at once. They are carefully planned, like a chess game. They make small moves that don't seem too obvious, but the last move ends in check-mate. Just take a look at the history. We should all learn from it. Everything is so obvious, and they count on people's inability to understand such things. Unfortunately, huge majority of the people simply cannot understand that, because of lack of knowledge, lack of interest, and too much trust in the politicians who all watch over just their own arses, and pockets.

  4. light59

    light59 Member

    Nov 7, 2011
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    Thanks Sinewave! As you can see by looking at the video, I've never said that the Anonymous link pasted on the article above belongs to the hacktivist group that fights the media establishment. It merely says "Anonymous message." Anonymous is indeed a group of experienced hackers that launched the attack against the Hollywood pundits and the government. But the name has become synonymous of a huge movement of people working against internet censorship = We are many, We are legion! There are hundreds of informative YouTube videos of people that has joined this movement warning us about Sopa, Pipa, Coica, Open and Acta.

    Besides, the important thing here is not so much about the video itself (which by the way correctly warns about OPEN), but in regards to the article itself (SOPA Being Sugarcoated as OPEN!)uncovering what the US Congress plans to do if OPEN goes into legislation. It's just amazing how some people miss the boat in regards to this issue! :wink:
  5. Diabulus in Musica

    Diabulus in Musica Platinum Record

    Jun 7, 2011
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    But this is worse than SOPA and PIPA put together!:snuffy:
  6. panther5

    panther5 Kapellmeister

    Jun 17, 2011
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    The U.S. Constitution represents how a country should be. The reality, as you all know, is much different. This country was founded on genocide, greed, fear, and religeous bigotry. The Constitution, our original guideline and "spirit" (which should have been written and followed to the letter before the first boatload of white people landed on these shores) has been, and continues (even more so) to be abused and degraded. In reality, we are expected to act like good little Ken and Barbie Christian robot-dolls; everything for God and Country right or wrong. Wrong is OK as long as the "Powers that Be" say so. After all, even if a decision or act is proven wrong, it can always be "fixed-in-the-mix". However, we all know that "fixed-in-the-mix" never comes out right, and in this case, always benefits the "Corporatocracy". If we can't get to the point where we're living clearly in mind and body under our Constitution, we're doomed as a free society. The Corporatocracy has all the guns and most of the money, buy we have the numbers and the "spirit" of the Constitution behind us. I believe there's still time for us to be victorious, but just barely. Live by example and GET THE WORD OUT!
  7. ClaudeBalls

    ClaudeBalls Producer

    Jan 3, 2012
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    Hey everyone who cares.... "goggle" ACTA. It's even more fun than SOPA/PIPA.

    Article here: