McDSP v5 w libstd issues in PT10 on OSX

Discussion in 'Software' started by mapjay, Oct 9, 2015.

  1. mapjay

    mapjay Member

    Sep 3, 2015
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    most of the libstd patched plugins i've tried, work great! i've installed the patched libstd on many mac systems, from snow leopard, mountain lion, mavericks and yosemite.

    the only one that i can't really figure out, is the McDSP v5 HD Everything package. if i install it along with a bunch of other libstd patched plugins (like auto tune 7, softube, slate digital, tc electronics, altiverb 7 XL, etc), a few will ask for activation and not work in logic.

    however, in pro tools v10.3.10 both in snow leopard, mavericks and yosemite, i am having errors getting PT10 to even open, without completely removing the mcdsp plugs, then launching pro tools.

    am i missing something? do i need to "activate" somehow? obviously, these should not require an iLok or any online form of activate. however, the softube package, when finished installing, brings up it's own activation menu, and you just "activate" all products. works like a charm. every other plugin seems to be working pretty great! some absolutely fantastic reversing and patching, from those did such work - mucho gracias!!!

    but is anyone else having such issues with the mcdsp package, and any solutions? thanks in adavance!
  3. Snill

    Snill Kapellmeister

    Aug 26, 2015
    Likes Received:
    For me some of McDSP didn't work and not working but the rest is fine.
    This list working on Logic Pro X 10.2 in OSX Mavericks.
  4. mapjay

    mapjay Member

    Sep 3, 2015
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    thank you, snill! although there are a few that wont pass validations/authorization in logic 9/X, most of the mcdsp plugins seem to work fine in logic. my question is mainly for pro tools users - has anyone gotten some/most of the newer v5 mcdsp plugins working in PT10?
  5. Frubbs

    Frubbs Kapellmeister

    Feb 2, 2012
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    I haven't been able to get any of the McDSP plugs to work in PT11 - haven't tried PT10.

    In Logic, they all seem to work except the ones that are flagged as problematic in the nfo file.

    BTW, if you have trouble getting unauthorized plugins to show up in Logic so you can authorize them, try using a small plugin host like Hosting AU, AU Lab or Audio Plugin Player (APP is NG in Yosemite, but OK up to Mavericks). Often when you authorize them there they'll then load OK in Logic.
  6. oisinn

    oisinn Ultrasonic

    Jul 6, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Wild West
    If you just took time to go back and read Opensh's nfo for the McDSP you will see it says ONLY AU. The RTAS and AAX will be installed but will not work. You will also have long interruptions trying to open PT while it asks you for activation on each plugin. You will need to move them all to the unused plugin folder. The majority of AUs work just fine so all you need to do is open them in PT with Blue Cats Patchwork or MB7 Mixer.
  7. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
    Likes Received:
    The stage, man
    There's a v5 RTAS/AAX(?) only installer floating around, and it works just fine for me on Lion/PT 10.3.9. I agree with the previous poster, though; if you don't feel like hunting down the RTAS installer, just grab Blue Cat Patchwork and load up the AU versions that way. I haven't used PT 10 or Patchwork yet beyond loading everything up to make sure it's been installed properly, and I'm on an older, slower machine that gets rickety with 64-bit DAWs, so I don't know how much extra processing your computer may or may not be burdened with by having to do it that way. I would say it's worth it to track down the RTAS installer if you can find it.
  8. Snill

    Snill Kapellmeister

    Aug 26, 2015
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    On PT10 not working, BC Patch Cat can solve the problem I think
  9. mapjay

    mapjay Member

    Sep 3, 2015
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    very much aware of bc patchwork, and honestly - rarely read .nfo's anymore, doh! lol. but yes, very good point - before i ask any further questions, let me remind myself to read the nfo!!! lol. Thanks guys, didn't realize this mcdsp package was AU only. @Iggy, thanks for the heads up, i'll give that other v5 package a search. cheers! :mates:
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