NOKS AK45 - Please Don't Touch EQ

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by quantum, Oct 11, 2015.

  1. quantum

    quantum Noisemaker

    Mar 18, 2013
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    Hey guys here more than 40 min of my music...I just wanna know if you reach the end...!.And how u feelin' !.
    You can follow me on soundcloud for more mix soon...PEACE

  3. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    That was remarkably bad imho.
    I'll try to sum some positive criticism later, but atm I'm going to bed.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2015
  4. I would like to know how you were feeling after creating the 42 minutes and 11 seconds of your piece and what were your motivations and influences were during this period of your life. As for me, I couldn't get through it without jumping around. I was on edge and then suddenly at about 16:19 it brought up feelings of confusion and nausea so I needed to stop listening. Sorry but true. Maybe it was the Chinese I had for supper.
  5. quantum

    quantum Noisemaker

    Mar 18, 2013
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    Surely!...You do not have any idea of what is respect but don't care mayBE with time mayBE when you'll get olde...And then you'll mayBE understand what art is!.
  6. quantum

    quantum Noisemaker

    Mar 18, 2013
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    And for my state of mind!...It's Apocalypse Guys!!!. :bleh:
  7. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    On the whole, I'm glad that I listened to the entire piece. I discovered references in the piece to works by The Residents, and perhaps a touch of Can. Having said that, I don't believe that the piece is grounded in any established style but, rather, a vision that's uniquely yours.

    My feeling at the end? I'm sorry to say that I felt annoyed. The wrenching abruptness of the cuts from one movement to the next aren't to my taste. As I drifted into the landscapes of the shifting sonic structures and sculptures of the piece, almost to the point of entering a dreamlike trance state, too frequently was my existential reverie shattered by quixotic (dare I say nihilistic?) interruptions. It was like being in a gallery of beautiful of things in the company of an over-eager guide who would insist upon moving ahead before I'd become satiated by the artistry and craftsmanship of each and every piece.

    And, yes, it's art. The question that remains with me is, was it artistic? I shall have to listen again.
    BTW, I left you a "like" because... well..... I liked it and honestly wished that it was longer. :)
  8. quantum

    quantum Noisemaker

    Mar 18, 2013
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    Many THxxx for yr appreciation.

    Sorry for the lapse times...I know when you're in softness you don't want to be break with some kind of mind kaos.But all is a question of time.When i compose each pieces are as the time goes by, i never come back on a part, when i decide that's finished...Here it is!.And my work is based on the real time.When i begin something the suite will be the next thing i do...Like that i can be happy in the morning and begin a track and when i decide to continue the work it's late and i'm hungry,sad or spacey.
  9. Beth

    Beth Guest

    I can see where it could be considered as art and your artistic/creative process so for that it is worthy of commendation! Because of the nature of the beast though it will appeal to some and not art always does. For me personally though when i listen to music i want to be absorbed into it in a different way. I dont want to be shocked or jarred so i couldn't listen all the way through without skipping ahead. As a piece of music would i go back and listen again...probably no, but as an artistic statement do i appreciate it....probably yes :)
  10. quantum

    quantum Noisemaker

    Mar 18, 2013
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    Yes, i know one day i'm gonna change my way of working (I will maybe take more time to consider a piece of music like music)...But i realy have fun to made and listen this music and i know there is a way behind, a construction, maybe i'm the one who can see this...And tomorow things gonna be clear to some people else...I don't know...I would like that peoples says they like it,simply...But i'm surely out of my time!!!.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2015
  11. Beth

    Beth Guest

    If its creative and inspires you that is all that matters ultimately so you should carry on and do exactly what your heart and mind says to do :)
  12. peghead

    peghead Platinum Record

    Jan 18, 2014
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    I tried. Honest, but I could not past 4 mins. Then I started jumping forward to see if I could find some interesting (bad bad word!!!) bits.
    Then I gave up.
    I wonder... are you a musician? By that I mean do you actually play a real instrument or do you "simply" take bits of music made by others and glue them together? Nothing wrong with that if you do but it would help me to make sense of "your" music.
  13. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    I like the idea & concept of making Art/Soundscapes/Sound-collages that break conventional limits!
    I've listened a lot of very long, extended Ambient music by Steve Roach, Mathias Grassow and others.
    I must say that some passages in your track are quite interesting and the idea of "sending" the listener
    from one room to the other is good. The rather difficult thing with creating long pieces is to maintain the right balance
    between tension & relaxation, between monotony and stimulation. Some "high-level" ambient music even tends to
    overuse "monotony" to create sorts of "musical mantras" which induce to deep meditation and which can elevate the
    consciousness of the listener to higher levels of perception. That's almost magic!
  14. quartown

    quartown Newbie

    Apr 16, 2014
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    With the world of sound accessible to us without restraint, it's great to see someone using the tools to paint exactly how their mind sounds. I love this stuff!
  15. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    @quantum: The way you described your creative process has encouraged me to leap past an issue that I'm having with a continuous 20-minute piece that has bugged me out for two nearly months. Thank you. I shall take a leaf from your book and forge ahead. :shalom:
  16. quantum

    quantum Noisemaker

    Mar 18, 2013
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    First i am musician,i playing keyboards,flute,percussions my only regrets is i don't play guitars...For the moment i use lot of samples and instrument presets but it's a few time ago,i've always do thing by myself in the past but i reach the moment when i think it's (for my case) a lost of time...

    For this mix i have mixed 13 of my songs with interludes i have made for the track...In fact my work consist in songs of 3 or 5 minuts.
    And yes, my concept is that i think the sound like a solid element place in a sort of space in 3D, where the spectator can be everywhere at every time...So i got to emptyfied all space...I know you can heard that like a cakophony, long time i made to understand my music.But i think she is like the mood u got when you heard her.If you listen when you glad, concentrate and you let all your appreantions behind.When you let your mind be free you see the beauty she can give you and when you capt the beauty of her and you know the sensation behind the music...You're catched, and after this you can heard everytime without the limitation of the first times.
    In fact it's like when you heard metal or psychedelic or whatever for the first time and you were a child...You got to get accustomed by that.

    Surely i do that!...It's my music.But i don't enjoy anyone to do the same thing if he don't have any pleasure when he listen.Especialy that i'm not Steve Roach!. :yes:
  17. quantum

    quantum Noisemaker

    Mar 18, 2013
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  18. mile15

    mile15 Producer

    Nov 3, 2011
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    I like this music (i listen this loud). This is really good for my inspiration. Thank you for this 40-minute sound travels. :wink:
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2015
  19. quantum

    quantum Noisemaker

    Mar 18, 2013
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    Thank you mile.:)
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