All "legal" setups vs cracked - is it more stable?

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by Yosi199, Oct 10, 2015.

  1. Yosi199

    Yosi199 Newbie

    Oct 10, 2015
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    Wow guys thanks for all the replies so quickly!

    It's kind of a surprise to me that cracked versions are more stable (I'm a mobile app developer so know enough about bugs in code but not much about cracking).

    Anyway I agree with the installing fewer plugins/synths is the key to stability. Part of me buying the stuff I use is that I really start to understand I don't need all of loadddss of plugs out there. Cubase 8 comes with a hefty set of quality tools. Yes reverbs plugs are not so good in cubase itself but other stuff to like the delay plugs are great for me.

    I'm going to reinstall my machine with a much narrowed down set of tools which I've came to realize I use the most and love these. I really think it's also helps to know them better instead of just opening a new instance of another different tool that does the same thing, so maybe there is an added "creativity" benefit there as well.
  2. The LT

    The LT Ultrasonic

    Nov 24, 2013
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    Moscow, Russian Federation
    Simple answer: no.
  3. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    It's funny because I use k'd (keygenned, not patched) versions of most of the legit plugs I own, as I have found once R2R and HEXWARS stripped the phoning home or looking for the synchrosoft licensor etc, that they run smoother. Hell, I think it's the Arturia stuff that runs a LOT better, ... but if you look at your activity monitor and see how many pings and cpu cycles are used up by looking for iloks etc... (at least awhile ago when I cared to look at that kinda thing)... you almost, at least "seemingly", get a performance boost.

    I am not applying hard science here... but you probably know by now the difference between patched software and keygens, which utilize untouched binaries, so whatever problems exist from the developer will carry over to the K.. If something is keygenned, it should just as well as the retail version, and I would almost be so bold to say, in some instances "better".... but again, I am no reverser, or expert. Just someone who has been using this stuff forever, and I haven't done a "clean" install since 2009, and my systems purr like a cat.. Just don't go getting sloppy and installing all sorts of stuff. And be careful with the openSSH stuff, and absolutely, absolutely have a clone of your system drive on hand for when things can go south.... It costs like 40 bucks to get a 1tb spinner, and you will NEVER say, "darn, I wish I didn't have a working clone of my system drive... " or regret spending THAT money..
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