Team R2R's Message

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by malco, Aug 6, 2012.

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  1. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    I did that years ago with the "Scene FAQ" post. Not my fault no one reads it

    EDIT: It seems that a mod hyperlinked to my Scene FAQ Post, Not cool. Read the rules!!. No linking to warez Related sites allowed.....Slacker:rofl:
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  2. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    why not? reverser canwork out the best ways how to protect something. there was a really good tech talk about how a hacker thinks.

    @Mykal its just like with NFOs, Manuals, readmes, etc :wink:
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  3. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    i'm gonna try to remember to read it, never did it, sorry:unsure: but then again i'm not demanding anything and just accepting what i can get and not being a spoiled brat
  4. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Have to say the latest posts, ehm, "embellished" my perspective a bit.

    Well, technically and in actuality, they don't HAVE TO do anything and I'm pretty sure they can take care of their own matters. I remember Cat saying that since they went "internall-ish" the happiness and passion were restored... Whatever suits them, I guess.

    (And, YES, I've read the Scene FAQ ages ago and other related stuff)

    Anyways... Cheers. :)
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  5. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    For sure!! I am willing to bet that 50% of the problems would be taken care of if people actually read that stuff. It's common sense!!!
  6. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Thank you Saint, Mykal and ArcticStorm for interesting information above.

    I agree that people without knowledge should refrain from speculation or come to any ill-based value judgement what so ever.

    On the other hand I do hope there can be a way to ask sincere and well meant questions in an attempt to actually learn and try to see the full picture?

    I don't know if a civilized discussion can go on about these things in a public thread here without people going crazy or not, but i sure hope it could. It would be a pity if some could stop interested people from asking well meant questions in a quest for knowledge about how stuff actually work. I of course do not mean info that for one reason or another should not be public, but everything else.

    It seems like you: Saint, Mykal, ArticStorm, (others?) know a lot that most members have no idea about. As far as the information is not secret it would be nice if more people that are interested somehow could get educated.

    Maybe more knowledge among members somewhat could counteract inflammatory and insightful speculation. I don't know the best way to put it out there though, or even if it is productive.

    I will now again read the Scene FAQ as suggested by Arcticstorm and see if I can still my thirst and quest for knowledge that way.
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  7. Mr_Amine

    Mr_Amine Rock Star

    Mar 25, 2014
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    that's not true , cause there's a big difference between the binary codes of a demo version & Retail Version for exemple like (Blue Cat Audio stuff Or Chickensys Translator™ Professional ) & only few DEVs that offer Demo version fully functional
    i hope you understand now :yes:
    learn before you make speculation if R2R said Retail , they said it for a reason
    and you get The Retail version only if you buy it
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2015
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  8. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Damn, I knew I shouldn't have written that. :bleh: Sorry.
  9. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    It's official: "speculation" is the word of the day, :like:
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  10. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    i speculate that this is pure speculation
  11. [​IMG]

    There's nuffin wrong with spectacles.
  12. rico888

    rico888 Producer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Why It's Time To Stop Worrying About R2R And Look Ahead

    (A 'Sort Of' Unsolicited Editorial)

    I've seen several threads/comments both here, at AudioZ, and other sites, that have a similar underlying theme as this one; 'what did we do wrong?' and 'how do we get R2R back?'. I've begun to reach the conclusion that such 'themes' are misguided.

    I can see there are several people here that have been around the warez scene for a long time. They know that cracking groups come and go. Its just how it is. When AIR called it a day it was in similar fashion to what R2R seems to be doing now; More a 'whimper' than a 'bang'. At first AIR's releases became increasingly infrequent till at one point they seemed to pretty much be gone altogether. I recall many people saying with AIR it was because the driving force of that crew, "Gouda", had passed away. Now with R2R there's all sorts of speculation as to why they've chosen this new direction. But do any of these supposed reasons really even matter?

    I have this sneaky suspicion that when people here attempt to figure out why R2R has made their recent changes in how they release, they tend to focus on reasons that are similar to their own beliefs about the scene. Since R2R hasn't given us all that much to work with in terms of understanding their decision, that's only natural.

    For example, if you're like me and you think too much profit motive has infiltrated the scene and releases, you become convinced that R2R has made these changes because they're fed up with people making money off their work. Others seem to focus on things that seem kind of silly, such as people making requests on release threads. The suggestion has been that R2R got ticked off about that and now won't release as often. Do you really believe that's what happened? All the big cracking groups have gotten annoyed over these sorts of things for years, but I don't think it really made any of them throw in the towel. If that was the reason, R2R probably would have done this years ago because these very same reasons have existed in one form or another for as long as there's been a warez scene.

    Maybe the answers are far simpler and more logical. It's generally accepted that there's been three different versions of the core of R2R (PeaceOut, ASSIGN, R2R). If true, that means they've been doing this for over 10 years! Maybe, just maybe, after all these years they're older, have other responsibilites they didn't have in the PeaceOut days, and are just plain burnt out on doing things the way they have for over a decade. Maybe it was just their time for a change.

    Sooner or later this seems to happen with all the great cracking groups. As much as we might like a great group like R2R to go on forever, particularly when there doesn't seem to be anyone to fully take their place at the moment, can we really expect that to happen? I don't think so. I'm convinced that regardless of their reasons for these recent changes, this day was inevitable as I've yet to find the release group that goes on endlessly. And once R2R began putting out some nfo's a year or so ago that were from time to time harshly critical of other crackers/releasers, it seemed the writing was on the wall that this day was coming. They appeared to have lost patience and perspective, and began lashing out at others in ways that were uncharacteristic of them. I remember AIR once doing something like that in an nfo with ASSIGN. But R2R has now done that at least a half dozen times with other crackers/releasers. When people start reaching their shelf-life date, and lose patience, this is what happens.

    Because of this, maybe its time to start focusing on the new groups or individuals that are trying to hone their cracking skills, and give them greater support and attention, instead of wasting time pining over R2R. Doing so might be more productive than sitting around trying to figure out what needs to be done to get R2R back to where they were, when the fact is they may never be coming back in that form.

    All too often I see people on these sites be dismissive of the new groups/individuals that are trying to release stuff. We become impatient because a release doesn't fully work, or we point fingers saying their work is derivative and they've borrowed too much from R2R or someone else. But the fact is, if you've been around for awhile you know that people used to say the same things about PeaceOut and ASSIGN. I'd be a rich man if I had a nickel for every time there was a PeaceOut release and people said 'let's wait for the AIR version'. If that sort of discouragement had happened enough, we might not ever have had an R2R in the first place.

    So maybe let's spend our time worrying more about the new guys, then attempting to analyze the older ones. Because right now I think its far more likely that in a few years one of them will be the new AIR or R2R, than the possibility of realizing the expectation that R2R will come back and just keep going on forever. I'm sure 'forever' was never really in the cards. In fact, if R2R has one real reason to be angry, it would be the expectation of others' that they would never stop what they were doing, for no other reason than that the rest of us just wanted it that way.

    My 2 cents, thanks for reading.
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  13. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    but its true , if you are not a cracker or have much idea about , you would not even notice this .

    and most people do not care and do not care also from who they get the Software or Librarys , because their main point are to get the stuff for free .

    i completly disagree here also , again the new guys or individuals you say or mean , for now most of the time just doing hex compare from previous cracks and try to patch over the same bytes to the new version . they don´t even know if protection has changed and if the old bytes patch would fully working . if those people you say would spend the time on learning how to cracking themselves instead of just simple Hex Compare or analyzing cracks , maybe in a few years as you say
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  14. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    IMHO, there is no real need to speculate about why R2R at the moment do not relase as before. As far as I know they have stated their main reason in one of their .nfo files. (The little snitch release) The reason stated is clearly lack of contributed supplies.

    I see no real reason why anyone would beleive this statement to be false?

    What i think could be fruitful is if we could find a way to make the statement more known to a larger number of members and also let members know about ways to contribute and what might be important to think about when doing so.

    I find nothing strange in that members would want R2R (and other teams) to release as much as possible. To answer ordinary members that once may become great contributers that "you have enough" or "go make music" or even down-vote or redicule them in public is maybe not of any real benefit to anyone.

    If feel like this "facepalmimg" way to answer members who ask why releases are fewer than before is quite common. Partly because some moderators and some long time members has been doing this rather frequently and for quite some time. It seems to encourage also others to answer in the the same way and upvotes for this behaviour is quite common. I actually find it it maybe more rude than for people to ask why there is less software to download now then before, which in my view is a reasonable question. I am totally open for the possibility that I simply lack understanding of what good the "facepalming" behaviour is bringing. In that case I would happily ask to be educated so I can understand the benefits.

    I wonder if we maybe could benefit more from trying to educate members instead of "facepalming" them when they "ask for more" or wonder why R2R changed behaviour? Like maybe post a link to the R2R statement and give some information on how to best contribute, (something i don't believe is common knowledge). If it simply, and why not in a friendly way, was explained to members asking for more what is going on and what they actually could do to help remedy the situation, I think more would contribute and very few actually would scream and shout for more releases.

    Any thought on this?
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2015
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  15. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    ok, i will put a few links into my signature at AudioZ. Thank you
  16. ed-enam

    ed-enam Rock Star

    May 21, 2015
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    R2R have always been my favourite. There is a simple equation: when there is a rise, there is a fall. I can only wish them best if they decide to stop doing what they are doing. They are also humans just like us. I will move on just like them, and let them enjoy the 'once upon a time R2R ruled' memories. This simple equation eases my nerves well in every aspect of life!
  17. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    R2R clearly written they lacked retail installers to do their work on full versions, not demos.
    Take it or leave it.
    On the other side, they NEVER asked for suppliers, until this NFO asking for it. So they got what they asked for years : nothing :dunno:
    One day, may be, they will solve their schizophrenia "we don't need anyone else than us, fukin leechers" vs "we need suppliers, fukin leechers"...
  18. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    its clearly not what was written in the nfo , thats just your own interpretation
  19. The Revenant

    The Revenant Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2015
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    They gave us the "R2R Encryptor" tool for a reason: to provide them retail versions. That's an indisputable fact.
    I've read in many threads (@AZ and here) that A LOT of people have used the tool to provide them retails but... nothing came out of these "shipments" - no cracked release of the provided stuff, not even a reply... NOTHING... except... a short list of goodies which actually remains internal (Google for K-Rock's Audio-Museum).
    Without any answer from R2R to our interrogations (and I'm sure they're aware of them), I come to this simple conclusion:
    1. they're just waiting to receive enough retails before considering a comeback (as they stated clearly in their tool's nfo), or
    2. for a reason or another, they don't give a fuck about us anymore.
    In both cases, I'm perfectly fine :yes: .
    End of story.
  20. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    It is not only a matter of what is written. It is a matter of attitude.

    Read again "R2R Encryptor The Suppliers Tools v1.0.0-R2R" nfo.
    "Now you have a chance to supply to the groups without searching for a way to contact."
    Witch simply mean it was an headache before this tool.

    Now give me a SINGLE nfo asking for suppliers before this one ? Good luck...because there is none at all.
    PS : i'm with @The Revenant. Point 1 or 2 doesn't matter.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2015
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