Team R2R's Message

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by malco, Aug 6, 2012.

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  1. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    thanks :cheers:
  2. databaze

    databaze Member

    Mar 1, 2015
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    No problem, knowledge is power.
  3. Slider

    Slider Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    But to clarify what their policy is, this statement says it all:

    For Free Users:

    Release will be available for users
    when it will be allowed by Team R2R.

    Visit this page later...

    VIP Members

    So this is in line with R2R's own statement that they are alive and well and will release to public when they're good and ready. I can guess as well as you who the VIP's are, maybe they're the "ELITES" everyone is so mad about! :)
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2015
  4. rico888

    rico888 Producer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Sorry for not getting back sooner. I'm more on AudioZ than here, and didn't see this till today.

    You may have misunderstood what I was saying on the post from AudioZ that you've quoted, since it was related to several other comments on that thread. Several people were claiming there was some terrible danger in using the Encryptor Tool. They claimed people sending software to R2R would get in trouble, or alternatively R2R would get in trouble. Some people were claiming you would actually be sending software attached to the encrypted message.

    I was trying to explain that was untrue -- all this tool did was create an encrypted text message, nothing more. There's no attaching software files to it. All you could do was construct a message consisting of a few hundred characters and then post it somewhere.

    My experience with the actual tool was that it worked as it should. It created an encrypted text message that you could post somewhere. However, what happened after that wasn't what was expected. I posted the encrypted message on a different warez site, since my posts had a habit of disappearing over on AudioZ. I included a link in the text message to a file hoster that I had uploaded software to. I later checked the file hoster, but the file was never downloaded. A few other people on AudioZ said they had the same experience -- they gave it a try, but nothing was ever retrieved by R2R or anyone else.

    So, the tool worked. It's what was supposed to happen after where things broke down. I mentioned this to SAiNT in a PM about a week ago. He said he was trying to see if he could contact anyone from R2R to find out why people who posted messages were getting no response. I guess at least so far, he hasn't made contact or gotten any answer from them -- at least not anything he can share with us yet.

    That's all I know. It would be nice if we could better understand what R2R had in mind with this, but so far no one seems to be coming up with solid information.

    Hope that helps.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2015
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  5. dadgad

    dadgad Producer

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Thanks for clarifying. I too got no response after I posted a message using the tool. I hope they respond to SAiNT. All the best!:wink:
  6. The Revenant

    The Revenant Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2015
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    You've nailed it dude.
    IMHO, the best (and only) way for R2R to avoid to request legit soft to the public - and also avoid that anyone will make money from their releases - is to get their own couriers/uploaders. Then they will be able to buy EVERYTHING they want with the money earned from hosting sites.
    But... wait... if they don't agree that people makes money from their releases, why did they allowed guys like Sunny to gain access to their FTP in the first place and for so long?
    Something is fishy in there...
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2015
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  7. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    good point :like:
  8. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    because they also want some good words from the peeps out there, not to mention they hang in the middle between a P2P group and a scene group, they pack and have respect like a scene group, but were not invited to be a scene group? (last is conspiracy).
    also look on the "And middle finger to the people who make money with our effort". thats a typical scene group phrase.

    FTP Access for masses means lots of bandwidth, which is really expensive, thats why people like Horse, Sunny or whatever get access to download and upload it for us, sure they make money that way, but we havnt found a better way right?

    well if there were a way to share it without involving money-making i guess R2R would maybe change their mind?
    BUT do we really need 0-day releases? i mean do you guys even use all the releases you download?!
    i did not, most of my releases i downloaded, just sit on the HDD and collecting dusts.

    there is another hand, i had never discovered plugins like Granite or others without groups releasing a blessed version. its 2 sided sword ...

    back to music making, instead wasting time talking/writing about stuff, we cant change.
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  9. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    guys please don't go into speculations. nothing good will come out of it :sad:
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  10. The Revenant

    The Revenant Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2015
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    Maybe I wasn't clear or precise enough.
    What will be a complete "no money involved" solution and will not require to let the masses have access to their FTP is this:

    R2R elect their own couriers/uploaders - not guys like Sunny and others who keep the money in their pockets, but trusted people (or why not someone from their own team) which are designate to post their releases at AZ and give them the money back so they will be able to buy new software.

    To make it simple: someone from R2R must take the place of our current uploaders. It's a so easy solution that I can't understand why they lost their time into complicated and (maybe) risky methods such as their encryptor.

    I'm sure if they adopt this policy, everybody (or at least a large majority of us) will then download only via the links provided by their "official uploaders" and will even ignore mirror links to show them the highest level of respect, gratitude and... devotion (I'm speaking like EW&F, LOL).
    What you think about that?

    Side note: Of course we have more than enough apps and libs to create until the end of our lives, but that's not the point here. We're talking about R2R, not creativity, right?

    PS: Sorry to seem insistent, SAiNT, but it's not "speculations". It's a simple proposal, and sometimes simple proposals are able to change things...
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2015
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  11. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    I also do not in any way want an inflammatory speculation here. But Revenants clear cut suggestion have been on my mind too and on the face of it seems to be a viable option. Is there a reson anyone can see why it would not work?
  12. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Maybe the problem is not THEM making money, but just OTHERS. Those are not necessarily connected. In other words, maybe the point isn't even "making money" and "who takes it". How are you even sure these courriers you talk about take releases directly from R2R? And, if they do, it is indeed kind of shady. But it doesn't look like R2R is saying "We want teh moneyz!". It looks like "We worked on this for free and it was not meant to be shared and/or made a profit upon".

    Also, a lot of their stuff can be downloaded as demo software for free and be cracked.

    I'd like to believe that their public releases are a benevolent public "service". Asking for supplies is maybe an attempt to make the general public appreciate their work and make it a more "community effort". To me, it looks more like an education issue and not a software access one. More of an awareness thing. "Realise what we do for you and what YOU do and what it means". They can't control every single downloader's or uploader's behavior and/or morals (if they are even relevant for most people for something that virtually does no damage) but they can control who gets the releases in the first place.

    Then again, asking for them in the open is kinda weird. Maybe they're looking for really high-end, expensive/protected stuff. They could have said that though.

    It's a complicated matter. Like saying "Do hosters profit from piracy?". It looks simple at first sight. But then, the money also pays for a service [that people want; for good or bad] (servers, bandwidth, storage, management etc.). So, it's both "yes and no".

    All this for something that was worked on for free. It could be argued for uploaders that "well, they spend hours on it/it's a service and I'm willing to pay for it". So, it's mostly a moral issue and not a material one. Note, the difference on "services" (altruistic, for-money and in-between) although it's the same word.

    The main flaw I find in your suggestion is that then it makes it even more openly more of a "black market (for-profit) service", than simple releases getting "shared" or "leaked". Would SAiNT want to be an even more active part of that? And even if you do this on AudioZ, there are still the dozens of 'VIP' and general money-making sites. Well, none of this really matters to the average downloader, so maybe I'd be best to let the "big heads" make up their minds.

    These are traditional problems. You see where the "internal" mindset is coming from? (It eradicates all these problems or minimises them) And I'd assume that R2R would be smart enough to not download from FTPs or direct linking private sites that could log them.
  13. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    nobody will do this from the Team R2R, because teams are not responsible for uploading it to any external servers.
    it will also put extra heat on the team members.

    so far i know its illegal to put reversed software public, thats why no of the team members are uploaders on cyberlockers.
    the encryptor is really save, nobody is able to decypher the message, its infact better as to user mail adresses. :disco:

    i think it should stay like it is, the situation is fine for me.

    Can people please stop talking about the elite crap, internal means its shared with friends, contributors, our people who are on the same level. its R2Rs works, what they release, they should be able to decide, who will get the hands on it. :wink:

    Always Remember Groups like UNiON or whatever, make not to much releases like R2R did. we are just a bit spoilt. :winker:
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  14. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    First off R2R does not have a FTP and never did. The FTP belongs to AudioP2P and we decide who gets to race releases or not. And R2R is not the only group! Most of the P2P groups are there. All "Sunny" does is race the releases. All the P2P groups on the FTP BESIDES R2R upload their own stuff on AZ anyways. And they should make a few bucks from their shares, after all it's those few bucks that allows them to purchase new stuff for everybody to enjoy. It's a win\win situation IMHO!!But?? If it would make people feel better and stop asking why "Sunny" is allowed to do this or that. I could purge his account, POOF!! Make him go bye bye, trust me, some people would love it if I if did that, But I see no reason to do that. You should be thanking him NOT asking about him.


    I ask that everybody reads the "Scene FAQ" over on AZ, especially the last few paragraphs. Everything is explained there.

    @SAiNT Allowing threads like this opens the door for speculations, just sayin.

    Have a great weekend Everybody!!
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  15. DanteUruzu

    DanteUruzu Kapellmeister

    Mar 3, 2013
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    Hmm... I just saw a post by Mykal but it seems to have disappeared. Odd.

    Edit: Now it's back. Witchcraft!
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2015
  16. The Revenant

    The Revenant Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2015
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    For sure, AricStorm, I understand perfectly the security imperatives and also the "heat on the team members" but...

    - It's also illegal to simply reverse software, even for your own private use;
    - to upload this reversed software, even on a private FTP;
    - and to share this illegal material with someone, even your own brother, directly or via a private FTP.

    So, to speak frankly, in the case they will have to face a court, I strongly doubt that considering they didn't uploaded their stuff on Rapidgator will make the verdict more lenient...

    Well, the situation is fine for me too. And I have absolutely no problem with the "elite" thing. It's 100% normal that anyone is free to share or not his work with the ones he decides.

    Have a nice day all :winker:
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2015
  17. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    thank you for the clarification! I think you should also say that in comments at AudioZ, because some people simply don't know who you are, which is wrong :sad:

    true, but then where would people discuss it? :dunno: there are questions that bother many of our members, the only problem here is that some people jump into conclusions without seeing the full picture first :sad:

    Mykal deleted it, but i've asked him to restore it because i thought it is very informative :yes:
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  18. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    this whole discussion is getting older than my grandpa when he died.
    as some people have said we should be thankful for what we get, not demand it caus we 'deserve' it, we dont deserve shit
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  19. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    agree, we cant change anything, if R2R decided to do so.

    @Mykal thanks for clarification!
    how you want to proof that? its allowed to reverse it, lots of devs are thankful if you report any bugs or other odd stuff. as long as you do not release anything. a reverser is better as any beta tester you can find and get.

    you can reverse stuff under the edu flag and buff its legal again for you only.
  20. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    makes sense, i still remember the rumour that H2O got hired by steinberg caus they kept cracking their protection (on one occasion within a few days after they claimed it was uncrackable)
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