The future of the Internet

Discussion in 'Internet for Musician' started by djkmc, Jan 25, 2012.

  1. djkmc

    djkmc Newbie

    Oct 5, 2011
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    Well, i dont know about anyone else, but i've gone back to torrents. This whole SOPA-PIPA crap has pretty much scared so many file hosting sites, that you cant get anything. Im grateful for what i was able to get, and thankfully burned to dvd, the Apps and plugins I believe to be of the highest quality.I own Reaper and Reason 6, used cracked versions of both and worked my ass off to save enough to purchase them, but still feel having the option to try before buy is important. My idea for helping to solve this problem is to have a site like this open an account with a file host, and only give the password to legit members. Since filesonic now requires you to login to download content, if the account holder uploads and shares the login/password, the files could then be downloaded.

    We are in an age of global connectedness, and as such have more power as people than our Governments would like us to have.
    Its up to us to figure this thing out. Someone has got to take the lead on this. Megaupload got too big and threatened the music industry's cash cow and was taken down like a mob hit.
    But there is always a solution. We need to network together, outside of the system. How that is to be achieved is anyone's guess, but I think the solution lies with us.
    AUDIOZ community..........unless you want the GREEDY GREEDY Music/Motion Picture Industry to control what we get and how we get it, let's come up with some ideas.

    Please chime in, no idea is too far fetched.

  3. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    Amen! I have nothing substantial to bring to the table.

    *I just downloaded DC++ again. More for fun. Haven't used it since 2007. Maybe it's not the best idea, but it goes to show that there are always other (and older) alternatives*
  4. psyfactor

    psyfactor Newbie

    Oct 13, 2011
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    Torrents aren't an option in my opinion, you can be tracked using them and be targeted as an end user far too easily.

    In all my time at audioz, i haven't actually downloaded anything from a file host, i have a usenet account with giganews, and just use audioz to see whats out and have a read, before heading on over to grab it off usenet.
    The best things are it uses the full speed of my connection 24/7, and i can use encryption to keep what i am doing private.
    Stuff doesn't get removed from usenet, and most hosts now have over 1000 days of retention.
    My vote would be for audioz to move to usenet and post the .nzb files instead.

    Just a thought.
  5. smartlad

    smartlad Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Pigeons? :bleh:
  6. Nightwalker

    Nightwalker Kapellmeister

    Jun 15, 2011
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    how this usenet works?you can register to any usenet website like astraweb,Bintube etc etc...
  7. S.T.A.

    S.T.A. Newbie

    Jan 24, 2012
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    A revived version of the Pony Express!!!& for overseas deliveries,a Dolphin instance?
  8. S.T.A.

    S.T.A. Newbie

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Jk mate...I know this issue is dead serious,very fucking depressing(I sure as hell know it is for me),& not at all do I mock the overall depriving situation.IMHO,it's hard to say what to definitely go for at this point,or at least I for one can't think of much as of now but to wait out a bit more to see what will TRULY finally be once & for all of most host services(or at least the ones who are seemingly chickening out),& then & only then once revealing our affirmative certain options,well act upon a specific dynamic.There's still many hosts out there who are functioning,although with less speed,crappy waiting time periods,& all sorts of shits the big boys didn't have as major detracting & nuisant factors at play when downloading.But while this to a degree(quite minor to be honest)provides comfort & inspires hope,it still doesn't mean they're & will be the only choice left to resign with when all the cards have been laid out.I insist on waiting a bit more til the air clears furthermore,before the foot can come down with a closing thump.Any who,just my 2 cents.Have a great day bro.
  9. yopyopz

    yopyopz Newbie

    Dec 30, 2011
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    And what about of file sharing Pando ?
  10. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    hmm i do torrenting on a private audio stuff tracker - i did this parallel to audioz.
    sometimes when the file was to big i waited for a few days and could download it from the torrent tracker with full speed ;) 1,5-1,9 MB/s :) i do this since 2007 now ... and yh feels fine ...
    but yh atm it feels like everybody is waiting for what to came as next ...
    last assign release one week ago - wow :S
    hmm glad air is still there ...

    for me is usenext not an option 'cos i cant download 24/7 cos i have a traffic limit at my flat 6GB per week :/
    but i have also access to a public internet connection but not at home ... so yh ill go out use that ocnnection form time to time ...

    i really hope these file hoster come back on other non EU and non US server places ...
  11. dubhead

    dubhead Newbie

    Dec 4, 2011
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    Back to the good old Hotline Days..... :mates:
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