Change of staff, Releases and some other explanations

Discussion in 'Forum News and Updates' started by SAiNT, Oct 3, 2015.

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  1. kingchubby

    kingchubby Rock Star

    Oct 14, 2011
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    Good point.
  2. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    The Underground
    This thread would calm down if Rico888 would just quit responding to every comment. can you do that? are you the better man? or are you like every one you shout down to? just curious. because no more needs to be said by you your points are crystal clear. so let it rest.... you do not need to repsond, just an observation after reading this entire thread of 279 posts.
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  3. smoothripple

    smoothripple Kapellmeister

    Dec 9, 2013
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    Northen Continental Divide, N. America
    I am amazed at myself! I haven't shaved for 3 days. I missed a doctor's appointment yesterday. I can't seem to stop reading this thread! I have consumed a LOT of Vodka & kind herb. I have eaten NO vegetables! My kitchen sink is full of dirty dishes! I have been sitting at this computer so long MY BUTT HURTS!

    I am going to go to Reading Endless Threads Anonymous [RETA] as soon as I can bring myself to shower & shave. [I am starting to smell myself] I need to get off the treadmill of Thread Addiction!

    Problem is... I agree with almost everyone who has posted. I see the merit in almost everyone's position. I also see the need to vent & then heal. But although I see a LOT of venting I see no healing.

    Oh well... I know it is coming, like the sun after a long period of dismal rain. And when it comes I will finally get some sleep.

    Till then... More Vodka & kind herb!
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  4. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    I think you are completely wrong to give Rico the major blame for the infected feelings that Cats demotion has brought out in the open in this thread. Rico spoke quite verbaly about his view about what has been going on with Cat and his elite squad of friends. Since then he has systematically been furiously and cowardly attacked by people that seems to feel personally insulted by Catalyst demotion. When people keep insulting him and call him names of course he has the right to defend himself. To first be attacked for speaking his meaning about the quite astonishing things that has been going on here and then be the one to be told to be quiet. That is not really fair in my book.

    There are some people here in this thread that do not agree with Saints decision to demote Cat in spite of what he did. They are now on Ricos throat trying to rip him apart for being vocally for the demotion. I think it is Ricos right to express his feelings about what has happened without being systematically attacked in bullying ways. If they do not agree with Cat being demoted they should blame Saint. But they are obviously more interested in cowardly attacking a single member. Well, I also have gotten my share of blunt attacks for speaking my point about what is going on, and I now get ready for a new wave of attacks for having the guts to point out bullying where it is to be seen. If These bullying people would stop to personally insult and attack Rico over and over again, he would not have to defend himself over and over. So, if you want the infected situation defused you would be much better off talking back to those people that cant get over Cats demotion and keep on attacking other members for their view on the subject.

    I mean come on just look at the mob mentality going on above, it is really dirty and it is this mob of people that ought to be dealt with so that things can calm down and Saints decision fully respected.

    * Bringing out shield *
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  5. databaze

    databaze Member

    Mar 1, 2015
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    People, people, please calm down!

    It is just a forum, it is just warez, relax, please, I know for some this is their life line and stuff, but if you get this worked up about something on the internet, then you have to take a step back and realize it is not worth it.

    I am not sure what went on, who did what to whom or if R2R is going internal because of what, Catalyst, Copylefter Hexwars, etc, etc, but really? You need to be so vicious to each other?

    I get teams & sides, and whatever else you can bring up as to "but but...THIS" to excuse this mayhem, but I repeat, there should be nothing that makes you be this aggressive.

    Really, and I say this with as much respect as I can, considering this is the internet and not RL, there is too much drama that should not exist in a place like this or audioz period.

    Maybe some of you need to take a few steps back and rethink why you feel this way, and maybe, you will come to the conclusion that there is no need for so much anger.

    I hope everything works out, but this kind of drama is unnecessary.

    Best to all
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  6. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    @z3r0: Sorry to butt in, man. The line, "To sleep, perchance to dream; aye, there's the rub", from Hamlet's soliloquy in the Nunnery scene, is believed by many to contain an acceptable usage of the term "there's".

    Too late to have a go at William Shakespeare, though. The old bugger kicked the bucket years ago. Come to think of it, I don't think the Bard of Avon ever anticipated the animated gif from sideshowbob. But that's a different story. :)

    edit: changed z3ro to z3r0
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2015
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  7. Menorah

    Menorah Producer

    Sep 21, 2013
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  8. rico888

    rico888 Producer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Thanks. I knew there were at least a couple of sane people around here.

    Anyway, not to worry. Really doesn't bother me. I know their gripe, but also know who had the last laugh. And that's what counts. At some point they'll decide to put the time into their musical aspirations instead of bothering other people. I'm getting lots of session work right now. They're wasting time on a warez forum protesting a guy that got fired who couldn't even tell the truth about whether or not he was a musician.

    See ya around!
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  9. rico888

    rico888 Producer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    I more or less get your point. But it would be more meaningful were you to show enough balance to call out some of those here that offer nothing constructive; just insults, bullying and harassment. Were you to have done so, your motivation would appear more credible.
  10. [​IMG]

    Are we there yet?
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  11. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    yeah... maybe... this one is about bagged and tagged...

    finito.jpeg ....... ?
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  12. sideshowbob

    sideshowbob Producer

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Brave New World
    No not yet ....

    Morning rico888,
    my work starts around noon, so .... just kidding
    Let say this loud and clear in the first:
    I do not intend to offend you! What I think is: you are still very offended.
    Nobody following this thread is missing your point.
    If you are the sane and upright guy you believe you are, then why don`t you tell us a little more substantial stuff.
    More like an objective listing, without conclusions, an anamnesis.
    What exactly is it that happened between you and Catalyst?
    When & where did you meet first, for what purpose, what were you talking about & how?

    I repeat: No offense intended! I`d love to know whats going on and I mean really going on, not what people believe has been done.
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  13. Of, we would be finished with all this Fudsey, that is...if you brought along your 27b/6? Didn't think so. Bloody paperwork, I quess we'll just have to wait on that!
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  14. lerkjurk

    lerkjurk Platinum Record

    May 22, 2014
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    Behind you
    “I am poor and naked, but I am the chief of the nation. We do not want riches but we do want to train our children right. Riches would do us no good. We could not take them with us to the other world. We do not want riches. We want peace and love.” - Red Cloud


    To the ppl who are leaving the community, im very disappointed, after what greatness you have shared with us, to belittle us all with leaving now in our time of need, truely disappointing.

    To those who only seek to fight, your personal goal, it destroys that with which you have used as a flag to fight for.

    Last, do not forget the past. A history of good, should not be overshadowed by present events. Whether the Owner, the Moderator, the release Group. They did much good, the most recent events should not hold absoulute weight over all other.

    Do not become that which you hate my friends.
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  15. The root of this problem is that some months ago R2R announced a new release schedule, because they were getting too little support, in the way of fresh supplies.

    Catalyst, as a moderator, rightly or wrongly, additionally construed this to mean that inconsiderate user interactions on AudioZ were further worsening the problem with R2R. This has never been confirmed by R2R and would be a novel position for a team to take.

    Catalyst began a campaign of overly ‘strict’ moderating of apparently offensive posts, in which he was supported by like-minded individuals who also did not want the flow of warez to dry up, because of supposed forum behaviours. He also began badmouthing SAiNT’s decisions on the AS IRC, and verbalizing the opinion that AudioZ should become private.

    This change in forum moderation was a mistake and will have no outcome on the output from R2R.

    People got bruised on both sides of the fence, but the madness had to stop because of the damage being done to the community as a whole. This thread is emotional triage, and must be allowed to burn itself out. Other people's scabs are never as interesting as one's own, I suppose.
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  16. z3r0

    z3r0 Ultrasonic

    Oct 29, 2012
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    Good point. However, we don't speaketh that way any moreth :).
  17. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    I really hate to breathe any more life into this thread but...

    Respectfully, you're mistaken. If you care enough (not that you should), go back to page 2-3 and read my first two responses. If I were upset about Cat's demotion, why would I not be upset with SAiNT? I think you are so strongly in favor of Cat's demotion that you'll support anybody who is a vocal supporter. This would be you projecting your own feelings when you repeatedly say that people are arguing with rico because they're mad about Cat's demotion. People are arguing with rico because he takes potshots at people and then cries foul when they retaliate.

    I apologized to him once in the AZ thread sincerely right after SAiNT issued his announcement. Then I apologized insincerely in this thread because I thought if he felt like he won he'd stfu. You call me a bully. What then would you say of someone who keeps attacking a person who has stopped fighting back?

    @z3r0 the ignore function is a wonderful thing. Seriously just try it. You can almost hear the rational part of your brain going "ahhhhhh"
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  18. You big LIAR!!!!!!! "Potshots at people" ?????????? I see you number 1 thread you talk. You curse him and you starts in wit nasties. You treat special nice nice by Catalist, you just wants nice nice to keep going on. That only part that really make you mad. SElfishness!! You says you stop fighting, but nows you just lie more and haves Z3rO does it for you. Whos you kid with liar man?

    I says before sorry english. wife work now but she home and help with english sometime. This just me. trying to does better.
  19. you big idiotic. no no what you talk about. Rico emails me song so helps me learn much. it stop and start and when stop hear peoples talk of change to do and then starts one more time. I hear complete song wit not stops on radio just last year. I remeber voices when musics stop from TV show interveew. It that blond Gaga lady. No really likes her for me, but yes she big deel. You didnt no what you talks about. You just in this place for troubles. That all you are. You BAD BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    sorry english. wife work now but she home and help with english sometime. This just me. trying to does better.
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