Change of staff, Releases and some other explanations

Discussion in 'Forum News and Updates' started by SAiNT, Oct 3, 2015.

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  1. rico888

    rico888 Producer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    I respect your opinion.

    However, I was around some of the threads where Cat's friends got pushy about all of this. It was clear a good deal of misinformation and nastiness was getting spread around. SAiNT has an obligation to preserve his website, and when people go on the attack in ways that might damage the site or its reputation, this is what you get. I think SAiNT was sincere in wanting to be sure that people were as clear as possible about why he was doing what he did. I can't speak for anyone else, but I never got the feeling SAiNT was deliberately trying to push a vendetta. I think he sincerely believed the situation needed explanation so that everyone could understand what happened. And as I pointed out earlier, since this was apparently an ongoing problem between the 2 of them, Cat could have walked away gracefully before things got to this point. That was Cat's decision not to do so.

    As far as I know Cat still has access to these sites. If he feels SAiNT was being untruthful about what went on, he can still come by and say his side of the story if that's what he wants to do. Personally, I think it would be better for everyone if it was all dropped at this point, but there certainly seem to be a small group of people that persist in being angry about what's gone on. I'm not one of them, but everyone's entitled to their opinion.

    EDIT: You added a few lines after I had posted this----

    1. I had no awareness of what your relationship was with Catalyst, one way or the other.

    2. No offense, but I think his faults may have gone beyond 'not suffering fools gladly'.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2015
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  2. ehrwaldt kunzlich

    ehrwaldt kunzlich Rock Star

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Utop, IA
    as if that wouldn't have sparked a similar shitstorm... probably filled with even more speculations and wild accusations.
  3. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    perhaps Saint should have put his accusations to Cat first and requested he publically resigned? before making this post?
  4. rico888

    rico888 Producer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Thoughts of that probably went out the door when Cat's friends told SAiNT he'd never get any releases here again and threatened ddos attacks. When one side plays like that, this is how the other side reacts. Not saying its right, not saying its wrong. But when some people push hard enough, guarantied somebody will wind up pushing back.
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  5. BumBcL0t

    BumBcL0t Producer

    Oct 14, 2014
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    Do you seriously think Cat would have agreed to do that? :deep_facepalm:
  6. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    You go toe to toe with the man, this is what happens... exactly...

    I personally don't fault SAiNT for putting this in public, since people love to come up with conpiracy theories , and alternate
    universes of reasons, here it all is to be seen and judged by everyone, reality is many times ugly ...

    If you think this is ugly, let me remind you of all the people who were on the receiving
    end of Cat's ugliness instead of his Cake and cookies !

    sunlight is the best disinfectant
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 7, 2015
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  7. rico888

    rico888 Producer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Hey!!! haven't seen you around in a few days. Hope all is well. I continue to fight the good fight on this side of the fence now. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
  8. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    maybe, maybe not, but surely he should have been offered the choice? what would you choose if you were in the same position?

    lol, all popular sites get ddos attacks (including AZ/AS), probably almost on a daily basis, whether they are announced or not, AZ/AS are sent through proxies to limit those attacks anyway
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2015
  9. rico888

    rico888 Producer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    What could it possibly matter at this point? This is how it worked out. Best to accept it. You always have a choice to move on or move out. Either way, nothing is going to change what happened.

    Whether or not ddos attacks are common with websites isn't the point. When you make threats to the owner of any business, its inevitable that the owner is going to quickly lead you to the door.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2015
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  10. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    no probs, but I have no intention of moving out, but this fallout will take a long time for many members to come to terms with, and sadly some members have decided to leave that had no part in this to start with
  11. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    reminding you he is still a resident...and can start a topic here..should he choose to do so... correct or not ?

    If it were an offensive screed, then SAiNT or mods would have the option to edit or reject it...

    fact is , he has been demoted.. not banished
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  12. rico888

    rico888 Producer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Well, if they do leave then they're just not recognizing that SAiNT is trying to make it a better place, not something worse. And if people start deciding whether to stay or go based on this sort of thing, it highlights that Catalyst had a knack for being a polarizing figure--- which would further highlight why it may have been wise for SAiNT to do what he did.
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  13. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Saint will always do what he wants, he has done it before and he will do it again, I suggest you look way back into the archives of AS/AZ for reference

  14. rico888

    rico888 Producer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    You're a funny guy. Your explanation of things is so obtuse that I can't even bring myself to tear it apart point by point. It would be child's play.

    So I'll leave it at this: On post # 188 of this thread (from just yesterday) you have a guy (presumably someone from your crowd) who again wants to throw the word "prick" at me to be abusive and get on my nerves. I further presume that poster is already well aware of our dispute over your use of that word, and that his/her use of that particular insult is probably no coincidence.

    I then look at the "vote" list on that post #188, and who's gone ahead and up-voted it??? Let's guess..... YOU CAV EMP!!!

    It's pretty fair to say that if you were actually apologetic about anything, either now or even earlier on that Little Snitch thread on AudioZ, you wouldn't have up-voted Post # 188 just yesterday. Therefore any apology of yours is a meaningless bunch of crap you come up with when more and more people start weighing in about your abusiveness. It's as meaningless as the rest of the drivel you now offer to explain yourself. Nor do I believe what you wrote on the Little Snitch thread even consisted of an apology, to begin with. At least not one that any adult that was actually sorry about something would have offered.

    For the fourth time now, please stay away. I don't know how to make it any clearer to you.

    P.S. Oh, and don't bother changing your vote now on Post # 188 so you can make up some more stories. I've already done a screen cap of it to keep you honest -- a difficult task indeed!
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2015
  15. Feridan

    Feridan Newbie

    Oct 6, 2012
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    That is not what I meant, I read the first post Xupito. I'm interested in motivation here, psychology, inner workings, mechanics, that sort of stuff, but I suppose only Catalysz could answer those questions. Perhaps he will eventually.
  16. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    makes me really wonder why you have making this statement in the first place after this reply

    makes me also wonder why you say false when you are not affliated with R2R and don´t even knows the truth by yourselves
  17. sideshowbob

    sideshowbob Producer

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Brave New World
    Dear Audiosexers,

    I would like to share a point of view with you. It has become a long and exhausting read and I won`t bother you with right & wrong.
    Neither will I claim it to be complete nor linear, rather an invitation to consider a different approach, that`s all. Please, bear with me.

    The communities of AZ/AS have suffered severe damage, many members have been mistreated and abused, the spirit of a free and open place to come for everybody has been violated drastically. Thousands of members haven`t got a clue what, how and why exactly happened, suddenly standing in the open without the constant flow of incredible releases by R2R
    and countless destructive discussions they never even wanted to know about, just making their days bad if they would follow it.
    Another, rather small amount of members, those of us that saw this coming (& warned not to go down the alley of privacy/elite),
    also couldn`t find a place in this conversation, yet. And , of course, all the people that would love to participate in the forums, but are maybe to shy, afraid or humble to feel welcome.

    Now we find ourselves in separation. By persons, actions, thoughts and feelings.
    Isn`t it a vital part of the great AZ/AS vibe to come together and share, not just things, who and what you are as well?
    A little sanctuary in a world dominated of violence, exploitation & profit by any means, potentially at least.

    Each one of us has encountered pain in life, as a matter of fact I know of members suffering chronic diseases, there isn`t a single human being that doesn`t know what it means to be hurt and how relentless the teacher called pain is.
    Feelings about an injury need to be expressed non-destructive in order to not disturb the healing process and make recovery possible, keep the scares small & smooth.

    I ask you politely to get back to a conversational culture, to stop justifying, accusing, blaming & insulting. Everything that consolidates or creates more separation, just stop it, please.
    Let us express in a way that`s healthy for oneself and the group, give those not directly involved/concerned a chance to understand and feel to be part of it.
    Say what you got to say, no matter what`s your background or if you are an active or rather silent member, but say it in a way that allows the community to move on as one.

    We won`t achieve anything constructive by speculating about it. Only the flare keeps going or, in the best case, a vacuum that leaves us with an empty feeling.
    For clarity we need to here the guys so many wish to be gone, how else could we get the full picture?

    I`d love to know what`s really going on, but I don`t expect answers, it might be even more destructive.
    Therefore my thought to accept that we don`t know for sure every detail, maybe never will and move on. As disasterous as it appears, therein lays chance for something truly new and better.
    Everything a start requires is to stop talking "about" it, instead talking for real.

    I want AZ to remain the best site, so f**** attractive that the scene/teams just want to see their labour released here. Because it`s the greatest crowd out there, showing their respect and appreciation by actions not words ...
    Then the time for "Audiosex Revolutions" will come ...
    Don`t you really want that?

    If we leave this to Saint alone, AZ/AS is going to get some real ugly scars. He has to get back to a hundred of different opinions and at the same time dealing with additional spam/attacks.
    The overall climate in the forums is in our hands, let`s take charge of it.
    We have more in common than what divides/separates us, not only as audio lovers.
    Stay tuned.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2015
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  18. BumBcL0t

    BumBcL0t Producer

    Oct 14, 2014
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    and that is how it should be. It is his site!
    You have spoken previously about SAiNT 'belittling' Catalyst. Catalyst did this to members on a daily basis, browse through his comments on AudioZ and you will see. SAiNT will do what he wants because he believes it's in his best interests for his site. Anyone else would do the same.


    This will all settle down in no time at all. Make music, rebuild.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2015
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  19. rico888

    rico888 Producer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    It's kind of hard to find you all that credible when just yesterday you put up a post cursing out one of your 'fellow' members, and trying to insult them. Now today you come here singing your personal version of "We Are The World".

    With those sort of mood swings, why should anyone believe anything you say?
  20. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    why should anyone believe in anything you say rico888 ?

    btw: i do not care about downrating , those dislike / like / agree buttons means nothing , the above post was related to SAiNT his own words
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