Change of staff, Releases and some other explanations

Discussion in 'Forum News and Updates' started by SAiNT, Oct 3, 2015.

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  1. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Actually I did. Go back and read the Little Snitch thread. If you'd been aware of it, I'm not convinced it would have made much of a difference in your behavior. It's only easier to punch a man after he puts his hands down.

    Problem is, I don't do the victim role, not even for its histrionic/theatrical value. I'll be the unrepentant prick before I pretend you hurt my feelings to gain the sympathy of the groupthinkers. Whining that someone was mean to you to garner support is something women do. Ask your echo chamber of supporters; they'll be happy to tell you what an awful bully I am :)

    I don't remember that, but if that's true it's likely because you were being equally abusive. Although I guess we're currently all pretending that only friends of Catalyst say insulting things because they're wrong!

    Yes. This.

    I'm disappointed. I thought I was done responding in this thread. I was happy to just get a cheap laugh and be out, but I couldn't stomach your moral high ground. I know full well that even if your comment is conciliatory, it will be underhanded to try and provoke an argumentative response. That's okay. I doubt it will work. Be easy.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2015
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  2. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Hey man. Nice to see you.
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  3. what abouts maturity level of you on audioz? you vote up everything of peoples who attack, attack!! okay for you but no goods for me? You unusual when it comes to figuring whats fairness. you ask for problems + thats whats you gets. You kinda creepy :dont: Better said in my real language: găozar scroafă !

    good life to you ~
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 7, 2015
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  4. why you writes to him when he no writes to you? he say go away. what wrong wit you? you like Catalist. you thinks everything abouts you. go away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! find next ones to bother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! go away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  5. ehrwaldt kunzlich

    ehrwaldt kunzlich Rock Star

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Utop, IA
    really? that's the route you wanna go now?
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  6. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Of course it can at this point, there's a fine line, you aren't above them either, so you are acting superior talking like that with that tone and everything, taking their role, now they are other side of coin that went down, it's relative really, one day they are putting you down, next day you are not sacrificing moment to put them down in return, it's like kicking someone on the ground at this point who was kicked by everyone and defeated.

    Because you are slowly doing what they are doing, it's easy to get carried away, you even gave me dumb, talking about approaching this with respect, suddenly there's another clique that is dealing with another one, advising each other how they should go about it...

    As I already said, you did carried away, it's easy to fall in righteous trap

    No, I'm not saying that, I said what I actually said

    It's not condescending smiley, it's shaking head in gesture of confirmation, I do that actually in real world too, when talking to people, but as you already gave me dumb as someone who is ready to actually deal with everything with care and equality, taking into account other persons taughts and feelings, I feel that was act of superiority too, so you don't agree with it, so I'm dumb because of it, there's disagree and dislike option too, we actually did something better than just gave a rating, we talked/expanded about it, but no worries, I didn't expected this, but I'm glad it happened, I see your true colors shining trough.
  7. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Actually... screw it. Open apology to everyone. Even rico. The guy's views and characterizations, especially of my actions (pre-this thread) seem ridiculous to me to the point of inspiring... well, ridicule. And I don't agree with the idea that I should allow someone to just slander me until the end of time because "wtf man chill". But this went on too long. At least half of that is my fault.

    I took the approach that, since I'd already extended an olive branch and it seemed to me he was still badmouthing me in almost every post, I would just be openly antagonistic. I get why that rubs many of you the wrong way. The (usual/former) gentlemanly atmosphere of this place is nice, but there are a lot of ways to conceal an attack in so-called civilized conversation. I don't agree that you deserve extra credit for doing so. IMO if you're gonna fight, then just fight and ditch the circuitous route. But yes, it's abrasive, even to the people just observing.

    Take care y'all.

    I'll work on that. :hahaha:

    Addendum: rico, you and I are totally opposite ends of the spectrum, but I don't think you've ever actually deliberately trolled me. You believe the stuff you said. Maybe the disrespect was undeserved. I'll reexamine both of our behavior a little later when this has some time to settle.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2015
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  8. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Well, you are far from being a victim here. You (and some of your friends) are systematically bullying people you do not agree with. Over and over and over again. There seems to be no end to it. I think it has been allowed to go on for far to long without anyone daring to say something in fear of being retaliated. This seems to be the right thread and time to expose your behaviour without the risk of disrupting other conversations. I'm afraid Saint was not only wrong about Catalyst in his trust. I think he is seriously wrong about you too and that he should take another hard look on how you (and some of your friends) speak to members that you feel you are superior to.

    Seriously? Just no. This is abuse and bullying on so many levels I have trouble counting them.
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  9. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Yeah, I get it. See above.
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  10. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Please. Your behaviour is not isolated to this or a couple of threads, you make a lot of people feel not welcome here.
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  11. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    :dunno: i tried.
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  12. Feridan

    Feridan Newbie

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Now, that is what I would like to know as well. What mechanism is at work here? I have no beef with Catalyst, I know he'd liked the music I had posted in some of the video threads, and our dealings with each other were always friendly, but then it is well over a year that I talked to him via PMs here and I didn't pay much attention to the AS board either. So I'm kind of curious about what happened in the meantime.
  13. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Another "manteinance cleaning"?

    It's explained in the first post
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2015
  14. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    but, was all this circus necessary, because of a demotion of a moderator ???

    - He haven`t posted in this thread to defend himself of any false accusations, so I assume he does not care or everything is true. why should anyone else care ?!?

    - If You are a friend of him, You are free to continue to be..
    - If not, well, than justice has been done for You

    Carry on :chilling:
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  15. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Cat does care and I am sure he will respond, but in his own time, that's if Saint will let him?
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  16. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    I see... but anyway, I really don`t see the need for such a drama.

    Let them (Catalyst and SAiNT) solve that between them.
    Such a thread is of no good for the forum, nor for Catalyst as I see it.

    I personally have had no problems with cat, but I barely know the man... we chatted for a few days, and I saw that he was always polite and always ready to help anyone who asked for help; so this comes as a big surprise to me ?!?

    Anyway, please guys, stop that shit, it casts really a bad image on the forum and on the man.
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  17. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    unfortunately sorting it out privately can no longer happen as Saint posted this thread publically, he has totally "belittled" Cat, something that apparently is frowned upon on this forum?
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  18. rico888

    rico888 Producer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    That doesn't seem very consistent with what SAiNT had to say in the original post. SAiNT explained that these problems between them were going on for months. I've not heard any of Cat's friends here dispute that fact.

    SAiNT also explained there was a difference of opinion between them regarding the direction the site would take in the future. I could see that with my own eyes here, and so I wouldn't think there's any dispute about that, either. Instead of going along with the wishes of the person that owns the place, Catalyst continued publicly pushing his own agenda, placing the person he worked for into a difficult position. Any time you persist in butting heads with the person you work for, you have to expect that things may not end well. And they didn't.

    It also certainly didn't help matters that several people here that are known to be close to Catalyst proceeded to get argumentative and even threatening with SAiNT over what was going on between the two of them. Push enough, and you have to expect someone will push back. And so it went.

    Since Catalyst apparently knew for months there was a problem, he had the option to leave gracefully or get with the program. Instead he pushed in a way that would predictably lead to a confrontation. Given all that, how the heck do you think this was going to work out?
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  19. rico888

    rico888 Producer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    SAiNT didn't ban him. Cat's a "Resident" at Z, and still has an account here. Cat can come and go as he chooses. Be interesting to see how that would work when no one has to listen to what he says any more, but that's a different story altogether. If I were Cat, I wouldn't be venturing back over here after all of this, but clearly Cat and I never saw very much eye to eye, so perhaps he feels differently about it.
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  20. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    edit (your previous response, you got ahead of me)

    not publically, I'm sure Saint will have had conversations between himself and Cat beforehand, however, Saint should not have posted this for the whole world to see, if he wanted rid of Cat, he could have simply flicked the kill / delete account switch, end of. This should not have been aired in the open, a simple statement that moderators were changing and thats it, that is the only issue I have (and many others), about how it was done, not why, I am not interested in the why, Saint can choose whoever he wants, but to publically berate and "belittle" a former associate in public is totally out of order.

    and for your info I am not a close friend of Catalyst, I don't think I have had a conversation with him, public or private for nearly 12 months

    I class myself only as an acquaintance, who spent time together on a forum that is suppose to offer help support and friendship to others

    perhaps Cat's only downfall was that he didn't suffer fools gladly?
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2015
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