[Win7] Problems with Alchemy VST 1.25 (ASSiGN)

Discussion in 'Software' started by afroherbalist, Apr 5, 2015.

  1. afroherbalist

    afroherbalist Newbie

    Apr 5, 2015
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    The smokiest production chamber!
    Hi, its my first post here, I'm pretty sure I'm not breaking any rules talking about this. I know you can't request or share warez, but I didn't see anything about discussing them, so here goes!

    I've recently upgraded my old XP 32bit installation to Win7 64bit, luckily without having to buy any new hardware! Anyway I'm still in the process of reinstalling all my VST's and its taking ages lol, but one thing that has me really worried is that I'm now running into some REAL problems with my copy of Alchemy (the latest 12 in 1 release from Team ASSiGN). Basically, every time I try to save a patch, everything gets erased and reset to a blank Sawtooth wave and the filename defaults to "Demo Expired". The same happens if I play around with too many parameters (I LOVE synth tweaking to death so this sucks...), EG, say I assign OSC-1 pitch to an Env with everything zero'd except a few milisecs of decay to give my sub-bass a bit more pop/punch, then I tweak this, and then that, suddenly I realise the whole patch I've been working on magically resets to nothing! Nightmare!!!

    I honestly can't imagine what would be causing this, because I've been an AVID user of Alchemy (the same Assign release, and previously a different one) for years! I've made hundreds of tracks, many of which (practically all the ones from the last 3 years) use Alchemy extensively and I've never had a single problem with the Assign version. This is my favourite VST synth by far, one because it sounds & feels so great to work with, and two because its not a major CPU hog and its fairly compact, so its a real heart-breaker that I suddenly can't make sounds with it anymore. I've made so many custom presets over the years and I want to make more, but some random curse has stopped me in my tracks (pun not intended lol)!

    If it matters, I'm using Ableton 9.1.7 32bit (Helg420 release), previously Ableton 8.2.2, I'm now on Win7 64bit.

    If I'm missing any important details, please let me know! I was thinking about contacting Team Assign directly, but they're probably too busy working the scene to help out random people! I'll still drop them a line though, it can't hurt to try!

    Thanks for reading!
  3. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    You interpreted the rules correctly and I appreciate you taking them seriously because you wouldn't believe how many members have never even read them. You can't request or share warez but anything else goes. :wink:

    Welcome to the forums mate, you'll love it here. Especially when we unleash the upgraded site that we're currently hard at work on. Then you'll see a magic show so stay tuned because it's about to get really sexy. [​IMG]
  4. afroherbalist

    afroherbalist Newbie

    Apr 5, 2015
    Likes Received:
    The smokiest production chamber!
    Haha thanks, I just wanted to make sure! I like it when things get sexy!

    Anyway... I got in touch with ASSiGN through their public e-mail on their NFO's, but still no reply, I guess it was to be expected though. Alchemy, my most faithful synth, always been there for me when I need to get an idea down, now it just ups and leaves me high & dry...

    There HAS to be an explanation. I haven't felt so at home and fluid with a synth since my days of Reason so many years ago. Everything felt so intuitive, adaptive and encouraging, whereas other synths can seem amazing at first glance and have some beautiful sounds (EG Absynth 5 & Replicant as examples I can remember), but when it comes to crafting your own patches, you start feeling constricted, almost as if the synth wasn't aimed at people who want to create sounds with everything at their finger-tips! One of the only things I didn't like about Alchemy was that there was no 1-key chord memory, but that was a tiny gripe, I'm fine with playing the actual chords, sometimes its just fun to play with a sound in chord mem mode for that real oldskool Jungle/House/Hip-Hop/Garage sound! But I'm just waffling...

    Maybe I've just grown too comfortable with Alchemy. I use a lot of other synths too, but I'm yet to find one that 'does it' for me like my one love!

    I've searched the net for days, but found nothing...
  5. afroherbalist

    afroherbalist Newbie

    Apr 5, 2015
    Likes Received:
    The smokiest production chamber!
    Hey its been a few months but I'm finally set up again to make tunes. I've reinstalled most of the VST's and restored my lucky last minute backups, but this one, HUGE problem still remains: I STILL can't make (or even EDIT) & save patches for my favourite VST of all time, Alchemy and its grinding my gears so much man. I've tried to find other good synths since then; ones which have all the capabilities and familiar features of Alchemy, but nothing seems to be able to compare so far... I've always used a good few other VST's in conjunction with Alchemy, such as Blue, Predator, Albino and more, but again, none of those synths are good enough to actually 'replace' Alchemy. They're a lot more basic, so I only use them for simple sounds such as basslines and simple melodic stuff, rather than deep, rich pads or chords.

    I don't want to replace Alchemy with some ridiculously huge, overbloated synth either which takes up half a hard-drive. That was another reason I loved Alchemy, it was so powerful and so sweet sounding, yet it was less than 300mb IIRC, whereas other VST's can go beyond 5 gigs and probably not even sound as good! I think literally the ONLY major gripe I had with Alchemy is that theres no 'chord memory' which is a feature I love to mess around with. Its great for Jungle, house & UKG producers.

    There MUST be someone out there who's gone through this same crap as me! I really need some help on this...

  6. spectre

    spectre Newbie

    Oct 7, 2015
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    Hey afroherbalist - did you ever resolve this ? - i'm running the same kit and have the exact same problem as you ("Demo Expired" as soon as I start tweeking or attempt a save). Cheers !
  7. eskimoz

    eskimoz Member

    Nov 21, 2012
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    if i remenber this release from assign it was ben up a fix.. do you guys used that fix or not?
  8. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Make the changes you wish to the preset and save it. (to something like a user folder)

    To recapture the preset do NOT use the drop down folder on the left. the one in the middle which you created the user folder in will be here, simply select your preset you saved earlier.

    Cancel that. My apologies, the preset although saved, didn't save the correct settings.
  9. spectre

    spectre Newbie

    Oct 7, 2015
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    It seems to be pot luck for me - sometimes it will save (with settings), other times not and I need to drop the plugin and re-open. As for version - team assign 1-25-0
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